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Table 3 Frequency table of implant size : Prospect...

Implant size Frequency Percent 4.5 × 11 7 21.21 4...

Table 2 Frequency table of implant site : Prospect...

Implant site Frequency Percentage 15 2 6.06 14 ...

Table 1 Descriptive statistics (n = 16 patient...

Variable Number Mean (percentage) Standard deviation Age (years) 16 ...

About this article : Prospective cohort study of d...

May, M.C., Andrews, P.N., Daher, S. et al. Prospective cohort study of dental implant success rate in patients with AIDS. Int J Implant Dent 2, 20 (2016). Download citation Received: 01 February 2016 Accepted: 12 July 2016 Published: 28 September 2016 DOI:

Rights and permissions : Prospective cohort study ...

Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were...

Author information : Prospective cohort study of d...

Triangle Implant Center, 5318 NC Highway 55, Suite 106, Durham, NC, 27713, USA Michael Clayton May & Uday Nitin Reebye University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, USA Paul Nielsen Andrews Boston University, Boston, MA, USA Shadi Daher You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar You can also search for this...

References : Prospective cohort study of dental im...

Kolhatkar S, Mason SA, Janic A, Bhola M, Haque S, Winkler JR. Surgical crown lengthening in a population with human immunodeficiency virus: a retrospective analysis. J Periodontol. 2012;83(3):344–53. Download references

References : Prospective cohort study of dental im...

United Nations AIDS Report. 2014. Accessed 07 Oct 2015. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Statistics. 2013. Accessed 09 Oct 2015. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Statistics. 2011.

Abbreviations : Prospective cohort study of dental...

Acquired immune deficiency syndrome Cluster of differentiation 4 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Highly active antiretroviral therapy Human immunodeficiency virus Pneumocystis pneumonia

Conclusions : Prospective cohort study of dental i...

Our study found a slightly higher failure rate of 10 % in patients with AIDS, compared to widely accepted failure rates in healthy patients at 5–7 %. A cohort sample size of 33 may be considered small for statistical power; however, the results from this study could lead to larger future prospective cohort studies with additional funding to recruit a larger cohort and comparison groups. The ad...

Discussion : Prospective cohort study of dental im...

Regarding dental procedures, a retrospective cross-sectional study of 101 HIV patients was done from 2003 to 2005. Complication rate was found to be 2.2 % overall and 4.8 % after invasive dental procedures. No relationship was found between complications and immunological values [14]. Another study examining healing response after surgical crown lengthening in 21 patients with HIV was analyzed, ...

Discussion : Prospective cohort study of dental im...

Generally speaking, the use of antibiotics in dental implantology has been controversial. Amongst the reasons for early (preloading) implant failure are bacterial contamination, systemic disease, chemotherapy, overheating of bone, poor recipient site bone quality, and poor bone to implant contact upon surgery. After the prosthetic phase of the implant restoration, loading forces exceeding the bone...

Discussion : Prospective cohort study of dental im...

Since the AIDS epidemic reared its head in the 1980s, the nature of this disease has quickly evolved from a devastatingly debilitating disease to one of chronicity. These patients are requesting for and are entitled to the optimal restorative treatment plans, many of which include dental endosteal implants. Several authors have delved into the realm of implantology in the HIV-positive patient, but...

Results : Prospective cohort study of dental impla...

Descriptive statistics are presented in Table 1. Sixteen (n = 16) patients met our inclusion criteria and were included in our study. The sample included 12 males and 4 females. The mean age at enrollment was 36.2 years (sd 8.83 years). The mean CD4 count at the time of placement was 141.25 (sd 35.5). A total of 33 implants were placed in the 16 patients, including 5 mandibular implants and...

Methods : Prospective cohort study of dental impla...

Standard descriptive statistics were used to examine the distribution of key variables (age, gender, CD4 count at baseline and follow-up, and failure rate) in the sample. Due to the small sample size in this study (n = 16), the relationship of CD4 count and failure will be examined graphically and cases which failed are discussed individually in the “Results” section. A bar chart is presen...

Methods : Prospective cohort study of dental impla...

Our study is a prospective study looking at the failure rates in root-formed implants in AIDS patients at 5 years post-surgical placement of the implant fixtures. Patients recruited for the study had to meet inclusion criteria which included diagnosis of AIDS measured by a pre-operative cluster of differentiation 4 (CD4)

Background : Prospective cohort study of dental im...

The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS estimates that 36.9 million (34.3–41.4 million) people are living with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection [1]. In America, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimated that 1.2 million people aged 13 or older were HIV infected by the end of 2012 [2] and the cumulative population of persons surviving for more than 36 mont...

Abstract : Prospective cohort study of dental impl...

Oral health care of patients with acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) due to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a growing area of concern, taking into consideration the increased life expectancy of patients resulting from antiretroviral therapy. There is insufficient literature regarding the impact of dental implants in AIDS patients. This study investigated the long-term clinical outcom...

Figure 2. Number of implants and failures by quart...

  Figure 2. Number of implants and failures by quartiles of CD4

Figure 1. Kaplan-Meier survival curve for individu...

  Figure 1. Kaplan-Meier survival curve for individual implants, n = 33

Table 3 Frequency table of implant size

Table 3 Frequency table of implant size Implant size Frequency Percent 4.5 × 11 7 21.21 4.5 × 8 1 3.03 4 × 11 10 30.3 4 × 8 13 39.39 5 × 11 1 3.03 5 × 8 1 3.03 Total 33 100

Table 2 Frequency table of implant site

Table 2 Frequency table of implant site Implant site Frequency Percentage 15 2 6.06 14 1 3.03 13 3 9.09 12 4 12.12 11 7 21.21 21 4 12.12 22 1 3.03 23 3 9.09 24 1 3.03 25 2 6.06 35 1 3.03 33 1 3.03 43 1 3.03 45 1 3.03 46 1 3.03 Total 33 100

Table 1 Descriptive statistics (n = 16 patient...

Table 1 Descriptive statistics (n = 16 patients) Variable Number Mean (percentage) Standard deviation Age (years) 16 36.19 8.83 Sex Male 12 (75) – Female 4 (25) – CD4 count (cells/mm3) 16 141.25 35.5 No. of implants 33 – – No. of implants that failed 3 (9.1) (% failed) – Average time to failure (days)   29.7 – ...

Discussion : Dental implant success rate in patien...

Discussion Since the AIDS epidemic reared its head in the 1980s, the nature of this disease has quickly evolved from a devastatingly debilitating disease to one of chronicity. These patients are requesting for and are entitled to the optimal restorative treatment plans, many of which include dental endosteal implants. Several authors have delved into the realm of implantology in the HIV-pos...

Results : Dental implant success rate in patients ...

Results Descriptive statistics are presented in Table 1. Sixteen (n = 16) patients met our inclusion criteria and were included in our study. The sample included 12 males and 4 females. The mean age at enrollment was 36.2 years (sd 8.83 years). The mean CD4 count at the time of placement was 141.25 (sd 35.5). A total of 33 implants were placed in the 16 patients, including 5 mandibular imp...

Methods: Dental implant success rate in patients w...

Methods Our study is a prospective study looking at the failure rates in root-formed implants in AIDS patients at 5 years post-surgical placement of the implant fixtures. Patients recruited for the study had to meet inclusion criteria which included diagnosis of AIDS measured by a pre-operative cluster of differentiation 4 (CD4)

Background: Dental implant success rate in patient...

Background The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS estimates that 36.9 million (34.3–41.4 million) people are living with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. In America, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimated that 1.2 million people aged 13 or older were HIV infected by the end of 2012 and the cumulative population of persons surviving for more than 36...

Dental implant success rate in patients with AIDS

Abstract Background Oral health care of patients with acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) due to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a growing area of concern, taking into consideration the increased life expectancy of patients resulting from antiretroviral therapy. There is insufficient literature regarding the impact of dental implants in AIDS patients. This study in...

FPDB meluncurkan pedoman untuk kembali praktek pas...

FGDP dan CGD di Inggris meluncurkan pedoman baru bagi para dokter gigi yang ingin kembali buka praktek pasca pandemi COVID-19. Pedoman diluncurkan pada 1 Juni 2020 di Inggris. Langkah-langkah yang tercantum dalam panduan tersebut diharapkan dapat mendukung semua profesional gigi untuk menggunakan pendekatan berbasis bukti ketika memberi perawatan gigi pasca pandemi COVID-19. Tim pakar di balik do...

Perawatan infeksi virus Varicella Zoster (VZV)

Temuan laboratoriumMetode evaluasi cepat yang bisa dipakai untuk mendiagnosis kasus-kasus yang tidak pasti adalah sitologi. Apusan yang diwarnai antibodi fluorescent menggunakan antibodi monoklon yang dikonjugasi fluorescein lebih bisa diandalkan daripada sitologi rutin. Hasil metode ini positif pada lebih dari 80% kasus. Metode diagnosis yang paling akurat adalah isolasi virus pada kultur jari...

Temuan oral manifestasi klinis virus Varicella Zos...

Lesi oral dan lesi fasial dihasilkan oleh Herpes Zoster yang tinggal di cabang kedua dan ketiga saraf trigeminal. Tapi, sebetulnya, kejadian yang lebih umum itu justru lesi yang dihasilkan oleh virus Herpes Zoster di cabang pertama saraf trigeminal.Penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Hall terhadap 22 pasien penderita Herpes Zoster di saraf trigeminal menunjukkan 18 orang pasien kena cabang saraf ya...

Temuan umum manifestasi klinis virus Varicella Zos...

Cacar air adalah penyakit yang dicirikan dengan gejala-gejala sistemik ringan dan pecahnya lesi makulopapular pruritis secara intensif yang kemudian dengan cepat berkembang menjadi vesikel pada basis eritematosa. Vesikel dalam mulut yangn berubah dengan cepat menjadi ulkus bisa terlihat dalam rongga mulut. Tapi lesi oral bukan perkara simtomatik, diagnostik, atau tata laksana yang paling penting...

Infeksi Virus Varicella Zoster (VZV)

Virus Varicella Zoster atau Varicella Zoster Virus (VZV) termasuk dalam golongan virus herpes. Sebagaimana virus herpes simplex yang bisa menyebabkan infeksi virus herpes simpleks primer, virus varicella zoster juga  menyebabkan infeksi primer dan infeksi kambuhan. Pasien yang telah sembuh dari infeksi VZV tidak sepenuhnya bebas dari virus ini karena virus VZV masih ada dalam tubuh pasien dan tin...

Manifestasi Klinis Herpes Simplex Mulut Primer

Pasien periksa ke dokter biasanya dengan kondisi penyakit yang sudah berkembang sepenuhnya. Dalam kondisi pasien yang seperti ini, dokter tetap perlu tahu sejarah mengenai modus serangan. Riwayat ini berguna sekali untuk memberdakan antara infeksi HSV primer dari beraneka macam lesi akut lainnya yang juga menyerang mulut manusia. Masa inkubasi infeksi herpes primer umumnya antara 5 hari hingga 7 ...

Infeksi Virus Herpes Simplex Primer (2)

(Lanjutan) Bayi yang lahir dari ibu dengan titer antibodi dilindungi oleh antibodi yang dialirkan melalui plasenta dalam kurun waktu 6 bulan pertama kehidupannya. Lebih dari umur 6 bulan, kejadian infeksi HSV 1 primer akan mengalami peningkatan. Kejadian infeksi HSV 2 primer tidak meningkat sampai umur dimulainya aktivitas seksual. Kejadian infeksi HSV 1 primer mencapai puncaknya pada umur 2 h...

Infeksi Virus Herpes Simplex Primer (1)

Infeksi mulut primer oleh virus HSV (Herpes Simplex Virus) terjadi pada pasien yang sebelumnya belum pernah terkena infeksi HSV 1. Penularan virus terjadi selama kontak dengan orang lain yang mengidap HSV 1. Infeksi pada jari-jari profesional kesarasan bisa terjadi selama perawatan pasien penderita virus ini. Dokter gigi bisa tertular virus ini dan mengalami lesi primer melalui jari yang terke...

Infeksi Virus Herpes

Virus herpes bisa menginfeksi mulut, menyerang gusi, bibir, dsb. Ada enam virus herpes yang bisa menyebabkan infeksi pada manusia, yaitu:herpes simplex (HSV) 1 herpes simplex (HSV) 2varicella zostercytomegalovirusEpstein Barrhuman herpes virus 6 (HHV 6). Semua virus herpes mengandung inti DNA dan bisa tetap laten dalam sel-sel saraf inangnya sehingga, dengan cara demikian, menghindari respon...