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Table 5 Implant failure rates : Mucositis, peri-im...

  Failure rate n Univariate analyses Multivariate analyses OR (95% CI) P OR ...

Table 4 Risk factors for peri-implantitis : Mucosi...

  Peri-implantitis n Univariate analyses Multivariate analyses   OR (95% CI) P ...

Table 3 Risk factors for mucositis : Mucositis, pe...

  Mucositis n Univariate analyses Multivariate analyses OR (95% CI) P OR ...

Table 2 Observation period (patient and implant re...

Years Patients (total) GCP patients GAP patients Implants (total) Implants maxilla ...

Table 1 Implants in study population : Mucositis, ...

  GCP GAP Patient 24 5 Sex ...

About this article : Mucositis, peri-implantitis, ...

Mengel, R., Heim, T. & Thöne-Mühling, M. Mucositis, peri-implantitis, and survival and success rates of oxide-coated implants in patients treated for periodontitis 3- to 6-year results of a case-series study. Int J Implant Dent 3, 48 (2017). Download citation Received: 29 August 2017 Accepted: 26 October 2017 Published: 28 Novemb...

Rights and permissions : Mucositis, peri-implantit...

Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were...

Ethics declarations : Mucositis, peri-implantitis,...

RM is a professor at the Department of Prosthetic Dentistry, School of Dental Medicine, Philipps-University, Marburg/Lahn, Germany. TH is a private practicioner in Gruben, Brandenburg, Germany. MT is a researcher at the Department of Prosthetic Dentistry, School of Dental Medicine, Philipps-University, Marburg/Lahn, Germany. This clinical study was conducted in accordance with the World Medical A...

Author information : Mucositis, peri-implantitis, ...

Department of Prosthetic Dentistry, School of Dental Medicine, Philipps-University, Marburg/Lahn, Germany Reiner Mengel & Miriam Thöne-Mühling Gruben, Brandenburg, Germany Theresa Heim You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar You can also search for this au...

References : Mucositis, peri-implantitis, and surv...

Kim K-K, Sung H-M. Outcomes of dental implant treatment in patients with generalized aggressive periodontitis: a systematic review. J Adv Prosthodont. 2012;4:210–7. Pettersson K, Mengel R. Comments on the statistical analysis of the paper by Albouy et al comparing four different types of implants with respect to ‘spontaneous’ progression of peri-implantitis. Eur J Oral Implantol. 2011;1:9...

References : Mucositis, peri-implantitis, and surv...

Kinane DF, Radvar M. The effect of smoking on mechanical and antimicrobial periodontal therapy. J Periodontol. 1997;69:467–72. Swierkot K, Lottholz P, Flores-de-Jacoby L, Mengel R. Mucositis, peri-implantitis, implant success, and survival of implants in patients with treated generalized aggressive periodontitis: 3- to 16-year results of a prospective long-term cohort study. J Periodontol. 2012...

References : Mucositis, peri-implantitis, and surv...

Jungner M, Lundqvist P, Lundgren S. A retrospective comparison of oxidized and turned implants with respect to implant survival, marginal bone level and peri-implant soft tissue conditions after at least 5 years in function. Clin Implant Dent Relat Res. 2014;16:230–7. Rocci A, Rocci M, Rocci C, Scoccia A, Gargari M, Martignoni M, Gottlow J, Sennerby L. Immediate loading of Brånemark system TiU...

References : Mucositis, peri-implantitis, and surv...

Esposito M, Ardebili Y, Worthington HV. Interventions for replacing missing teeth: different types of dental implants. Cochrane Database Sys Rev. 2014;7:CD003815. Salata LA, Burgos PM, Rasmusson L, Novaes AB, Papalexiou V, Dahlin C, Sennerby L. Osseointegration of oxidized and turned implants in circumferential bone defects with and without adjunctive therapies: an experimental study on BMP-2 and...

Conclusions : Mucositis, peri-implantitis, and sur...

The results of the present case series study should be interpreted in a critical light because of the small study population. However, it can be concluded that periodontally diseased subjects treated in a supportive periodontal therapy can be successfully rehabilitated with oxide-coated dental implants for a follow-up period of 3 to 6 years. The results suggest that implants in the maxilla and in...

Discussion : Mucositis, peri-implantitis, and surv...

These results from long-term clinical studies indicate that oxide-coated implants achieve equivalent survival rates and prevalence of mucositis and peri-implantitis when compared to implants with other surface characteristics. They support the assumption that the implant surface has little influence on the development of mucositis or peri-implantitis. This was subsequently confirmed in a Cochrane ...

Discussion : Mucositis, peri-implantitis, and surv...

The present study examines the success rates of oxide-coated implants in subjects with treated periodontal disease. Several long-term clinical studies on periodontally healthy subjects have revealed survival rates of 97.1 to 99.2% for oxide-coated implants [10, 24, 25]. The results of the present study show a comparable implant survival rate (96.2% in GAP and 97.1% in GCP subjects) for subjects wi...

Discussion : Mucositis, peri-implantitis, and surv...

The present study examines the success rates of oxide-coated implants in subjects with treated periodontal disease. Several long-term clinical studies on periodontally healthy subjects have revealed survival rates of 97.1 to 99.2% for oxide-coated implants [10, 24, 25]. The results of the present study show a comparable implant survival rate (96.2% in GAP and 97.1% in GCP subjects) for subjects wi...

Results : Mucositis, peri-implantitis, and surviva...

The univariate analyses showed a significantly higher risk for peri-implantitis in GAP subjects (OR = 3.294 with p = 0.027) and at implants with bone quality grade 3 (OR = 21.200 with p = 0.000). However, these differences were not significant in multivariate analyses. Both the uni- and multivariate patient-related analyses were non-significant. The implant success rate was 77.9% for GCP...

Results : Mucositis, peri-implantitis, and surviva...

All 29 subjects were examined over the period of 3 to 6 years (Table 2). For the duration of the observation period, all the remaining teeth were periodontally healthy, with PDs ≤ 3 mm and negative BOP. All subjects were non-smokers, had excellent oral hygiene, attended the follow-up examinations on a regular basis, and had no systemic disease. In total, four implants (3.1%) were lost du...

Materials and methods : Mucositis, peri-implantiti...

Peri-implant mucositis was defined as PDs ≥ 5 mm with BOP and no bone loss after the first year of loading. Peri-implantitis was defined as PDs > 5 mm with or without BOP and an annual bone loss of > 0.2 mm after the first year of loading. All technical and surgical complications (e.g., fracture of the abutment screw or superstructure, compromised wound healing) were recorded. T...

Materials and methods : Mucositis, peri-implantiti...

All patients received a supportive periodontal therapy at the Dental School of Medicine, Philipps-University, Marburg, in the course of the observation period. The first clinical examination was 2 to 4 weeks before the non-retainable teeth were extracted. The periodontally healthy residual dentition and the implants were evaluated immediately after the superstructure was inserted. Subsequently, t...

Materials and methods : Mucositis, peri-implantiti...

Second-stage surgery was performed in the maxilla after 6 months and in the mandible after 3 months. Implant placement and second-stage surgery were performed by a single periodontist (R.M.). About 4 weeks after the final abutments were placed, GCP subjects were rehabilitated with single crowns, implant-supported bridges, or removable superstructures, according to the Marburg double crown syst...

Materials and methods : Mucositis, peri-implantiti...

A total of 29 partially edentulous subjects were consecutively recruited from the Dental School of Medicine, Philipps-University, Marburg, Germany between April 2010 and April 2013 (Table 1). Subjects were excluded for the following reasons: history of systemic disease (e.g., cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus, osteoporosis), pregnancy, untreated caries, current orthodontic treatment, con...

Background : Mucositis, peri-implantitis, and surv...

The aim of this long-term clinical study on partially edentulous subjects treated for periodontal disease was to evaluate the prevalence of mucositis and peri-implantitis and to determine the survival and success rates of dental implants with oxide-coated surfaces.

Background : Mucositis, peri-implantitis, and surv...

In recent years, a great number of different implant systems varying in materials, surface structure, and macroscopic design have been introduced to the dental market [1]. In studies using implants with modified surfaces, it was concluded that rough surfaces induce a stronger initial bone response, achieve stability more rapidly, and integrate more fully with extant bone [2,3,4,5,6]. Dental implan...

Abstract : Mucositis, peri-implantitis, and surviv...

The aim of this case-series study is to evaluate the prevalence of mucositis, peri-implantitis, and survival and success rates of oxide-coated implants in subjects treated for periodontitis. Twenty-four subjects treated for generalized chronic periodontitis (GCP) and five treated for generalized aggressive periodontitis (GAP) were orally rehabilitated with a total of 130 dental implants. Subjects...

Table 5 Implant failure rates : Mucositis, peri-im...

  Failure rate n Univariate analyses Multivariate analyses OR (95% CI) P OR ...

Table 4 Risk factors for peri-implantitis : Mucosi...

  Peri-implantitis n Univariate analyses Multivariate analyses   OR (95% CI) P ...

Table 3 Risk factors for mucositis : Mucositis, pe...

  Mucositis n Univariate analyses Multivariate analyses OR (95% CI) P OR ...

Table 2 Observation period (patient and implant re...

Years Patients (total) GCP patients GAP patients Implants (total) Implants maxilla ...

Table 1 Implants in study population : Mucositis, ...

  GCP GAP Patient 24 5 Sex ...

About this article : Mucositis, peri-implantitis, ...

Mengel, R., Heim, T. & Thöne-Mühling, M. Mucositis, peri-implantitis, and survival and success rates of oxide-coated implants in patients treated for periodontitis 3- to 6-year results of a case-series study. Int J Implant Dent 3, 48 (2017). Download citation Received: 29 August 2017 Accepted: 26 October 2017 Published: 28 Novemb...

Rights and permissions : Mucositis, peri-implantit...

Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were...

Ethics declarations : Mucositis, peri-implantitis,...

RM is a professor at the Department of Prosthetic Dentistry, School of Dental Medicine, Philipps-University, Marburg/Lahn, Germany. TH is a private practicioner in Gruben, Brandenburg, Germany. MT is a researcher at the Department of Prosthetic Dentistry, School of Dental Medicine, Philipps-University, Marburg/Lahn, Germany. This clinical study was conducted in accordance with the World Medical A...

Author information : Mucositis, peri-implantitis, ...

Department of Prosthetic Dentistry, School of Dental Medicine, Philipps-University, Marburg/Lahn, Germany Reiner Mengel & Miriam Thöne-Mühling Gruben, Brandenburg, Germany Theresa Heim You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar You can also search for this au...

References : Mucositis, peri-implantitis, and surv...

Kim K-K, Sung H-M. Outcomes of dental implant treatment in patients with generalized aggressive periodontitis: a systematic review. J Adv Prosthodont. 2012;4:210–7. Pettersson K, Mengel R. Comments on the statistical analysis of the paper by Albouy et al comparing four different types of implants with respect to ‘spontaneous’ progression of peri-implantitis. Eur J Oral Implantol. 2011;1:9...

References : Mucositis, peri-implantitis, and surv...

Kinane DF, Radvar M. The effect of smoking on mechanical and antimicrobial periodontal therapy. J Periodontol. 1997;69:467–72. Swierkot K, Lottholz P, Flores-de-Jacoby L, Mengel R. Mucositis, peri-implantitis, implant success, and survival of implants in patients with treated generalized aggressive periodontitis: 3- to 16-year results of a prospective long-term cohort study. J Periodontol. 2012...

References : Mucositis, peri-implantitis, and surv...

Jungner M, Lundqvist P, Lundgren S. A retrospective comparison of oxidized and turned implants with respect to implant survival, marginal bone level and peri-implant soft tissue conditions after at least 5 years in function. Clin Implant Dent Relat Res. 2014;16:230–7. Rocci A, Rocci M, Rocci C, Scoccia A, Gargari M, Martignoni M, Gottlow J, Sennerby L. Immediate loading of Brånemark system TiU...

References : Mucositis, peri-implantitis, and surv...

Esposito M, Ardebili Y, Worthington HV. Interventions for replacing missing teeth: different types of dental implants. Cochrane Database Sys Rev. 2014;7:CD003815. Salata LA, Burgos PM, Rasmusson L, Novaes AB, Papalexiou V, Dahlin C, Sennerby L. Osseointegration of oxidized and turned implants in circumferential bone defects with and without adjunctive therapies: an experimental study on BMP-2 and...

Conclusions : Mucositis, peri-implantitis, and sur...

The results of the present case series study should be interpreted in a critical light because of the small study population. However, it can be concluded that periodontally diseased subjects treated in a supportive periodontal therapy can be successfully rehabilitated with oxide-coated dental implants for a follow-up period of 3 to 6 years. The results suggest that implants in the maxilla and in...

Discussion : Mucositis, peri-implantitis, and surv...

These results from long-term clinical studies indicate that oxide-coated implants achieve equivalent survival rates and prevalence of mucositis and peri-implantitis when compared to implants with other surface characteristics. They support the assumption that the implant surface has little influence on the development of mucositis or peri-implantitis. This was subsequently confirmed in a Cochrane ...

Discussion : Mucositis, peri-implantitis, and surv...

The present study examines the success rates of oxide-coated implants in subjects with treated periodontal disease. Several long-term clinical studies on periodontally healthy subjects have revealed survival rates of 97.1 to 99.2% for oxide-coated implants [10, 24, 25]. The results of the present study show a comparable implant survival rate (96.2% in GAP and 97.1% in GCP subjects) for subjects wi...

Results : Mucositis, peri-implantitis, and surviva...

The univariate analyses showed a significantly higher risk for peri-implantitis in GAP subjects (OR = 3.294 with p = 0.027) and at implants with bone quality grade 3 (OR = 21.200 with p = 0.000). However, these differences were not significant in multivariate analyses. Both the uni- and multivariate patient-related analyses were non-significant. The implant success rate was 77.9% for GCP...

Results : Mucositis, peri-implantitis, and surviva...

All 29 subjects were examined over the period of 3 to 6 years (Table 2). For the duration of the observation period, all the remaining teeth were periodontally healthy, with PDs ≤ 3 mm and negative BOP. All subjects were non-smokers, had excellent oral hygiene, attended the follow-up examinations on a regular basis, and had no systemic disease. In total, four implants (3.1%) were lost du...

Materials and methods : Mucositis, peri-implantiti...

Peri-implant mucositis was defined as PDs ≥ 5 mm with BOP and no bone loss after the first year of loading. Peri-implantitis was defined as PDs > 5 mm with or without BOP and an annual bone loss of > 0.2 mm after the first year of loading. All technical and surgical complications (e.g., fracture of the abutment screw or superstructure, compromised wound healing) were recorded. T...

Materials and methods : Mucositis, peri-implantiti...

All patients received a supportive periodontal therapy at the Dental School of Medicine, Philipps-University, Marburg, in the course of the observation period. The first clinical examination was 2 to 4 weeks before the non-retainable teeth were extracted. The periodontally healthy residual dentition and the implants were evaluated immediately after the superstructure was inserted. Subsequently, t...

Materials and methods : Mucositis, peri-implantiti...

Second-stage surgery was performed in the maxilla after 6 months and in the mandible after 3 months. Implant placement and second-stage surgery were performed by a single periodontist (R.M.). About 4 weeks after the final abutments were placed, GCP subjects were rehabilitated with single crowns, implant-supported bridges, or removable superstructures, according to the Marburg double crown syst...

Materials and methods : Mucositis, peri-implantiti...

A total of 29 partially edentulous subjects were consecutively recruited from the Dental School of Medicine, Philipps-University, Marburg, Germany between April 2010 and April 2013 (Table 1). Subjects were excluded for the following reasons: history of systemic disease (e.g., cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus, osteoporosis), pregnancy, untreated caries, current orthodontic treatment, con...

Background : Mucositis, peri-implantitis, and surv...

The aim of this long-term clinical study on partially edentulous subjects treated for periodontal disease was to evaluate the prevalence of mucositis and peri-implantitis and to determine the survival and success rates of dental implants with oxide-coated surfaces.

Background : Mucositis, peri-implantitis, and surv...

In recent years, a great number of different implant systems varying in materials, surface structure, and macroscopic design have been introduced to the dental market [1]. In studies using implants with modified surfaces, it was concluded that rough surfaces induce a stronger initial bone response, achieve stability more rapidly, and integrate more fully with extant bone [2,3,4,5,6]. Dental implan...

Abstract : Mucositis, peri-implantitis, and surviv...

The aim of this case-series study is to evaluate the prevalence of mucositis, peri-implantitis, and survival and success rates of oxide-coated implants in subjects treated for periodontitis. Twenty-four subjects treated for generalized chronic periodontitis (GCP) and five treated for generalized aggressive periodontitis (GAP) were orally rehabilitated with a total of 130 dental implants. Subjects...

Conclusion : Study of implants (6)

5 CONCLUSION This open cohort, retrospective study evaluated risk indicators associated with marginal bone loss (MBL) through the analysis of 4,591 dental implants, of various designs, placed in private practice and followed‐up for 5 to 10 years. Significant risk indicators for bone loss were found to include autoimmune disease, heavy smoking, bisphosphonate therapy, implant location, diamete...

Discussion : Study of implants (6)

In this study, prevalence of mucositis varied from nearly 50% of patients using a “strict” BOP threshold (IMI ≥1) (49.5%) compared with 18.2% if using the “relaxed” IMI threshold (IMI ≥2) (see supplementary Tables 3 and 4 in online Journal of Periodontology). As the implants used in the current study were either platform shift or 1‐stage design 3 mm and BOP+ but no co...

Discussion : Study of implants (5)

This is in support of systematic reviews of ridge augmentation that often show some loss of grafted bone volume and furthermore, it has been speculated that although the bone graft at time of placement may provide stable hard tissue, the basal bone may be the actual bone that is integrated to the implant. 4.1 Effect of threshold selection on reported prevalence of peri‐implantitis The choi...

Discussion : Study of implants (4)

However, the one‐stage tapered effect (TE) design was found to have increased initial MBL at base line (stage 2) (Figure 2C). For the TE design, the increased early MBL may be related to bone compression and a learning curve associated with placement of tapered implants. Two stage platform switch implants typically have bone loss of about 0.5 mm. For the bone level platform shift design, the...

Discussion : Study of implants (3)

The posterior mandible and posterior maxilla had equivalent crestal bone levels at the start but then the rate of MBL in the posterior maxilla was found to increase at a faster rate when compared with other locations (Figure 2A). This may be a result of crestal compression in lower density bone leading to MBL as described in finite element analysis. Indeed it was noted that about 6% of sites h...

Discussion : Study of implants (2)

This is a unique finding in the literature and may reflect altered remodeling potential of bone, or it may also be the effect of a few outlier cases where sudden MBL was noted in some but not all bisphosphonate cases. Conclusions drawn are limited however as the duration or dose of bisphosphonate therapy was not recorded in this study. Interestingly, diabetes (pooled type 1 and type 2) was not ...

Discussion : Study of implants (1)

DISCUSSION An analysis of risk indicators for changes in crestal bone level, as a measure of bone loss (MBL), surrounding dental implants has been reported in this study. Furthermore, the impact of the choice of thresholds in determining prevalence of mucositis and peri‐implantitis has been considered. Importantly, this private practice report includes conventional patients and sites as well ...

Result : Study of implants (3)

3.3.3 Implant design Pairwise comparisons for CBL at the start between the four implant design groups revealed a similarity between standard and standard plus implants as well as between bone level and tapered effect implants (Figure 2C). However, a significant difference (P value 

Result : Study of implants (2)

3.1 Risk indicators for bone loss (MBL) All potential factors and related correlations were evaluated. Table 1 shows only variables that related significantly to changes in CBL over time in a multivariate model. Figures 1 through 3 illustrate the results of Table 1. The “start” refers to baseline at 3 months). 3.2 Patient‐related risk indicators No significant effect on CBL was observ...

Result : Study of implants (1)

RESULTS The study cohort of 2,060 patients and 4,591 implants was followed for up to 133 months, with a mean of 32.2 ± 26.8 months. The number of implants for each time period was; n = 2,372 at 2 to 3 years, n = 1,178 at 4 to 5 years, and n = 560 at 6 to 10 years. There were 32 implant failures resulting in cumulative survival rates of 99.3%, 99.0%, and 98.4% at 3, 5, and 7 years, respectively, ...

Materials & methods : Study of implants (3)

Mucositis was determined using either the “strict” criteria, IMI ≥1, as an indication for mucositis or the “relaxed” criteria, IMI ≥2, as an indication of mucositis. We defined peri‐implantitis as the combination of mucositis and MBL ≥1.0 mm, at least 1 year after installation. 2.1 Statistical analysis CBL and MBL are scale variables and have been summarized by calculating the m...

Materials & methods : Study of implants (2)

Radiographs were taken and evaluated by the same examiner that placed the implants (DF). For each case the real implant length served as the calibration value to derive the Distance from Implant shoulder to the first Bone to implant contact (DIB). CBL was defined as DIB minus the neck length (NL) of an implant with the following standardization values to account for different implant neck designs...

Materials & methods : Study of implants (1)

MATERIALS AND METHODS A description of the study cohort presenting explanatory variables and univariate and multivariate implant survival analysis has been previously published. Details on recall and follow up are further described in a companion paper. In brief, this was a retrospective study consisting of 2,060 patients with an initial total of 4,591 implants. All implants were placed between...

Introduction : Study of implants: Analysis of risk...

INTRODUCTION Although dental implants have been reported to have fairly high survival rates of 95.7% at 5 years and 92.8% at 10‐years, it is also known that progressive marginal bone loss and peri‐implantitis remain a significant potential complication. The 2012 European academy of osseointegration (EAO) consensus report estimated the prevalence of peri‐implantitis to be at 10% of implants ...

Study of implants: Analysis of risk indicators for...

Retrospective cohort study of 4,591 dental implants: Analysis of risk indicators for bone loss and prevalence of peri‐implant mucositis and peri‐implantitis   Abstract Background Due to the risk of peri‐implantitis, following dental implant placement, this study aimed to evaluate risk indicators associated with marginal bone loss from a retrospective open cohort study of 4,591 denta...

Table 5. Differences between 5 years and 10 years ...

  At 5 years of function At 10 years of function   Patient level Implant level Patient level Implant level   n % n % n % n % Failure 15 3.16% 31 1.56% 24 5.05% 47 2.36%   Δ 5‐ to 10‐year failure       1.89%   0.80%   Peri‐implantitis 40 8.42% 61 3.19% 76 16% 186 9.72%   Δ 5‐ to 10‐year peri‐impla...

Figure 1. Peri‐implantitis over the study period...

Figure 1. Peri‐implantitis over the study period of 10 years at patient and implant level

Table 4. Survival and success rate at implant and ...

  Rehab. solution Patient level Implant level Survival rate Total 91.8% 96.1%   Fixed full‐arch bridge   90.5%   Implant‐supported overdenture   82.9%   Fixed partial denture   99.2%   Single‐tooth replacement   99.6% Peri‐implantitis rate Total 24.4% 12.9%   Fixed full‐arch bridge   14.3%   Implant‐...

Table 3. Life table analysis and cumulative surviv...

  Cumulative survival rate Cumulative success rate Time of functional loading (Years) Patient level Implant level Patient level Implant level 1 to 2 100% 100% 98.7% 99.5% 2 to 3 99.2% 99.7% 97.2% 98.8% 3 to 4 98.5% 99.4% 95.5% 97.9% 4 to 5 97.7% 98.9% 93.5% 96.7% 5 to 6 96.6% 98.4% 91.3% 95.3% 6 to 7 95.5% 97.9% 88.5% 93.6...

Table 2. Baseline information (1,991 implants)

Demographic variables Implants (%) Age ≥61 years 315 (15.8) ≤60 years 1,676 (84.2) Sex Male 904 (45.4) Female 1087 (54.6) Systemic disorders11 under medical supervision. With 173 (8.7) Without 1,818 (91.3) Smoking habits22 ≤20 cigarettes. With 146 (7.3) Without 1,845 (92.7)   Anatomic variables ...

Table 1. Patient and implant distribution among gr...

      Total   Patients Implants Clinical condition Men Women n % Rehab. solution n % n % Totally edentulous 40 50 90 19 Fixed full‐arch bridge 32 6.74 348 17.48           Implant‐supported overdenture 58 12.21 211 10.60 Partially edentulous 73 82 155 33 Fixed partial denture 155 32.63 732 36.77 Mono‐edentul...

Conclusion : A study on peri‐implant complicatio...

CONCLUSIONS Peri‐implantitis began to appear more frequently after the fifth year of functional loading, with a peak of incidence observed after the seventh year, especially between the seventh and eighth years. The incidence of peri‐implantitis increased when the data were analyzed from the fifth year to 10 years of function. Consequently, studies that consider a follow‐up period

Discussion : A study on peri‐implant complicatio...

The rate of peri‐implantitis observed in this study at 10 years, agreed with that described by Bragger et al. and Karoussis et al. in which peri‐implantitis occurred in 15.4% of the implants after a mean observation period of 10 years. Simonis et al. (2010) reported a prevalence of 16.9% of peri‐implantitis after an observation period of 10 to 16 years. The study of de Waal et al. desc...

Discussion : A study on peri‐implant complicatio...

During the interval between the sixth and seventh year of functional loading, a slightly higher rate of failures than that in the previous years was observed. The ratio between the rate of peri‐implant complications and the time of function was even more evident for peri‐implantitis, which showed a significant increase after the seventh year of functional loading, with a more evident increase...

Discussion : A study on peri‐implant complicatio...

The aim of this retrospective study was to assess the survival and success rates as well as the incidence of peri‐implantitis in patients with a history of periodontitis who followed an individual maintenance program and supportive periodontal and peri‐implant treatment (SPT), and with 1 to 10 years of implant functional loading. The results obtained in the present study show that peri‐impl...

Results : A study on peri‐implant complications ...

A total of 1,991 implants (475 patients) with 10 years of functional loading met the inclusion criteria and were included in this study: 90 patients were totally edentulous (559 implants), 155 patients were partially edentulous (732 implants), and 230 patients were mono‐edentulous (700 implants) (Tables 1 and 2). Table 3 shows the life table analysis and cumulative survival and success rate and...

Materials & methods : A study on peri‐implant co...

When a two‐stage technique was performed (i.e., sinus floor augmentation without implant insertion or staged‐approach GBR), a healing period of at least 6 months was observed before implant insertion. The implants were functionally loaded after 3 to 6 months of the implant placement. 2.3.3 Follow‐up After surgery, for a maintenance program, all patients followed an individual SPT. The ...

Materials & methods : A study on peri‐implant co...

Where a deficient posterior alveolar ridge and increased pneumatization of the maxillary sinus appeared, implants were inserted with simultaneous sinus floor augmentation (one‐step procedure) (osteotome technique, or lateral window technique) or after a previous sinus floor augmentation with bone grafting (two‐step procedure). Sites that exhibited localized horizontal bone...

Materials & methods : A study on peri‐implant co...

Successful tissue integration was examined using predefined criteria of success, as follows: Absence of persistent subjective complaints, such as pain, foreign body sensation and/or dysesthesia. Absence of implant mobility. Absence of continuous radiolucency around the implant. Implant prosthesis functional loading ≥1 year. Absence of exude or suppuration at acupressure o...

Materials & methods : A study on peri‐implant co...

2.2 Clinical parameters Periodical clinical examinations assessed before treatment and during follow‐up were recorded. Clinical parameters at baseline and after prosthesis positioning were used as a reference of development of peri‐implant disease. Based on the suggestion of Mombelli and Lang, and confirmed by the successive EWP consensus workshops published in 2008, 2011, and 2012, peri...

Materials & methods : A study on peri‐implant co...

This is a retrospective cohort study started from the analysis of clinical records of patients referring to private dental practices in central Italy (AP) treated between February 1998 and December 2002 by three different operators, and then included into a follow‐up program. We followed the Strengthening the Reporting of OBservational studies in Epidemiology (STROBE) guidelines for an accurate ...

Introduction : A study on peri‐implant complicat...

INTRODUCTION Implant‐prosthetic rehabilitation is a clinical procedure used to solve cases of partial or total edentulism. A functioning implant may be subject to plaque‐associated biological complications, such as mucositis and peri‐implantitis. Peri‐implant mucositis has been described as a reversible inflammatory lesion of the peri‐implant mucosa, whilst peri‐implantitis also desc...

A retrospective cohort study on peri‐implant com...

A retrospective cohort study on peri‐implant complications in implants up to 10 years of functional loading in periodontally compromised patients   Abstract Background Prevalence of peri‐implantitis is directly proportional to the time of functional loading. The aim of this retrospective study was to assess the survival and success rates as well as the incidence of peri‐implantitis ...

Case definitions & diagnostic considerations : Per...

How do we define a case of peri‐implantitis in day‐to‐day clinical practice and teaching situations? Diagnosis of peri‐implantitis requires: Presence of bleeding and/or suppuration on gentle probing. Increased probing depth compared to previous examinations. Presence of bone loss beyond crestal bone level changes resulting from initial bone remodeling. In the a...

Case definitions & diagnostic considerations : Per...

The following case definitions and characteristics of peri‐implant health, peri‐implant mucositis, and peri‐implantitis should be viewed within context of several potential confounding factors. It is known that there is no generic implant and that there are numerous implant designs with different surface characteristics, surgical and loading protocols. The degree of physiological remodeli...

Hard‐ & soft-tissue deficiencies : Peri‐implan...

What are the main factors associated with hard‐ and soft‐tissue deficiencies at potential implant sites? The healing process following tooth loss leads to diminished dimensions of the alveolar process/ridge representing hard‐ and soft‐tissue deficiencies. Larger deficiencies may occur at sites exposed to the following factors: loss of periodontal support, endodontic in...

Peri-implantitis : Peri‐implant diseases and con...

  What is peri‐implantitis? Peri‐implantitis is a plaque‐associated pathological condition occurring in tissues around dental implants, characterized by inflammation in the peri‐implant mucosa and subsequent progressive loss of supporting bone. What is the evidence for plaque/biofilm as a principal etiological factor for peri‐implantitis? There is evidence ...

Peri‐implant mucositis : Peri‐implant diseases...

What are the clinical characteristics of peri‐implant mucositis? The main clinical characteristic of peri‐implant mucositis is bleeding on gentle probing. Erythema, swelling and/or suppuration may also be present. Does peri‐implant mucositis exist in the absence of clinical signs of inflammation? Clinical signs of inflammation are necessary for a diagnosis of peri...

Peri-implant health : Peri‐implant diseases and ...

What are the clinical characteristics of a healthy peri‐implant site? In health, the peri‐implant site is characterized by absence of erythema, bleeding on probing, swelling and suppuration. What are the main clinical differences between healthy peri‐implant and periodontal tissues? In health, there are no visual differences between peri‐implant and periodontal t...

Introduction : Peri‐implant diseases and conditi...

The objective of Workgroup 4 was to present a classification on peri‐implant diseases and conditions. Five position papers describing the characteristics of peri‐implant health, peri‐implant mucositis, peri‐implantitis, soft and hard tissue deficiencies and case definitions and diagnostic considerations were prepared prior to the workshop. In preparing this consensus report regarding...

Peri‐implant diseases and conditions

Consensus report of workgroup 4 of the 2017 World Workshop on the Classification of Periodontal and Peri‐Implant Diseases and Conditions Abstract A classification for peri‐implant diseases and conditions was presented. Focused questions on the characteristics of peri‐implant health, peri‐implant mucositis, peri‐implantitis, and soft‐ and hard‐tissue deficiencies were addressed. ...

Model mukositis peri-implant eksperimental vs lesi...

Penelitian pada manusia Penelitian-penelitian eksperimental pada manusia telah mengevaluasi respons terhadap penumpukan biofilm 3 minggu, sesuai dengan kerangka kala penelitian gingivitis eksperimental oleh Löe et al., di mana reversibilitas lesi radang di seputar gigi ditunjukkan setelah reinstitusi kontrol biofilm setelah 3 minggu. Ada penelitian yang melaporkan biopsi manusia dari jaringan pe...

Tabel 2. Bukti untuk faktor sebagai indikator risi...

Indikator risiko Publiskasi Ringkasan Rasio  ganjil (95% CI), analisis multivariat Signifikansi Keberadaan biofilm plak Roos‐Jansaker et al. 218 subyek, 9 tahun sampai 14 tahun tindak lanjut, analisis multivariat  1.9 (1.2 –2.9) P = 0.004 Skor plak: buruk = skor plak median  1 < x < 2 Ferreira et al. 212 subyek semua non‐smokers, 6 bulan sampai 5 tah...

Persamaan & perbedaan antara indikator / faktor ri...

Persamaan & perbedaan antara indikator / faktor risiko untuk penyakit periodontal vs mukositis peri-implant Tinjauan sistematis terbaru merinkes indikator risiko potensial untuk mukositis peri-implant dan mengidentifikasi penumpukan biofilm dan merokok sebagai indikator risiko. Selain itu, penelitian lintas bagian menunjukkan bahwa skor plak merupakan indikator risiko mukositis peri-implant den...

Indikator / faktor risiko untuk mukositis peri-imp...

Desain prostesis yang didukung implant Aksesibilitas untuk penghapusan biofilm di sekeliling prostesis yang didukung implant memainkan peran penting dalam upaya pencegahan dan penatalaksanaan penyakit peri‐implant. Implant dengan margin restorasi supramukosa metokke penurunan kedalaman probing yang jauh lebih besar setelah perawatan mukositis peri-implant dibandingkan implant dengan margin rest...

Indikator / faktor risiko untuk mukositis peri-imp...

Pada pasien edentula sebagian, mukositis peri-implant pra-ada yang disertai dengan kurangnya kepatuhan pada SIT punya hubungan dengan tingkat kejadian peri-implantitis yang lebih tinggi selama periode tindak lanjut 5 tahun. Weton penelitian itu metokke tingkat kejadian peri-implantitis 5 tahun sebesar 18.0% pada kelompok pasien dengan SIT dan 43.9% dalam kelompok tanpa SIT. Analisis regresi logi...

Indikator / faktor risiko untuk mukositis peri-imp...

Kebersihan mulut Weton penelitian klinis penampang telah dengan jelas menunjukkan bahwa penumpukan biofilm berkaitan dengan adanya mukositis peri-implant di seputar implant gigi yang ter-osseointegrata. Ferreira et al melaporkan tentang 212 pasien yang dirawat dengan tiga sistem implant yang berbeda dan didiagnosis dengan mukositis peri-implant. Semua implant telah berfungsi untuk jangka wayah mu...

Indikator / faktor risiko untuk mukositis peri-imp...

Pada Lokakarya Buana sebelumnya tentang Periodontologi, definisi faktor risiko disetujui sebagai "faktor lingkungan, perilaku, atau biologis yang dikonfirmasi oleh urutan temporal, biasanya dalam studi longitudinal, yang jika ada, secara langsung meningkatkan peluang penyakit terjadi dan, jika tidak ada atau dihapus mengurangi peluang itu." Untuk mengidentifikasi faktor risiko yang sebenarnya, but...

Model mukositis peri-implant eksperimental vs lesi...

Penelitian eksperimental pada manusia dan sato telah menunjukkan bahwa penumpukan biofilm de novo memicu lesi radang dalam mukosa peri-implant dengan migrasi leukosit melalui epitel penghalang dan pembentukan infiltrat radang dengan peningkatan proporsi sel T dan sel B di dalam jaringan ikat yang berada dekat dengan epitel penghalang. Model sato Model mukositis peri-implant eksperimental telah...

Mukositis peri-implant yang dipicu biofilm bisakah...

Meskipun hubungan daruna-daruni antara akumulasi biofilm eksperimental dan pengembangan mukositis peri-implant eksperimental diklaim dalam dua penelitian yang disebutkan sebelumnya, kasus untuk hubungan daruna-daruni yang sebenarnya akan diperosa oleh bukti reversibilitas untuk tingkat pra-eksperimental kesarasan mukosa. Dalam penelitian oleh Salvi et al, GI di situs implant turun secara signifik...

Perubahan dari mukosa peri-implant saras jadi peri...

Mukosa peri-implant yang saras ditandai dengan adanya epitel oral yang meluas ke epitel penghalang non-keratin dengan lamina basal dan hemidesmosome yang menghadap ke permukaan implant atau abutmen. Dalam jaringan ikat yang berdekatan dengan penghalang epitel, ada infiltrat sel radang yang menyulihi pertahanan inang terhadap tantangan bakteri. Dalam kondisi mukosa peri-implant yang saras, epitel p...

Tabel 1. Persamaan & perbedaan antara gingivitis t...

    Gingivitis Mukositis peri‐implant Pengertian Peradangan gingival tanpa susut perlekatan periodontal Peradangan mukosa peri‐implant tanpa penyusutan tulang peri-implant berkelanjutan Tanda klinis Kemerahan, bengkak, dan perdarahan dengan probing lembut Kemerahan, bengkak, perdarahan dengan probing lembut, dan nanah Peradangan eksperimental pada manusia P...

Pengertian : Mukositis peri‐implant

Mukosa peri-implan telah didefinisikan dalam lokakarya sebelumnya sebagai lesi inflamasi mukosa yang mengelilingi implant endosseous tanpa kehilangan tulang peri-implant pendukung. Kriteria penting untuk pengertian mukositis peri-implant adalah peradangan pada mukosa peri-implant dan tidak adanya keropos tulang peri-implant marjinal yang berkelanjutan. Tanda klinis peradangan adalah pendarahan pad...

Bahan & metode : Mukositis peri‐implant

Pencarian literatur MEDLINE (PubMed) dan The Cochrane Library hingga dan termasuk 31 Juli 2016, dilakukan menggunakan strategi pencarian (peri-implant[All Fields] AND ("mucositis"[MeSH Terms] OR "mucositis"[All Fields])) OR (periimplant[All Fields] AND mucositis[All Fields]), memunculkan 224 karya kawidyan. Penelitian prospektif, retrospektif, dan lintas bidang dan karya tinjauan yang berfokus pad...

Pendahuluan : Peri‐implant mucositis

Penyakit peri-implant, termasuk peri-implant mucositis dan peri-implantitis, pertama kali didefinisikan dan dijelaskan pada Lokakarya Eropa Pertama tentang Periodontologi di Ittingen pada tahun 1993. Setelah itu, ada banyak lokakarya yang medhar definisi, kelumrahan, dan pengobatan penyakit ini. penyakit. Mucositis peri-implan dianggap sebagai prekursor peri-implantitis. Tujuan dari tinjauan narat...

Mukositis peri-implant

Tujuan Tinjauan naratif ini disiapkan untuk Lokakarya Buana 2017 Akademi Periodontologi Amerika dan Federasi Periodontologi Eropa untuk menanggapi pertanyaan-pertanyaan kunci terkait dengan kondisi klinis mukositis peri-implant, termasuk: definisi mukositis peri-implant, perubahan kesarasan peri-implant jadi lesi mukositis peri-implant yang diinduksi oleh biofilm, reversibilitas mukositis ...

Gambar 1. Peri-implant mucositis vs peri-implantit...

Gambar 1. Peri-implant mucositis vs peri-implantitis vs peri-implant health

Table 2. Evidence for factors as risk indicators f...

Risk indicator Publication Summary Odds ratio (95% CI), multivariate analysis Significance Plaque biofilm presence Roos‐Jansaker et al. 218 subjects, 9‐ to 14‐year follow‐up, multivariate analysis 1.9 (1.2 –2.9) P = 0.004 Plaque score: poor = median plaque score > 1 and 

Similarities & differences between risk indicators...

SIMILARITIES AND DIFFERENCES BETWEEN RISK INDICATORS/FACTORS FOR PERIODONTAL DISEASES VERSUS PERI‐IMPLANT MUCOSITIS A recent systematic review summarized potential risk indicators for peri‐implant mucositis and identified biofilm accumulation and smoking as risk indicators. In addition, a cross‐sectional study showed that plaque score was a risk indicator for peri‐implant mucositis in a...

Risk indicators / factors for peri-implant mucosit...

Design of implant‐supported prostheses Accessibility for biofilm removal around implant‐supported prostheses plays an important role in the prevention and management of peri‐implant diseases. Implants with supramucosal restoration margins yielded significantly greater reductions in probing depths following treatment of peri‐implant mucositis compared with those with submucosal restoration...

Risk indicators / factors for peri-implant mucosit...

In partially edentulous patients, pre‐existing peri‐implant mucositis in conjunction with lack of adherence to SIT was associated with a higher incidence of peri‐implantitis during a 5‐year follow‐up period. The outcomes of that study yielded a 5‐year incidence of peri‐implantitis of 18.0% in the group of patients with SIT and of 43.9% in the group without SIT, respectively. The ...

Risk indicators / factors for peri-implant mucosit...

Oral hygiene Outcomes of cross‐sectional clinical studies have clearly indicated that biofilm accumulation is associated with the presence of peri‐implant mucositis around osseointegrated dental implants. Ferreira et al. reported on 212 patients treated with three different implant systems and diagnosed with peri‐implant mucositis. All implants had been in function for a period ranging f...

Risk indicators / factors for peri-implant mucosit...

At a previous World Workshop on Periodontology the definition of a risk factor was agreed as, “an environmental, behavioral or biologic factor confirmed by temporal sequence, usually in longitudinal studies, which if present, directly increases the probability of a disease occurring and, if absent or removed reduces that probability.” To identify a true risk factor, prospective studies are req...

Experimental peri-implant mucositis models vs long...

Experimental studies in humans and animals have demonstrated that de novo biofilm accumulation results in an inflammatory lesion within the peri‐implant mucosa with migration of leukocytes through the barrier epithelium and the establishment of an inflammatory infiltrate with an increased proportion of T‐ and B‐cells in the connective tissue adjacent to the barrier epithelium. Animal mod...

Is biofilm-induced peri-implant mucositis a revers...

Although a cause–effect relationship between experimental biofilm accumulation and the development of experimental peri‐implant mucositis was claimed in the two studies mentioned previously, the case for a true cause–effect relationship would be strengthened by the proof of reversibility to pre‐experimental levels of mucosal health. In the study by Salvi et al., the GI at implant sites dr...

Conversion from healthy peri-implant mucosa to per...

Healthy peri‐implant mucosa is characterized by the presence of an oral epithelium extending into a non‐keratinized barrier epithelium with basal lamina and hemidesmosomes facing the implant or abutment surface. In the connective tissue adjacent to the epithelial barrier, inflammatory cell infiltrates representing the host's defense against the bacterial challenge are present. In healthy peri...

Table 1. Similarities and differences between biof...

  Gingivitis Peri‐implant mucositis Definition Gingival inflammation without periodontal attachment loss Peri‐implant mucosal inflammation in absence of continuous marginal peri‐implant bone loss Clinical signs Redness, swelling, and bleeding on gentle probing Redness, swelling, bleeding on gentle probing, and suppuration Experimental inflammation in humans I...

Definition : Peri‐implant mucositis

Peri‐implant mucositis has been defined in previous workshops as an inflammatory lesion of the mucosa surrounding an endosseous implant without loss of supporting peri‐implant bone. The important criteria for the definition of peri‐implant mucositis are inflammation in the peri‐implant mucosa and the absence of continuing marginal peri‐implant bone loss. The clinical sign of inflammation...

Materials & methods : Peri‐implant mucositis

A literature search of MEDLINE (PubMed) and The Cochrane Library up to and including July 31, 2016, was carried out using the search strategy (peri‐implant[All Fields] AND (“mucositis”[MeSH Terms] OR “mucositis”[All Fields])) OR (periimplant[All Fields] AND mucositis[All Fields]), resulting in 224 papers. Prospective, retrospective, and cross‐sectional studies and review papers focused...

Pendahuluan : Peri‐implant mucositis

Peri‐implant diseases, including peri‐implant mucositis and peri‐implantitis, were first defined and described at the First European Workshop on Periodontology in Ittingen in 1993. Following this, there have been numerous workshops addressing the definition, prevalence, and treatment of these diseases. Peri‐implant mucositis is considered to be the precursor of peri‐implantitis. The ob...

Peri‐implant mucositis

Objectives This narrative review was prepared for the 2017 World Workshop of the American Academy of Periodontology and European Federation of Periodontology to address key questions related to the clinical condition of peri‐implant mucositis, including: 1) the definition of peri‐implant mucositis, 2) conversion of peri‐implant health to the biofilm‐induced peri‐implant mucositis lesi...