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Background : Is maxillary diastema an appropriate site for implantation in rats? [2]

Background : Is maxillary diastema an appropriate site for implantation in rats? [2]

author: Gang Yue, Husham Edani, Andrew Sullivan, Shuying Jiang, Hamed Kazerani, Mohammad Ali Saghiri | publisher: drg. Andreas Tjandra, Sp. Perio, FISID

To create a clinically compatible rat model for implantation, we have done a comprehensive literature review of rat dental implant models. Implants placed out of oral cavity such as the femur [9,10,11] and the tibia [12, 13], or not on the ridge of alveolar bone, i.e., the ramus of mandibular [14] is not considered in the present experiment because these implantations are not clinically comparable. Freire and coworkers presented their work [15]. Briefly, the authors placed titanium tenting screw at maxillary medial suture and maxillary diastema mesial to the first molar. Promising results were obtained. An average 50.5% peri-implant osseointegration was observed in the implants placed at maxillary diastema of normal control which are significantly (P < 0.05) higher than peri-implant osseointegration (29.6%) in rats with experimental induced peri-implantitis [15]. Upon the reported 50.5% peri-implant osseointegration in normal control implants [15], we arrived at our hypothesis that implantation at maxillary diastema in rats could provide a high level osseointegration that consequently may allow to have a ligature induced peri-implantitis. Ligature induction is a commonly used method in induction of periodontitis in murine models [16, 17]. Ligature induced peri-implantitis will be more comparable than that of the pre-coating method reported by Freire and coworkers [15] due to the former is to induce inflammation after osseointegration of implant, but the latter is using a bacterial contaminated to induce inflammation at the time of implantation that will not be the case in regular clinical practice though as an experimental model, it still has its value to provide information of inflammation around an implant. Therefore, we designed our procedure to place implant at maxillary diastema and then induce peri-implantitis after its osseointegration (Fig. 1).

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