Figure 4. Bone implant contact of different test groups
Figure 3. a Stained histomorphometric section demonstrating bone implant contact of uncoated zirconia implant. b Stained histomorphometric section demonstrating bone implant contact of HA–hybrid–zirconia surface. c Stained histomorphometric section demonstrating bone implant contact of PRP–hybrid–zirconia surface
Figure 3. a Stained histomorphometric section demonstrating bone...
Figure 2. a SEM image, ×10,000, demonstrating the characteristic porous surface of selective infiltration etching surface of zirconia. b SEM image, ×500, demonstrating deposition of PRP coat and complete filling of the porous surface. c SEM image, ×500, demonstrating filling of the porous surface with particles of HA
Figure 2. a SEM image, ×10,000, demonstrating the characteristic...
Figure 1. a Mercury porosimetry and the average pore diameter of the prepared implants. b EDX analysis of hybrid–zirconia surface showing peaks of zirconia, calcium, and phosphate. Ca/P ratio is 1.67. c XRD peaks of uncoated and bioactive implants showing characteristic peaks specific for tetragonal yttrium zirconium oxide crystal system represented by (101), (112), (200), and (211) a...
Pye AD, Lockhart DEA, Dawson MP, et al. A review of dental implants and infection. J Hosp Infect. 2009;72:104–10.
Heydecke G, Thomason JM, Lund JP, Feine JS. The impact of conventional and implant supported prostheses on social and sexual activities in edentulous adults: results from a randomized trial 2 months after treatment. J Dent. 2005;33:649–57.
Albrektsson T, Branema...
Several techniques were previously tested for coating hydroxyl apatite particles in the surface of implants as the following: thermal (plasma) spraying, dipping coating, electrochemical deposition, sputter coating, pulsed laser deposition, and sol-gel technique. Many parameters determined the performance of HA coating both in vitro and in vivo, including chemical composition, crystal...
Mercury porosimetry revealed comparable (F = 0.047, P
Preparation of zirconia implants
CAD/CAM zirconia milling blocks (NobelBiocare, Göteborg, Sweden) were used for preparation of zirconia implants (cylinders 3.7 mm × 8 mm). The milled implants were sintered according to manufacturer recommendations (1350 °C for 6 h). To produce a nano-porous surface, all specimens were subjected to selective infiltration etching (SIE) techniq...
Dental implants became one of the most reliable techniques used to restore missing teeth. Material composition and surface topography play a fundamental role in osseointegration. Therefore, various chemical and physical surface modifications have been developed to improve osseous healing around the inserted implants. Two main approaches have been suggested to improve surface properti...
Bioactive–hybrid–zirconia implant surface for enhancing osseointegration: an in vivo study
Zirconia is characterized by a hard, dense, and chemically inert surface which requires additional surface treatments in order to enhance osseointegration. The proposed hypothesis of the study was that combination of a nano-porous surface infiltrated with a bioactive material may...
Dukungan untuk Titanium Plasma Spray (TPS) atau Semprotan Plasma Titanium (SPT) telah didokumtasikan dengan baik selama 10 tahun belakangan. Penelitian Bobyn et al mendukung semprotan plasma Titanium ketika mereka mempublikasikan data yang menyatakan bahwa lapisan berpori melingkar (semprotan plasma) memainkan peran penting dalam mencegah akses debris usang ke permukaan endosteal femur.
Selain it...
Tujuan dari setiap pemberian lapisan implant pada keseluruhan sendi artroplasti adalah menyediakan lingkungan biologis yang ramah terhadap tulang. Hal ini akan memudahkan pertumbuhan tulang ke dalam (in-growth) dan ke luar/ pada permukaan (on-growth) sehingga menghasilkan stabilitas implant jangka panjang .
Bio-Coat merupakan satu di antara sedikit perusahaan internasional yang menawarkan pel...
Lapisan HA pertama kali diperkenalkan pada pertengahan dasawarsa 1980an untuk memperbaiki fiksasi antara tulang dan implan. Sejak kala itu, bahan ini telah banyak digunakan pada implant ortopedi dan gigi. Penyemprotan plasma komersial merupakan metode yang paling sering digunakan untuk pengendapan lapisan kalsium fosfat, seperti HA. Penyemprotan dilakukan ke bahan implant untuk meningkatkan bioa...
Di samping perubahan-perubahan kimia karena penggabungan anti-mikroba ke dalam bahan restorasi gigi, ada pula perkara perubahan kimia yang juga mengganggu distribusi daya-daya mastikasi yang diterapkan pada gigi. Contohnya, keberadaan lesi karies pada gigi molar bisa memerlukan protokol perawatan yang cepat untuk area terdampak. Bergantung pada seberapa luas lesi itu, lesi bisa memerlukan tambal...
Perkembangan teknologi implan gigi telah berhasil meningkatkan stabilitas biomekanis antarmuka abutmen-implan. Hal ini, pada gilirannya, sangat meningkatkan stabilitas mekanis restorasi. Juga, prakara ini pada umumnya meningkatkan respon dari jaringan lunak dan jaringan keras di sekitar implant terhadap implan. Stabilitas biomekanis implant dipengaruhi oleh sejumlah hal, antara lain: koefisien fri...