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Conclusion : Is maxillary diastema an appropriate site for implantation in rats?

Conclusion : Is maxillary diastema an appropriate site for implantation in rats?

author: Gang Yue, Husham Edani, Andrew Sullivan, Shuying Jiang, Hamed Kazerani, Mohammad Ali Saghiri | publisher: drg. Andreas Tjandra, Sp. Perio, FISID

According to the results of the present study, the authors have concluded the following outcomes:

Current study indicates that maxillary nature diastema could be a site to place implant, but it has a low successful rate. Data indicate that the true success rate of implantation in maxillary natural diastema in rat is less than 38.4% at a confident level of 95%. Therefore, it is not an appropriate site for dental implant experiment. Moreover, it may be able to form certain osseointegration, but it could not provide enough cancellous bone to support an implant and further allow to induction of peri-implantitis on this implant. Further experiments are required to improve the successful rate of implant placement at maxillary nature diastema.

Upon the intensively monitored body weight change during the experiment, rat body weight did not show abrupt changes after implantation though a slight decrease body weight at 2 g was observed 1 week after implantation, indicating the implantation surgery would not cause large interference in systemic conditions.

Current investigation revealed a potential site that is maxillary 1st molar socket. After extraction of the maxillary 1st molar, the socket can maximally provide cancellous bone to support an implant 2 mm × 3 mm. Further experiment is needed to illustrate the details.

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