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Discussion : Effect of different angulations and collar lengths of conical hybrid implant abutment on screw loosening after dynamic cyclic loading [2]

Discussion : Effect of different angulations and collar lengths of conical hybrid implant abutment on screw loosening after dynamic cyclic loading [2]

author: Mai Ahmed Yousry El-Sheikh, Tamer Mohamed Nasr Mostafa, Mohamed Maamoun El-Sheikh | publisher: drg. Andreas Tjandra, Sp. Perio, FISID

In the current study, the results showed that there is a significant difference in %RTL before and after application of dynamic cyclic loading for all angulations and collar lengths. These results are in an agreement with previous researches that found a significant difference between %initial and %postload RTL after mechanical cyclic loading [24, 25]. This result was explained by Bickford et al. [26] as the process of screw loosening occurs in two stages. Initially, external forces cause sliding between the threads, partially relieving the stretching of the screw and reducing preload. At this stage, the higher the preload (within a certain limit), the greater will be the resistance to loosening. The second stage is attained by a gradual reduction of preload below a critical level, in which external forces cause the turning of the screw in an anti-clockwise direction, and it loses its function.

The results of this study showed that, the removal torque loss ratios, with 15° and 25° angulations, were significantly increased. The removal torque loss ratio was increased significantly with increasing angulation as with the 25° angulation the removal torque loss ratio was significantly higher than 15° angulation.

On the other hand, these results disagree with studies that yielded no significant difference between straight and angled abutments for deflection, rotation, and torque required to loosen abutment screws for any parameter at any time [12, 27]. Hsu et al. [28] showed that the clinical performance of angled abutments is comparable to that of straight abutments with respect to both soft tissue responses and general survival rates. However, in vitro studies of stress/strain analyses of angled abutments can only agree that stress/strain levels increase as abutment angulation increases.

These results are in agreement with previous studies which stated that the difference in abutment screw RTV after load showed better results when less angulation abutment was used and studies have failed to show any contraindication to their use [4, 19, 29]. Ha et al. [30], in an evaluation of the influence of abutment angulation on screw loosening of implants in the anterior maxilla, found that the angled abutments showed higher RTV (P < .05) than the straight and gold premachined UCLA-type abutments and the difference between them was not significant. This can be attributed to the off-axis force as loading on angled abutments is mostly off-axis, which raises the concern of how angled abutments generally perform with such an unfavorable loading regimen [28].

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