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Tentang artikel ini : Kasus langka osteonekrosis r...

Maluf, G., Caldas , RJ, Fregnani, ER et al. Kasus langka osteonekrosis rahang terkait bevacizumab terkait dengan implan gigi. Penyok Implan Int J 5, 34 (2019). Unduh kutipan Diterima: 01 Juli 2019 Diterima: 30 Agustus 2019 Diterbitkan: 01 Oktober 2019 DOI:

Hak dan izin : Kasus langka osteonekrosis rahang t...

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Springer Nature tetap netral sehubungan dengan klaim yurisdiksi di peta yang diterbitkan dan afiliasi institusional.

Deklarasi etika : Kasus langka osteonekrosis rahan...

Persyaratan Deklarasi Helsinki dipatuhi, dan pasien memberikan persetujuan untuk semua tindakan bedah prosedur.Informed consent tertulis diperoleh dari pasien untuk publikasi laporan ini dan semua gambar yang menyertainya.Gustavo Maluf, Rogério Jardim Caldas, Eduardo Rodrigues Fregnani, dan Paulo Sérgio da Silva Santos menyatakan bahwa mereka tidak memiliki kepentingan yang bersaing.

Informasi penulis : Kasus langka osteonekrosis rah...

Klinik Swasta, Brasilia, DF, BrasilGustavo MalufBrasilia, BrasilGustavo MalufDepartment of Stomatology, Bauru Dental School, USP–University of São Paulo, Bauru, SP, BrazilRogério Jardim CaldasDepartemen Kedokteran Mulut, Rumah Sakit Sírio-Libanês, São Paulo, SP, BrasilEduardo Rodrigues FregnaniDepartment of Stomatology, Bauru Dental School, USP–University of São Paulo, Bauru, SP, BrazilP...

Ucapan Terima Kasih : Kasus langka osteonekrosis r...

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Referensi : Kasus langka osteonekrosis rahang terk...

Otto S, Schreyer C, Hafner S, dkk. Osteonekrosis rahang terkait bifosfonat—karakteristik, faktor risiko, gambaran klinis, lokalisasi, dan dampak pada pengobatan onkologis. J Craniomaxillofac Surg. 2012;40:303–9 .Agrillo A, Filiaci F, Ramieri V, dkk. Osteonekrosis rahang terkait bifosfonat (BRONJ): Pengalaman 5 tahun dalam pengobatan 131 kasus dengan terapi ozon. Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci. 2012...

Referensi : Kasus langka osteonekrosis rahang terk...

Pakosch D, Papadimas D, Munding J, dkk. Osteonekrosis mandibula karena agen anti-angiogenik, bevacizumab. Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2013;17:303–6. Corbella S, Taschieri S, Samaranayake L, Tsesis I, dkk. Pilihan perawatan implan setelah pencabutan gigi yang retak vertikal. Sebuah proposal untuk klasifikasi klinis defek tulang berdasarkan tinjauan sistematis literatur. Clin Implan Oral Res. 2014;25:9...

Referensi : Kasus langka osteonekrosis rahang terk...

Watters AL, Epstein JB, Agulnik M. Komplikasi oral dari terapi kanker yang ditargetkan: tinjauan literatur naratif. Oral Oncol. 2011;47:441–8. Herbst RS, O'Neill VJ, Fehrenbacher L, et al. Studi fase II tentang kemanjuran dan keamanan bevacizumab dalam kombinasi dengan kemoterapi atau erlotinib dibandingkan dengan kemoterapi saja untuk pengobatan kanker paru-paru sel kecil yang berulang atau re...

Abbreviations : Kasus langka osteonekrosis rahang ...

Osteonekrosis rahang terkait Bevacizumab Tulang meruncing Tomografi komputer Osteonekrosis rahang terkait pengobatan Faktor pertumbuhan endotel vaskular A

Ketersediaan data dan bahan : Kasus langka osteone...

Berbagi data tidak berlaku untuk artikel ini karena tidak ada kumpulan data yang dibuat atau dianalisis selama penelitian saat ini.

Kesimpulan : Kasus langka osteonekrosis rahang ter...

Temuan kasus ini menunjukkan bahwa pemasangan implan gigi merupakan faktor risiko osteonekrosis rahang pada pasien yang terpapar bevacizumab. Oleh karena itu, studi prospektif acak harus didorong untuk menentukan rejimen bevacizumab yang lebih aman yang mempertimbangkan baik operasi mulut dan risiko implan gigi untuk pengelolaan osteonekrosis dalam pengaturan klinis.

Discussion : Kasus langka osteonekrosis rahang ter...

MRONJ adalah efek samping obat dengan predileksi pada mandibula [24] , yang dapat dikaitkan dengan vaskularisasi mandibula yang relatif rendah dibandingkan dengan rahang atas [13] Infeksi gigi, intervensi bedah, pengobatan kortikosteroid, dan kemoterapi telah digambarkan sebagai faktor risiko osteonekrosis [25]. pasien mengalami osteonekrosis stadium 2 dengan infeksi gigi di area mandibula, bahkan...

Discussion : Kasus langka osteonekrosis rahang ter...

Pemberian agen antiangiogenik jangka panjang tidak secara langsung menunjukkan risiko tinggi MRONJ [16], meskipun beberapa penulis telah menetapkan interval 7-, 14-, dan 28 hari dari suspensi bevacizumab untuk bedah mulut [17,18,19] Dalam kasus ini, obat antiangiogenik dihentikan selama 28 hari sebelum penempatan implan; namun, ini tidak cukup untuk mencegah MRONJ. Permukaan implan Straumann® SLa...

Discussion : Kasus langka osteonekrosis rahang ter...

Sebuah meta-analisis menunjukkan bahwa penempatan implan gigi pada pasien yang terpapar bifosfonat tidak mengurangi tingkat keberhasilan implan gigi [11], meskipun pasien ini mungkin mengalami komplikasi Berdasarkan analisis ini, penilaian risiko harus dilakukan berdasarkan kasus per kasus, karena MRONJ jarang terjadi tetapi salah satu di antara komplikasi serius terapi bifosfonat [11] Namun, stud...

Presentasi kasus : Kasus langka osteonekrosis raha...

Lima minggu pascaoperasi, nyeri, drainase sekret purulen, dan tulang terbuka di sekitar implan diamati (Gbr. 4), meskipun tidak ada implan yang menunjukkan mobilitas. Sepuluh sesi terapi ozon yang terkait dengan levofloxacin dilakukan. Setelah 4 minggu terapi dengan minyak ozon (Philozon®, Balneário Cambori, SC, Brasil), tidak ada rasa sakit atau drainase dari sekresi purulen. Namun, sekuestrasi...

Presentasi kasus : Kasus langka osteonekrosis raha...

Seorang wanita bule berusia 54 tahun mengeluhkan rasa tidak enak dan nyeri di mulut. Riwayat medisnya termasuk kanker payudara dengan metastasis, yang didiagnosis pada tahun 2007. Pasien tidak memiliki penyakit penyerta dan tidak ada riwayat merokok. Telah dilakukan mastektomi radikal dengan diseksi aksila. Pasien tidak memiliki riwayat radioterapi kepala sebelumnya. dan leher atau penggunaan bifo...

Latar Belakang : Kasus langka osteonekrosis rahang...

Pengobatan keganasan sering kali melibatkan penggunaan terapi bertarget untuk mengontrol pertumbuhan dan kelangsungan hidup keganasan sel dengan mengganggu agen molekuler spesifik yang terlibat dalam karsinogenesis [1]. Bevacizumab adalah antibodi monoklonal manusiawi rekombinan yang dirancang untuk secara selektif mengikat dan menghambat aktivitas biologis semua isoform faktor pertumbuhan endotel...

Pendanaan : Kasus langka osteonekrosis rahang terk...

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Fig. 7. Panoramic radiograph at 7-month follow-up ...

Fig. 7. Panoramic radiograph at 7-month follow-up

Fig. 6. Image obtained 7 months postoperatively ...

Fig. 6. Image obtained 7 months postoperatively showing no lesions

Fig. 5. a, b Histological image of the lesion : A ...

Fig. 5. a, b Histological image of the lesion

Fig. 4. Bone exposure surrounding the implants wit...

Fig. 4. Bone exposure surrounding the implants with drainage of purulent secretion

Fig. 3. Panoramic radiograph after dental extracti...

Fig. 3. Panoramic radiograph after dental extractions with subsequent dental implants

Fig. 2. a, b Tomographic findings: lesions, measur...

Fig. 2. a, b Tomographic findings: lesions, measurements, and bone quality

Fig. 1. Initial clinical image showing oral infect...

Fig. 1. Initial clinical image showing oral infection foci

About this article : A rare case of bevacizumab-re...

Maluf, G., Caldas, R.J., Fregnani, E.R. et al. A rare case of bevacizumab-related osteonecrosis of the jaw associated with dental implants. Int J Implant Dent 5, 34 (2019). Download citation Received: 01 July 2019 Accepted: 30 August 2019 Published: 01 October 2019 DOI:

Rights and permissions : A rare case of bevacizuma...

Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were m...

Additional information : A rare case of bevacizuma...

Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.

Ethics declarations : A rare case of bevacizumab-r...

The requirements of the Helsinki Declaration were observed, and the patient gave informed consent for all surgical procedures. Written informed consent was obtained from the patient for the publication of this report and all accompanying images. Gustavo Maluf, Rogério Jardim Caldas, Eduardo Rodrigues Fregnani, and Paulo Sérgio da Silva Santos declare that they have no competing interests.

Author information : A rare case of bevacizumab-re...

Private Clinic, Brasília, DF, Brazil Gustavo Maluf Brasília, Brasil Gustavo Maluf Department of Stomatology, Bauru Dental School, USP–University of São Paulo, Bauru, SP, Brazil Rogério Jardim Caldas Department of Oral Medicine, Hospital Sírio-Libanês, São Paulo, SP, Brazil Eduardo Rodrigues Fregnani Department of Stomatology, Bauru Dental School, USP–University of São Paulo, Ba...

Funding : A rare case of bevacizumab-related osteo...


Acknowledgements : A rare case of bevacizumab-rela...


References : A rare case of bevacizumab-related os...

Otto S, Schreyer C, Hafner S, et al. Bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaws—characteristics, risk factors, clinical features, localization and impact on oncological treatment. J Craniomaxillofac Surg. 2012;40:303–9. Agrillo A, Filiaci F, Ramieri V, et al. Bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (BRONJ): 5 year experience in the treatment of 131 cases with ozone therapy. Eur ...

References : A rare case of bevacizumab-related os...

Pakosch D, Papadimas D, Munding J, et al. Osteonecrosis of the mandible due to anti-angiogenic agent, bevacizumab. Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2013;17:303–6. Corbella S, Taschieri S, Samaranayake L, Tsesis I, et al. Implant treatment choice after extraction of a vertically fractured tooth. A proposal for a clinical classification of bony defects based on a systematic review of literature. Clin Oral I...

References : A rare case of bevacizumab-related os...

Watters AL, Epstein JB, Agulnik M. Oral complications of targeted cancer therapies: a narrative literature review. Oral Oncol. 2011;47:441–8. Herbst RS, O’Neill VJ, Fehrenbacher L, et al. Phase II study of efficacy and safety of bevacizumab in combination with chemotherapy or erlotinib compared with chemotherapy alone for treatment of recurrent or refractory none small-cell lung cancer. J Cli...

Abbreviations : A rare case of bevacizumab-related...

Bevacizumab-related osteonecrosis of the jaw Bone level tapered Computed tomography Medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw Vascular endothelial growth factor A

Availability of data and materials : A rare case o...

Data sharing is not applicable to this article as no datasets were generated or analyzed during the current study.

Conclusions : A rare case of bevacizumab-related o...

The findings of the present case indicate that insertion of dental implants is a risk factor for osteonecrosis of the jaw in patients exposed to bevacizumab. Therefore, prospective randomized studies should be encouraged to determine a safer bevacizumab regimen that considers both oral surgeries and the risk of dental implants for the management of osteonecrosis in clinical settings.

Discussion : A rare case of bevacizumab-related os...

MRONJ is a side effect of drugs with a predilection for the mandible [24], which can be attributed to the relatively low vascularization of the mandible as compared to the maxilla [13]. Dental infections, surgical interventions, corticosteroid treatment, and chemotherapy have been described as risk factors for osteonecrosis [25]. In this case, the patient presented with stage 2 osteonecrosis with ...

Discussion : A rare case of bevacizumab-related os...

Long-term administration of antiangiogenic agents does not directly indicate a high risk of MRONJ [16], though some authors have established 7-, 14-, and 28-day intervals of bevacizumab suspension for oral surgery [17,18,19]. In this case, the antiangiogenic medication was suspended for 28 days before implant placement; however, this was not enough to prevent MRONJ. The surfaces of Straumann® S...

Discussion : A rare case of bevacizumab-related os...

A meta-analysis showed that the placement of dental implants in patients exposed to bisphosphonates did not reduce the success rate of the dental implant [11], although these patients may experience complications. Based on this analysis, a risk assessment should be performed on a case-by-case basis, since MRONJ is rare but one among serious complication of bisphosphonate therapy [11]. However, a c...

Case presentation : A rare case of bevacizumab-rel...

Five weeks postoperatively, pain, drainage of purulent secretion, and bone exposure around the implants were observed (Fig. 4), although none of the implants showed mobility. Ten ozone therapy sessions associated with levofloxacin were performed. After 4 weeks of therapy with ozone oil (Philozon®, Balneário Camboriú, SC, Brazil), no pain or drainage of purulent secretion were present. Bone s...

Case presentation : A rare case of bevacizumab-rel...

A 54-year-old Caucasian woman complained of an unpleasant taste and pain in the mouth. Her medical history included breast cancer with metastasis, which was diagnosed in 2007. The patient had no comorbidities and no history of smoking. A radical mastectomy with axillary dissection was performed. The patient had no previous history of radiotherapy of the head and neck or use of bisphosphonates. The...

Background : A rare case of bevacizumab-related os...

The treatment of malignancies often involves the use of targeted therapies to control the growth and survival of malignant cells by interfering with specific molecular agents involved in carcinogenesis [1]. Bevacizumab is a recombinant humanized monoclonal antibody designed to selectively bind and inhibit the biological activity of all human vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF-A) isoforms. It...

Fig. 8. Photomicrographs of decalcified sections. ...

Fig. 8. Photomicrographs of decalcified sections. a Untreated site. Woven bone formed from the sinus walls after 1 week of healing. b Treated site. After 8 weeks, woven bone was still found forming ridges towards residues of provisional matrix, showing that the healing was not completed yet. Scarlet-acid fuchsine and toluidine blue stain. a × 100 magnification. b × 20 magnification ...

Fig. 7. Box-plot representing the new bone percent...

Fig. 7. Box-plot representing the new bone percentage and standard deviations (whiskers) found in the various regions evaluated after 8 weeks of healing. (*), a statistical significant difference Fig. 7. Box-plot representing the new bone percentage and standard deviations (whiskers) found in the various regions evaluated after 8 weeks of healing. (*), a statistical significant difference

Fig. 6. Photomicrographs of decalcified sections i...

Fig. 6. Photomicrographs of decalcified sections illustrating the healing after 8 weeks. a Treated site. Most of the antrostomies presented remaining defects in the outer contour. b, c Untreated sites. Two antrostomies of the treated sites and four of the untreated sites appeared not closed with corticalized bone and presented connective tissue interposed between the edges of the antrostomy. S...

Fig. 5. Photomicrographs of decalcified sections i...

Fig. 5. Photomicrographs of decalcified sections illustrating the healing after 8 weeks. Both at the treated (a) and untreated (b) sites, the antrostomy was closed in most cases, presenting residual defects of various dimensions in the outer side. New bone was connecting the lateral and medial sinus walls. The middle and sub-mucosa regions were not healed completely yet. Scarlet-acid fuchsine ...

Fig. 4. Photomicrographs of ground sections. a) Tr...

Fig. 4. Photomicrographs of ground sections. a) Treated site. Bone residues (examples in yellow asterisks) included in soft tissue containing fibroblast-like cells and inflammatory cells. b) Untreated site. Xenograft residues (examples in red asterisks) surrounded by soft tissue rich in fibroblast-like cells. Scarlet-acid fuchsine and toluidine blue stain. a) 200 x magnification.; b) 100 x magni...

Fig. 3. Photomicrographs of decalcified sections i...

Fig. 3. Photomicrographs of decalcified sections illustrating the healing after 1 week. a Treated site. Bone strips occupying the antrostomy and the subjacent area (close-to-window region). b Untreated site. Note the new bone-forming from the sinus bone walls. Scarlet-acid fuchsine and toluidine blue stain. Images grabbed at × 20 magnification Fig. 3. Photomicrographs of decalcified sect...

Fig. 2. The various regions evaluated at the histo...

Fig. 2. The various regions evaluated at the histomorphometric analyses. Bone walls (red arrow); middle (white arrow); sub-mucosa (yellow arrow); close-to-window (orange arrow). The antrostomy region was also evaluated at the medial and lateral edges (dark green arrows) and in the middle aspect (light green arrow) Fig. 2. The various regions evaluated at the histomorphometric analyses. Bone w...

Fig. 1. Clinical view of the surgical procedures. ...

Fig. 1. Clinical view of the surgical procedures. a Tibial bone exposed for autogenous bone harvesting using a bone scraper. b Antrostomies prepared. c Autogenous bone particles placed in the antrostomy. d Xenograft and bone particles (red arrow) at the antrostomies. e Collagen membranes placed on the antrostomies. f Wounds closed with sutures Fig. 1. Clinical view of the surgical procedures....

Table 2 Histomorphometric analysis. Tissues evalua...

  AntrostomySinus regions  EdgesCenterTotalClose-to-windowMiddleSub-mucosaBone wallsTotalNew boneTreated sites40.3 ± 21.337.8 (27.0;56.0)24.3 ± 23.222.0 (3.4;42.2)35.5 ± 20.927.7 (23.3;52.0)25.8* ± 16.122.9 (15.2;39.7)19.5 ± 16.711.7 (10.1;22.3)22.5 ± 11.620.4 (12.6;31.3)38.0 ± 15.044.8 (31.8;47.5)27.9 ± 12.930.1 (19.6;34.5)Untreated sites32.2 ± 22....

Table 1 Histomorphometric analysis. Tissues evalua...

  AntrostomySinus regions  EdgesCenterTotalClose-to-windowMiddleSub-mucosaBone wallsTotalNew boneTreated sites9.2 ± 10.6 4.6 (3.2;12.5)5.2 ± 13.90.0 (0.0;0.5)7.7 ± 11.22.7 (1.9;7.9)0.6 ± 1.00.0 (0.0;0.7)0.0 ± 0.00.0 (0.0;0.0)1.4 ± 1.80.8 (0.0;2.2)7.7 ± 6.38.2 (1.3;11.1)2.8 ± 2.62.2 (0.7;4.0)Untreated sites8.9 ± 8.5 6.2 (4.0;10.8)1.0 ± 2.70.0 (0....

About this article : Influence of the use of autog...

Favero, G., Viña-Almunia, J., Carda, C. et al. Influence of the use of autogenous bone particles to close the access window after maxillary sinus floor augmentation: an experimental study in rabbits. Int J Implant Dent 6, 9 (2020). Download citation Received: 20 October 2019 Accepted: 21 January 2020 Published: 04 March 2020 DOI:...

Rights and permissions : Influence of the use of a...

Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were m...

Additional information : Influence of the use of a...

Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.

Ethics declarations : Influence of the use of auto...

The present research was approved by the Ethics Committee of Valencia University, Spain. Reference number: A1434714637496. Not applicable. Daniele Botticelli declares to be the co-owner of Ariminum Odontologica. Giacomo Favero, Jose Viña-Almunia, Carmen Carda, José Javier Martín de Llano, Berta García-Mira, David Soto-Peñaloza, Daniele Botticelli, and Miguel Peñarrocha-Diago declare that t...

Author information : Influence of the use of autog...

You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar GF participated in the concept/design, data analysis/interpretation, drafting of the article and surgical procedures. JV-A performed the surgical procedures, made the follow up of the animals, participated in the manuscript revision and ethical committee redaction and approval. BG-M and DS-P performed the surgi...

Author information : Influence of the use of autog...

Private practice, London, UK Giacomo Favero Oral Surgery Unit. Department of Stomatology, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, Clinica Odontológica, University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain Jose Viña-Almunia, Berta García-Mira, David Soto-Peñaloza & Miguel Peñarrocha-Diago Department of Pathology and Health Research Institute of the Hospital Clínico (INCLIVA), Faculty of Medicine and De...

Funding : Influence of the use of autogenous bone ...

Funds from the present have been provided by ARDEC Academy, by Ariminum Odontologica s.r.l., Rimini, Italy and Tecnoss srl, Giaveno, Italy. The biomaterials use were provided free of charge by Tecnoss srl, Giaveno, Italy.

References : Influence of the use of autogenous bo...

Download references

References : Influence of the use of autogenous bo...

Favero V, Lang NP, Canullo L, Urbizo Velez J, Bengazi F, Botticelli D. Sinus floor elevation outcomes following perforation of the Schneiderian membrane. An experimental study in sheep. Clin Oral Implants Res. 2016;27(2):233–40. Scala A, Lang NP, Velez JU, Favero R, Bengazi F, Botticelli D. Effects of a collagen membrane positioned between augmentation material and the sinus mucosa in the eleva...

References : Influence of the use of autogenous bo...

Kawakami S, Lang NP, Ferri M, Apaza Alccayhuaman KA, Botticelli D. Influence of the height of the antrostomy in sinus floor elevation assessed by cone beam computed tomography- a randomized clinical trial. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2019;34(1):223–32. Kawakami S, Lang NP, Iida T, Ferri M, Apaza Alccayhuaman KA, Botticelli D. Influence of the position of the antrostomy in sinus floor elevat...

References : Influence of the use of autogenous bo...

Tatum, H., Jr. Maxillary sinus grafting for endosseous implants. Lecture presented at the Annual Meeting of the Alabama Implant Study Group (1977); cited in Smiler, D.G., Johnson, P.W., Lozada, J.L., Misch, C., Rosenlicht, J.L., Tatum, O.H. Jr. & Wagner J.R. Sinus lift grafts and endosseous implants. Treatment of the atrophic posterior maxilla. Dental clinics of North America. 1992;36:151–186. ...

Abbreviations : Influence of the use of autogenous...

Animal Research Reporting In Vivo Experiments Cone beam computed tomography Deproteinized bovine bone mineral Tricalcium phosphate

Availability of data and materials : Influence of ...

The datasets used or analyzed during the current study are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.

Discussion : Influence of the use of autogenous bo...

The lower phylogenetic level of the animals compared to humans was the main limitation of the present study. An increased number of animals might allow reaching a statistical difference in favor of the treated sites also in the antrostomy region. Nevertheless, the outcomes obtained, allow to performing studies in humans that might demonstrate the advantages of applying autologous bone on the antro...

Discussion : Influence of the use of autogenous bo...

In both studies presented above on sinus floor elevation in sheep, all the lateral windows were prepared using a piezoelectric device. In an experiment in rabbits [21], the antrostomies were done with either a sonic instrument or drills to evaluate differences in bone formation in the antrostomy. Elevated space is filled with a collagenated porcine bone similar that used in the present experiment,...

Discussion : Influence of the use of autogenous bo...

The present experiment aimed to study the influence on the healing after the placement of autogenous bone on the antrostomy and in the subjacent region after maxillary sinus elevation. After 8 weeks of healing, in the antrostomy region, a trend of higher bone formation in the treated compared to the untreated sites was observed. No statistically significant difference was found. In the subjacent ...

Results : Influence of the use of autogenous bone ...

After 1 week of healing (Table 1), in the close-to-window region, the proportions of xenograft were 21.3 ± 14.7% and 55.9 ± 19.0 (p = 0.012) in the treated and untreated sites, respectively. After 8 weeks of healing (Table 2), these values decreased to a similar percentage (15.5 ± 14.4% and to 15.5 ± 14.2%; p = 0.917, respectively). After 1 week of healing (Table...

Results : Influence of the use of autogenous bone ...

Biopsies could be harvested from all animals. However, histological sections could not be obtained from one rabbit of the 8 weeks group; therefore, eight and seven were achieved for the 1-week and 8-week periods, respectively. After 1 week of healing, at the treated sites, the antrostomy and close-to-windows regions were occupied by a high proportion of residues of autogenous bone (Fig. 3a),...

Materials and methods : Influence of the use of au...

Overlapping calibrated digital images of the tissues were recorded with Leica Applications Suite version 4.4.0 software from a bright field Leica DM4000 B microscope (Leica Microsystems GmbH, Wëtzlar, Germany) equipped with a 5× lens and DFC420 digital camera. Single images were pasted and merged to compose each elevated sinus using the program Photoshop (Adobe Photoshop CC 2015.0.0). The histo...

Materials and methods : Influence of the use of au...

Afterward, a trichotomy was performed in the nasal dorsum and, after disinfection of the experimental region using Betadine (MEDA Pharma®, Madrid, Spain), a sagittal incision was carried out. The skin and the periosteum were dissected and shifted laterally to expose the nasal bone. Antrostomies, 4 × 4 mm in dimensions, located about 3–4 mm laterally to the midline and about 10 mm in f...

Materials and methods : Influence of the use of au...

Prior to the experiment, the protocol was approved by the Ethics Committee of Valencia University, Spain (A1434714637496). The guidelines indicated by the Council Directive of the European Union (53/2013; February 1, 2013) for animal experimentation and the ethical rules proposed by Royal Decree 223, March 14 and October 13, 1988, were fulfilled. The study was reported following the ARRIVE guideli...

Introduction : Influence of the use of autogenous ...

Hence, the present experiment aimed to study the influence on healing, of the autogenous bone particle placement in the antrostomy and in the subjacent region after maxillary sinus elevation.

Introduction : Influence of the use of autogenous ...

Maxillary sinus floor elevation through lateral access was first proposed in 1977 [1], while the technique was published in 1984 [2]. Several modifications in the surgical approach and the biomaterials used have been introduced over time [3,4,5]. In a systematic review with meta-analysis, it was concluded that the best survival rate was observed when implants with rough surface and membrane to cov...

Abstract : Influence of the use of autogenous bone...

To study the influence on the healing of the placement of particulate autogenous bone in the antrostomy and in the subjacent region after maxillary sinus elevation. Sixteen New Zealand rabbits were undergone to bilateral maxillary sinus floor augmentation with 4 × 4 mm antrostomy dimension. The sinus mucosa was elevated, and the space obtained was filled with xenograft. In the test site (tr...

Fig. 8. Photomicrographs of decalcified sections. ...

Fig. 8. Photomicrographs of decalcified sections. a Untreated site. Woven bone formed from the sinus walls after 1 week of healing. b Treated site. After 8 weeks, woven bone was still found forming ridges towards residues of provisional matrix, showing that the healing was not completed yet. Scarlet-acid fuchsine and toluidine blue stain. a × 100 magnification. b × 20 magnification ...

Fig. 7. Box-plot representing the new bone percent...

Fig. 7. Box-plot representing the new bone percentage and standard deviations (whiskers) found in the various regions evaluated after 8 weeks of healing. (*), a statistical significant difference Fig. 7. Box-plot representing the new bone percentage and standard deviations (whiskers) found in the various regions evaluated after 8 weeks of healing. (*), a statistical significant difference

Fig. 6. Photomicrographs of decalcified sections i...

Fig. 6. Photomicrographs of decalcified sections illustrating the healing after 8 weeks. a Treated site. Most of the antrostomies presented remaining defects in the outer contour. b, c Untreated sites. Two antrostomies of the treated sites and four of the untreated sites appeared not closed with corticalized bone and presented connective tissue interposed between the edges of the antrostomy. S...

Fig. 5. Photomicrographs of decalcified sections i...

Fig. 5. Photomicrographs of decalcified sections illustrating the healing after 8 weeks. Both at the treated (a) and untreated (b) sites, the antrostomy was closed in most cases, presenting residual defects of various dimensions in the outer side. New bone was connecting the lateral and medial sinus walls. The middle and sub-mucosa regions were not healed completely yet. Scarlet-acid fuchsine ...

Fig. 4. Photomicrographs of ground sections. a) Tr...

Fig. 4. Photomicrographs of ground sections. a) Treated site. Bone residues (examples in yellow asterisks) included in soft tissue containing fibroblast-like cells and inflammatory cells. b) Untreated site. Xenograft residues (examples in red asterisks) surrounded by soft tissue rich in fibroblast-like cells. Scarlet-acid fuchsine and toluidine blue stain. a) 200 x magnification.; b) 100 x magni...

Fig. 3. Photomicrographs of decalcified sections i...

Fig. 3. Photomicrographs of decalcified sections illustrating the healing after 1 week. a Treated site. Bone strips occupying the antrostomy and the subjacent area (close-to-window region). b Untreated site. Note the new bone-forming from the sinus bone walls. Scarlet-acid fuchsine and toluidine blue stain. Images grabbed at × 20 magnification Fig. 3. Photomicrographs of decalcified sect...

Fig. 2. The various regions evaluated at the histo...

Fig. 2. The various regions evaluated at the histomorphometric analyses. Bone walls (red arrow); middle (white arrow); sub-mucosa (yellow arrow); close-to-window (orange arrow). The antrostomy region was also evaluated at the medial and lateral edges (dark green arrows) and in the middle aspect (light green arrow) Fig. 2. The various regions evaluated at the histomorphometric analyses. Bone w...

Fig. 1. Clinical view of the surgical procedures. ...

Fig. 1. Clinical view of the surgical procedures. a Tibial bone exposed for autogenous bone harvesting using a bone scraper. b Antrostomies prepared. c Autogenous bone particles placed in the antrostomy. d Xenograft and bone particles (red arrow) at the antrostomies. e Collagen membranes placed on the antrostomies. f Wounds closed with sutures Fig. 1. Clinical view of the surgical procedures....

Table 2 Histomorphometric analysis. Tissues evalua...

  AntrostomySinus regions  EdgesCenterTotalClose-to-windowMiddleSub-mucosaBone wallsTotalNew boneTreated sites40.3 ± 21.337.8 (27.0;56.0)24.3 ± 23.222.0 (3.4;42.2)35.5 ± 20.927.7 (23.3;52.0)25.8* ± 16.122.9 (15.2;39.7)19.5 ± 16.711.7 (10.1;22.3)22.5 ± 11.620.4 (12.6;31.3)38.0 ± 15.044.8 (31.8;47.5)27.9 ± 12.930.1 (19.6;34.5)Untreated sites32.2 ± 22....

Table 1 Histomorphometric analysis. Tissues evalua...

  AntrostomySinus regions  EdgesCenterTotalClose-to-windowMiddleSub-mucosaBone wallsTotalNew boneTreated sites9.2 ± 10.6 4.6 (3.2;12.5)5.2 ± 13.90.0 (0.0;0.5)7.7 ± 11.22.7 (1.9;7.9)0.6 ± 1.00.0 (0.0;0.7)0.0 ± 0.00.0 (0.0;0.0)1.4 ± 1.80.8 (0.0;2.2)7.7 ± 6.38.2 (1.3;11.1)2.8 ± 2.62.2 (0.7;4.0)Untreated sites8.9 ± 8.5 6.2 (4.0;10.8)1.0 ± 2.70.0 (0....

About this article : Influence of the use of autog...

Favero, G., Viña-Almunia, J., Carda, C. et al. Influence of the use of autogenous bone particles to close the access window after maxillary sinus floor augmentation: an experimental study in rabbits. Int J Implant Dent 6, 9 (2020). Download citation Received: 20 October 2019 Accepted: 21 January 2020 Published: 04 March 2020 DOI:...

Rights and permissions : Influence of the use of a...

Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were m...

Additional information : Influence of the use of a...

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Ethics declarations : Influence of the use of auto...

The present research was approved by the Ethics Committee of Valencia University, Spain. Reference number: A1434714637496. Not applicable. Daniele Botticelli declares to be the co-owner of Ariminum Odontologica. Giacomo Favero, Jose Viña-Almunia, Carmen Carda, José Javier Martín de Llano, Berta García-Mira, David Soto-Peñaloza, Daniele Botticelli, and Miguel Peñarrocha-Diago declare that t...

Author information : Influence of the use of autog...

You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar GF participated in the concept/design, data analysis/interpretation, drafting of the article and surgical procedures. JV-A performed the surgical procedures, made the follow up of the animals, participated in the manuscript revision and ethical committee redaction and approval. BG-M and DS-P performed the surgi...

Author information : Influence of the use of autog...

Private practice, London, UK Giacomo Favero Oral Surgery Unit. Department of Stomatology, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, Clinica Odontológica, University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain Jose Viña-Almunia, Berta García-Mira, David Soto-Peñaloza & Miguel Peñarrocha-Diago Department of Pathology and Health Research Institute of the Hospital Clínico (INCLIVA), Faculty of Medicine and De...

Funding : Influence of the use of autogenous bone ...

Funds from the present have been provided by ARDEC Academy, by Ariminum Odontologica s.r.l., Rimini, Italy and Tecnoss srl, Giaveno, Italy. The biomaterials use were provided free of charge by Tecnoss srl, Giaveno, Italy.

References : Influence of the use of autogenous bo...

Download references

References : Influence of the use of autogenous bo...

Favero V, Lang NP, Canullo L, Urbizo Velez J, Bengazi F, Botticelli D. Sinus floor elevation outcomes following perforation of the Schneiderian membrane. An experimental study in sheep. Clin Oral Implants Res. 2016;27(2):233–40. Scala A, Lang NP, Velez JU, Favero R, Bengazi F, Botticelli D. Effects of a collagen membrane positioned between augmentation material and the sinus mucosa in the eleva...

References : Influence of the use of autogenous bo...

Kawakami S, Lang NP, Ferri M, Apaza Alccayhuaman KA, Botticelli D. Influence of the height of the antrostomy in sinus floor elevation assessed by cone beam computed tomography- a randomized clinical trial. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2019;34(1):223–32. Kawakami S, Lang NP, Iida T, Ferri M, Apaza Alccayhuaman KA, Botticelli D. Influence of the position of the antrostomy in sinus floor elevat...

References : Influence of the use of autogenous bo...

Tatum, H., Jr. Maxillary sinus grafting for endosseous implants. Lecture presented at the Annual Meeting of the Alabama Implant Study Group (1977); cited in Smiler, D.G., Johnson, P.W., Lozada, J.L., Misch, C., Rosenlicht, J.L., Tatum, O.H. Jr. & Wagner J.R. Sinus lift grafts and endosseous implants. Treatment of the atrophic posterior maxilla. Dental clinics of North America. 1992;36:151–186. ...

Abbreviations : Influence of the use of autogenous...

Animal Research Reporting In Vivo Experiments Cone beam computed tomography Deproteinized bovine bone mineral Tricalcium phosphate

Availability of data and materials : Influence of ...

The datasets used or analyzed during the current study are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.

Discussion : Influence of the use of autogenous bo...

The lower phylogenetic level of the animals compared to humans was the main limitation of the present study. An increased number of animals might allow reaching a statistical difference in favor of the treated sites also in the antrostomy region. Nevertheless, the outcomes obtained, allow to performing studies in humans that might demonstrate the advantages of applying autologous bone on the antro...

Discussion : Influence of the use of autogenous bo...

In both studies presented above on sinus floor elevation in sheep, all the lateral windows were prepared using a piezoelectric device. In an experiment in rabbits [21], the antrostomies were done with either a sonic instrument or drills to evaluate differences in bone formation in the antrostomy. Elevated space is filled with a collagenated porcine bone similar that used in the present experiment,...

Discussion : Influence of the use of autogenous bo...

The present experiment aimed to study the influence on the healing after the placement of autogenous bone on the antrostomy and in the subjacent region after maxillary sinus elevation. After 8 weeks of healing, in the antrostomy region, a trend of higher bone formation in the treated compared to the untreated sites was observed. No statistically significant difference was found. In the subjacent ...

Results : Influence of the use of autogenous bone ...

After 1 week of healing (Table 1), in the close-to-window region, the proportions of xenograft were 21.3 ± 14.7% and 55.9 ± 19.0 (p = 0.012) in the treated and untreated sites, respectively. After 8 weeks of healing (Table 2), these values decreased to a similar percentage (15.5 ± 14.4% and to 15.5 ± 14.2%; p = 0.917, respectively). After 1 week of healing (Table...

Results : Influence of the use of autogenous bone ...

Biopsies could be harvested from all animals. However, histological sections could not be obtained from one rabbit of the 8 weeks group; therefore, eight and seven were achieved for the 1-week and 8-week periods, respectively. After 1 week of healing, at the treated sites, the antrostomy and close-to-windows regions were occupied by a high proportion of residues of autogenous bone (Fig. 3a),...

Materials and methods : Influence of the use of au...

Overlapping calibrated digital images of the tissues were recorded with Leica Applications Suite version 4.4.0 software from a bright field Leica DM4000 B microscope (Leica Microsystems GmbH, Wëtzlar, Germany) equipped with a 5× lens and DFC420 digital camera. Single images were pasted and merged to compose each elevated sinus using the program Photoshop (Adobe Photoshop CC 2015.0.0). The histo...

Materials and methods : Influence of the use of au...

Afterward, a trichotomy was performed in the nasal dorsum and, after disinfection of the experimental region using Betadine (MEDA Pharma®, Madrid, Spain), a sagittal incision was carried out. The skin and the periosteum were dissected and shifted laterally to expose the nasal bone. Antrostomies, 4 × 4 mm in dimensions, located about 3–4 mm laterally to the midline and about 10 mm in f...

Materials and methods : Influence of the use of au...

Prior to the experiment, the protocol was approved by the Ethics Committee of Valencia University, Spain (A1434714637496). The guidelines indicated by the Council Directive of the European Union (53/2013; February 1, 2013) for animal experimentation and the ethical rules proposed by Royal Decree 223, March 14 and October 13, 1988, were fulfilled. The study was reported following the ARRIVE guideli...

Introduction : Influence of the use of autogenous ...

Hence, the present experiment aimed to study the influence on healing, of the autogenous bone particle placement in the antrostomy and in the subjacent region after maxillary sinus elevation.

Introduction : Influence of the use of autogenous ...

Maxillary sinus floor elevation through lateral access was first proposed in 1977 [1], while the technique was published in 1984 [2]. Several modifications in the surgical approach and the biomaterials used have been introduced over time [3,4,5]. In a systematic review with meta-analysis, it was concluded that the best survival rate was observed when implants with rough surface and membrane to cov...

Abstract : Influence of the use of autogenous bone...

To study the influence on the healing of the placement of particulate autogenous bone in the antrostomy and in the subjacent region after maxillary sinus elevation. Sixteen New Zealand rabbits were undergone to bilateral maxillary sinus floor augmentation with 4 × 4 mm antrostomy dimension. The sinus mucosa was elevated, and the space obtained was filled with xenograft. In the test site (tr...

Figure 6. Cultivation and osteogenic differentiati...

Figure 6. Figure 6. Cultivation and osteogenic differentiation of DFCs on PA after modification with collagen I. (Left) Relative cell number and (Right) normalized ALP activity.

Figure 5. Evaluation of osteogenic differentiation...

Figure 5. resentative results are shown for dNC-PCs. Figure 5. Evaluation of osteogenic differentiation. (A) Clustergram of PCR-array results; (B-C) histology of differentiated dental cells on AP (B) and SB (C). Representative results are shown for dNC-PCs.

Figure 4. Osteogenic differentiation of dental ste...

Figure 4. dishes for control. Figure 4. Osteogenic differentiation of dental stem cells. Normalized ALP activity of dNC-PCs and DFCs on AP and SB (A) and on silicone (B). Cells were differentiated on standard cell culture dishes for control.

Figure 3. Evaluation of programmed cell death (apo...

Figure 3. (black number), apoptotic cells (blue number), and dead cells (red number). (B) Western blot analyses show the expression of the pro-apoptotic marker BAX and the anti-apoptotic marker BCL2. Figure 3. Evaluation of programmed cell death (apoptosis) in dental stem cells. (A) Flow cytometry analyses (for details materials and methods) show percentage of vital cells (black number), apop...

Figure 2. Cell proliferation of dNC-PCs and DFCs o...

Figure 2. spheroid cell clusters on silicone (representative pictures for DFCs); Silicone (24 and 48 h). Figure 2. C ell proliferation of dNC-PCs and DFCs on tested materials. (A) and (B) Relative cell numbers; (C) spheroid cell clusters on silicone (representative pictures for DFCs); Silicone (24 and 48 h).

Figure 1. Cell attachment on tested materials. (A)...

Figure 1. ative pictures of DFCs. Figure 1. Cell attachment on tested materials. (A) Relative cell adherence of DFCs and dNC-PCs; (B) dental cells did little adhere on PA; representative pictures of DFCs.

About this article : Evaluation of implant-materia...

Gosau, M., Viale-Bouroncle, S., Eickhoff, H. et al. Evaluation of implant-materials as cell carriers for dental stem cells under in vitro conditions. Int J Implant Dent 1, 2 (2015). Download citation Received: 17 September 2014 Accepted: 20 November 2014 Published: 12 February 2015 DOI:

Rights and permissions : Evaluation of implant-mat...

Reprints and Permissions

Additional file : Evaluation of implant-materials ...

DFCs and dNC-PCs expressed typical markers for dental stem cells.

Additional information : Evaluation of implant-mat...

Martin Gosau, Sandra Viale-Bouroncle, Hannah Eickhoff, Esthera Prateeptongkum, Anja Reck, W Götz, Christoph Klingelhöffer, Steffen Müller and Christian Morsczeck declare that they have no competing interests. SVB, HE, and EP carried out all cell biology experiments, performed real-time PCRs, Western blots, and the statistical analysis and made figures for the manuscript. AR carried out and ana...

Author information : Evaluation of implant-materia...

You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar Correspondence to Christian Morsczeck.

Author information : Evaluation of implant-materia...

Department of Cranio- and Maxillofacial Surgery, Hospital of the University of Regensburg, Franz-Josef-Strauss-Allee 11, 93053, Regensburg, Germany Martin Gosau, Sandra Viale-Bouroncle, Hannah Eickhoff, Esthera Prateeptongkum, Anja Reck, Christoph Klingelhöffer, Steffen Müller & Christian Morsczeck Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Paracelsus Medical University Nuernberg, B...

Acknowledgement : Evaluation of implant-materials ...

This study was supported by a grant from the Deutschen Gesellschaft für Implantologie (DGI) e.V.

References : Evaluation of implant-materials as ce...

Marino G, Rosso F, Cafiero G, Tortora C, Moraci M, Barbarisi M, Barbarisi A. Beta-tricalcium phosphate 3D scaffold promote alone osteogenic differentiation of human adipose stem cells: in vitro study. J Mater Sci Mater Med. 2010; 21:353–63. Arnold U, Lindenhayn K, Perka C. In vitro-cultivation of human periosteum derived cells in bioresorbable polymer-TCP-composites. Biomaterials. 2002; 23:2303...

References : Evaluation of implant-materials as ce...

Felthaus O, Gosau M, Morsczeck C. ZBTB16 induces osteogenic differentiation marker genes in dental follicle cells independent from RUNX2. J Periodontol. 2014; 85:e144–51. Viale-Bouroncle S, Gosau M, Küpper K, Möhl C, Brockhoff G, Reichert TE, Schmalz G, Ettl T, Morsczeck C. Rigid matrix supports osteogenic differentiation of stem cells from human exfoliated deciduous teeth (SHED). Differ Re...

References : Evaluation of implant-materials as ce...

Kagami H, Agata H, Tojo A. Bone marrow stromal cells (bone marrow-derived multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells) for bone tissue engineering: basic science to clinical translation. Int J Biochem Cell Biol. 2011; 43:286–89. Robey PG. Cell sources for bone regeneration: the good, the bad, and the ugly (but promising). Tissue Eng Part B Rev. 2011; 17:423–30. Morsczeck C, Shi S, Huang G. Stem/...

Conclusions : Evaluation of implant-materials as c...

In conclusion, our work supports our hypothesis that soft implant materials are not suitable for dental tissue engineering. Moreover, our study also supports the results of our previous studies with DFCs and TCP that induction of apoptosis did not impair the proliferation and the differentiation in dental stem cells.

Discussion : Evaluation of implant-materials as ce...

In a previous study, we showed that TCP induced the programmed cell death (apoptosis) in DFCs [11]. Our new study investigated therefore the induction of apoptosis in dental cells. While SB and soft materials did not induce apoptosis or cell death, AP induced obviously cell death and apoptosis in dental cells. Here, the results for dNC-PCs and DFCs were almost the same. Interestingly, neither sili...

Discussion : Evaluation of implant-materials as ce...

Scaffolds play an important role in tissue engineering. However, little is known about the proliferation and differentiation of DFCs and dNC-PCs on different types of materials. As we have learned from previous studies mechanical properties such as surface stiffness are decisive for a successful osteogenic differentiation of dental stem cells [13,14]. Moreover, we showed that bone substitute mater...

Results : Evaluation of implant-materials as cell ...

The soft material PA was also treated with the extracellular matrix protein collagen to improve cell adherence. We tested representatively DFCs with collagen I modified PA. DFCs adhered and proliferated on modified PA, but, however, the specific ALP activity was reduced in comparison to that of DFCs on standard cell culture dishes (Figure 6). This reduction of the specific ALP activity was simila...

Results : Evaluation of implant-materials as cell ...

Dental cells were cultivated in standard cell culture media until passage 6. Cell adherence and cell proliferation/growth were measured for the estimation of cell viability on tested rigid and soft materials. In Figure 1, the cell adherence of dNC-PCs on bone substitute materials was better than that of DFCs. However, both dental cells types adhered very well on silicone. Unluckily, dental cells ...

Methods : Evaluation of implant-materials as cell ...

DFCs were cultivated until sub-confluence (>80%) in standard cell culture medium before the differentiation starts with the osteogenic differentiation medium (ODM) comprised DMEM (PAA) supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum (Sigma-Aldrich), 100 μmol/L ascorbic acid 2-phosphate, 10 mmol/L KH2PO4, 1 × 10−8 mol/L dexamethasone sodium phosphate (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO, USA), HEPES (20 ...

Methods : Evaluation of implant-materials as cell ...

Numbers of vital cells were evaluated after days 1, 2, 3, and 6. For cell counting, cell cultures were incubated with the cell counting kit 8 (CCK8) ready to use solution according to manufactures instructions (Dojindo, Rockville, MD, USA). The optical density (O.D.) was measured at a wavelength of 450 nm. For the evaluation of the cell adherence (normalized to standard cell culture dishes), cell...

Methods : Evaluation of implant-materials as cell ...

The bone substitutes Maxgraft® (AP) and Maxresorb® (SB) were obtained from the company Botiss (botiss dental GmbH, Berlin, Germany). Maxgraft® is a sterile, high-safety allograft product (AP), derived from human donor bone. It is processed by an audited and certified bone bank (Cells+ Tissue Bank Austria, Berlin, Germany). In contrast, Maxresorb® is a fully synthetic bone graft substitute (SB)...

Methods : Evaluation of implant-materials as cell ...

The isolation and characterization of DFCs and dNC-PCs were described in previous studies [4,7,12]. DFCs were routinely cultivated in DMEM (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO, USA) supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO, USA) and 100 μg/ml penicillin/streptomycin (standard cell culture medium). dNC-PCs were cultivated in DMEM (Sigma-Aldrich) supplemented with 15% fetal ...

Background : Evaluation of implant-materials as ce...

Unfortunately, an additional study showed that TCP induced apoptosis in DFCs [11]. However, the induction of apoptosis exposed a risk for cellular therapies. We decided therefore to evaluate additional implant materials for the identification of a suitable scaffold for dental stem cells. Soft materials such as silicone are successfully used in regenerative medicine, and they are suitable for tissu...

Background : Evaluation of implant-materials as ce...

While bone substitute materials are routinely used, especially vertical bone, augmentation of the jaws is still a problematic step. Dental stem cells in combination with bone substitute materials may accelerate the augmentation of alveolar bone and perhaps, stem cell-based therapies can become an alternative to autologous, allogenic, or synthetic bone transplants and substitutes [1,2]. However, sc...

Abstract : Evaluation of implant-materials as cell...

Dental stem cells in combination with implant materials may become an alternative to autologous bone transplants. For tissue engineering different types of soft and rigid implant materials are available, but little is known about the viability and the osteogenic differentiation of dental stem cells on these different types of materials. According to previous studies we proposed that rigid bone sub...

Table 2 Included literature : Dental implants in p...

Implant Author Year Reference Study type Patients Primary disease in BP patients (n) ...

Table 1 PubMed literature search with the total nu...

Topic Identified (n) Included (n) Outcome osteonecrosis risk. ST (bisphosphonate OR denosumab) AND osteonecrosis jaw AND  ...

About this article : Dental implants in patients t...

Walter, C., Al-Nawas, B., Wolff, T. et al. Dental implants in patients treated with antiresorptive medication – a systematic literature review. Int J Implant Dent 2, 9 (2016). Download citation Received: 26 September 2015 Accepted: 23 March 2016 Published: 04 April 2016 DOI:

Rights and permissions : Dental implants in patien...

Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were...

Additional information : Dental implants in patien...

The authors Christian Walter, Bilal Al-Nawas, Tim Wolff, Eik Schiegnitz, and Knut A. Grötz declare that they have no competing interests. All authors designed the review. TW made the primary literature acquisition that was evaluated by the other others. All authors interpreted the data. CW drafted the manuscript that was revised by the other authors. All authors read and approved the final manus...

Author information : Dental implants in patients t...

Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery – Plastic Surgery of the Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz, Augustusplatz 2, 55131, Mainz, Germany Christian Walter, Bilal Al-Nawas & Eik Schiegnitz Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery of the Dr. Horst Schmidt Clinic, Ludwig-Erhard-Str. 100, 65199, Wiesbaden, Germany Tim Wolff & Knut A. Grötz You can also search for this author in...

References : Dental implants in patients treated w...

Krimmel M, Ripperger J, Hairass M, Hoefert S, Kluba S, Reinert S. Does dental and oral health influence the development and course of bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaws (BRONJ)? Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2014;18(2):213–8. doi:10.1007/s10006-013-0408-3. Tsao C, Darby I, Ebeling PR, Walsh K, O'Brien-Simpson N, Reynolds E, et al. Oral health risk factors for bisphosphonate-associated jaw...

References : Dental implants in patients treated w...

DeBaz C, Hahn J, Lang L, Palomo L. Dental Implant Supported Restorations Improve Quality of Life in Osteoporotic Women. Int J Dent. 2015;2015:451923. doi:10.1155/2015/451923. Grötz KA, Al-Nawas B. Persisting alveolar sockets-a radiologic symptom of BP-ONJ? J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2006;64(10):1571–2. doi:10.1016/j.joms.2006.05.041. Hutchinson M, O'Ryan F, Chavez V, Lathon PV, Sanchez G, Hatche...

References : Dental implants in patients treated w...

Carmagnola D, Celestino S, Abati S. Dental and periodontal history of oncologic patients on parenteral bisphosphonates with or without osteonecrosis of the jaws: a pilot study. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod. 2008;106(6):e10–5. doi:10.1016/j.tripleo.2008.07.011. Jabbour Z, El-Hakim M, Mesbah-Ardakani P, Henderson JE, Albuquerque Jr R. The outcomes of conservative and surgical ...

References : Dental implants in patients treated w...

Marx RE, Sawatari Y, Fortin M, Broumand V. Bisphosphonate-induced exposed bone (osteonecrosis/osteopetrosis) of the jaws: risk factors, recognition, prevention, and treatment. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2005;63(11):1567–75. doi:10.1016/j.joms.2005.07.010. Al-Sabbagh M, Robinson FG, Romanos G, Thomas MV. Osteoporosis and bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis in a dental school implant patient popula...

References : Dental implants in patients treated w...

Javed F, Almas K. Osseointegration of dental implants in patients undergoing bisphosphonate treatment: a literature review. J Periodontol. 2010;81(4):479–84. doi:10.1902/jop.2009.090587. Bedogni A, Bettini G, Totola A, Saia G, Nocini PF. Oral bisphosphonate-associated osteonecrosis of the jaw after implant surgery: a case report and literature review. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2010;68(7):1662–6...

References : Dental implants in patients treated w...

Grötz KA, Piesold JU, Al-Nawas B. Bisphosphonat-assoziierte Kiefernekrose (BP-ONJ) und andere Medikamenten-assoziierte Kiefernekrosen. 2012. AWMF online. Walter C, Al-Nawas B, Frickhofen N, Gamm H, Beck J, Reinsch L, et al. Prevalence of bisphosphonate associated osteonecrosis of the jaws in multiple myeloma patients. Head Face Med. 2010;6:11. doi:10.1186/1746-160X-6-11. Walter C, Sagheb K, Bit...

Abbreviations : Dental implants in patients treate...

bisphosphonate bisphosphonate-associated osteonecrosis of the jaws C-terminal telopeptide of the type I collagen patients intervention control outcome preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses protocols quality of life search term temporomandibular joint

Conclusions : Dental implants in patients treated ...

Successful implant therapy is feasible in patients receiving antiresorptive therapy. The risk of osteonecrosis development needs to be explained to the patient. An individual risk assessment is essential, taking the primary disease with the medication and further wound-healing-compromising diseases and medications into account. If possible, bone augmentations should be avoided, and a perioperative...

Discussion : Dental implants in patients treated w...

The use of bone markers is discussed controversially in the literature, and no clear recommendation can be given at the moment [1, 8]. In these cases, where an implant is planned, a perioperative antimicrobial prophylaxis should be administered, similar to the prophylaxis suggested in other surgical procedures performed in these patients, since this seems to be a tool to decrease BP-ONJ frequency ...

Discussion : Dental implants in patients treated w...

Dental implants can improve the Qol in patients with antiresorptive therapy (bisphosphonate/denosumab) [44] analogous to patients without antiresorptive therapy [48]. A recently performed systematic review on masticatory performance, bite force, nutritional state and patient’s satisfaction showed that implant-supported dentures were associated with high patient satisfaction regarding denture com...

Discussion : Dental implants in patients treated w...

Even latest guidelines and statements dealing with medication associated osteonecrosis of the jaws such as the American [7, 8], Scottish [47], Swiss [6] or German [1] do not address implant therapy in these patients in detail. Due to this lack of data a systematic literature review was performed to fill this gap. Unfortunately the literature dealing with this topic is very sparse and consists main...

Results : Dental implants in patients treated with...

No articles could be found regarding the prognosis of the remaining dentition depending on implant therapy, neither for patients with bisphosphonate nor denosumab treatment. There are no reliable parameters indicating the success of implants in patients with anti-resorptive therapy. The risk of osteonecrosis development has already been described in the chapter referring to the osteonecrosis risk...

Results : Dental implants in patients treated with...

The literature dealing with this topic can be separated into two groups: BP-ONJ case series for which varying amounts are caused by dentures in patients with malignant and benign diseases [2, 33–42] and studies performed on BP patients with dentures analyzing the frequency of BP-ONJ [15, 43]. Here as well, no imbalance regarding the dignity of the primary disease could be found. Jabbour descr...

Results : Dental implants in patients treated with...

Out of 606 articles 556 articles were excluded because they were either duplicates, case reports, narrative reviews, case series with less than 5 cases or were not associated with the topic at all (Table 1 and Fig. 1). Some of the articles analyzed more than one outcome and are referred to several times. Since the available literature is very inhomogeneous with a low level of evidence a statisti...

Review : Dental implants in patients treated with ...

A table was generated and used to collect the relevant information.

Review : Dental implants in patients treated with ...

A systematic review was performed in accordance with the preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses protocols (PRISMA-P), The review was performed using the PICO design. Patients: For which subclientel of patients with antiresorptive therapy Intervention: do dental implants have a benefit Control: compared to forgoing dental implants Outcome: in regards to oral rehabil...

Introduction : Dental implants in patients treated...

A similar scenario is well known in patients with radiation of the jaws. Initially, radiation therapy was seen as a contraindication for implant insertion [14] because of osteoradionecrosis. In Germany meanwhile, implants are covered by the health insurance by law in some of these patients (§28 SGB V Sozialgesetzbuch). Due to xerostomia sufficient fixation of a denture is rather complicated, and ...

Introduction : Dental implants in patients treated...

Bisphosphonate-associated osteonecrosis of the jaws (BP-ONJ) is a well-known side effect in patients receiving bisphosphonates (BP) due to e.g. osteoporosis, multiple myeloma or malignant diseases with metastases to the bone; prevalences range between 0.1% for patients with primary osteoporosis to 1% in patients with secondary osteoporosis and up to about 20% for special high risk subpopulations o...

Abstract : Dental implants in patients treated wit...

Bisphosphonate-associated osteonecrosis of the jaws (BP-ONJ) is triggered by inflammatory processes. Typical trigger factors are periodontal disease, denture pressure sores, and surgical interventions such as tooth extractions. Unfortunately there is only little data on how to proceed with implant therapy in patients with bisphosphonate treatment. This topic is not addressed in the German guidelin...

Fig. 6. a Panoramic X-ray image 1 year after the ...

Fig. 6. a Panoramic X-ray image 1 year after the surgery. b Intraoral photo 1 year after the surgery Fig. 6. a Panoramic X-ray image 1 year after the surgery. b Intraoral photo 1 year after the surgery

Fig. 5. Histopathologic photo of the resected mand...

Fig. 5. Histopathologic photo of the resected mandible (H-E staining) Fig. 5. Histopathologic photo of the resected mandible (H-E staining)

Fig. 4. a Intraoperative photo. The affected left ...

gmentally resected. b Intraoperative photo. A vascularized fibula bone graft. c Resected mandible. d Panoramic X-ray image after the surgery Fig. 4. a Intraoperative photo. The affected left mandible was segmentally resected. b Intraoperative photo. A vascularized fibula bone graft. c Resected mandible. d Panoramic X-ray image after the surgery

Fig. 3. CT images of the left mandible. a Axial vi...

Fig. 3. CT images of the left mandible. a Axial view at the left first molar. b Coronal view at the left first molar Fig. 3. CT images of the left mandible. a Axial view at the left first molar. b Coronal view at the left first molar

Fig. 2. Panoramic X-ray image at the first visit :...

Fig. 2. Panoramic X-ray image at the first visit Fig. 2. Panoramic X-ray image at the first visit

Fig. 1. Intraoral photo at the first visit : A cas...

Fig. 1. Intraoral photo at the first visit Fig. 1. Intraoral photo at the first visit

About this article : A case of peri-implantitis an...

Teramoto, Y., Kurita, H., Kamata, T. et al. A case of peri-implantitis and osteoradionecrosis arising around dental implants placed before radiation therapy. Int J Implant Dent 2, 11 (2016). Download citation Received: 01 August 2015 Accepted: 21 March 2016 Published: 05 April 2016 DOI:

Rights and permissions : A case of peri-implantiti...

Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were...

Additional information : A case of peri-implantiti...

Yuji Teramoto, Hiroshi Kurita, Takahiro Kamata, Hitoshi Aizawa, Nobuhiko Yoshimura, Humihiro Nishimaki, Kazunobu Takamizawa declare that they have no competing interests. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.

Author information : A case of peri-implantitis an...

Department of Dentistry and Oral Surgery, Shinshu University School of Medicine, 3-1-1, Asahi, Matsumoto, 390-8621, Japan Yuji Teramoto, Hiroshi Kurita, Takahiro Kamata, Hitoshi Aizawa, Nobuhiko Yoshimura, Humihiro Nishimaki & Kazunobu Takamizawa You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar You can also search for this author in ...

References : A case of peri-implantitis and osteor...

O'Dell K, Sinha U. Osteoradionecrosis. Oral Maxillofac Surg Clin North Am. 2011;23(3):455–64. Madrid C, Abarca M, Bouferrache K. Osteoradionecrosis: an update. Oral Oncol. 2010;46(6):471–4. Jacobson AS, Buchbinder D, Hu K, Urken ML. Paradigm shifts in the management of osteoradionecrosis of the mandible. Oral Oncol. 2010;46(11):795–801. Ozen J, Dirican B, Oysul K, Beyzadeoglu M, Ucok O, B...

Consent : A case of peri-i...

Written informed consent was obtained from the patient for the publication of this report and any accompanying images.

Conclusions : A case of peri-implantitis and osteo...

Dental implants have become increasingly popular, and a considerable number of people have undergone dental restorations using dental implants. Therefore, there will be an increasing probability of patients with dental implants receiving irradiation around their implants. Further studies are required to analyze whether dental implants located in the radiation field cause adverse effects in the lon...

Case presentation : A case of peri-implantitis and...

Secondarily, infection associated with dental implant may become a possible cause of ORN. In radiotherapy including the oral cavity, gingivitis is frequently observed adjacent to fixed metal dental restorations because they cause significant dose enhancement around them [12]. It is easy to speculate that the same occurs around dental implant prostheses (peri-implant mucositis). The presence of muc...

Case presentation : A case of peri-implantitis and...

In this paper, we reported a case of ORN arising around dental implants placed before radiotherapy. This is the third such case report to be published. Granström et al. reported three cases of ORN developing around dental implants previously placed for skin-penetrating prosthesis [8]. Slama et al. reported a case of mandibular ORN in post-implant radiation [9]. In these cases, the presence of den...

Case presentation : A case of peri-implantitis and...

A 66-year-old man was referred to our hospital for further treatment of ORN of the mandible. He had undergone dental implant treatments on both sides of the mandible (#35, #36, #45, and #47) 7 years previously. All of the implants were osseointegrated and charged. The patient had been followed up regularly by his dentist, and the clinical course had remained uneventful. He experienced left oropha...

Background : A case of peri-implantitis and osteor...

Osteoradionecrosis (ORN) of the mandible is a severe complication that follows ionizing radiation therapy in patients undergoing treatment for head and neck cancer. The radiation dose, tumor location, dental trauma, premorbid state of dentition, and concomitant chemoradiotherapy are thought to be contributing factors for ORN [1–3]. Most patients with head and neck cancer are aged 50 years or mo...

Abstract : A case of peri-implantitis and osteorad...

A little is known about the effect of radiotherapy on the dental implants that have previously been osseointegrated and charged. Here, we reported a case of osteoradionecrosis which arose around dental implants placed before radiation therapy.

Table 1 Implant characteristics—insertion region...

Patient Implant region (FDI) Implant parameters Dimensions of implant Diameter [mm]/length [mm] ...

About this article : Vitamin D deficiency in early...

Fretwurst, T., Grunert, S., Woelber, J.P. et al. Vitamin D deficiency in early implant failure: two case reports. Int J Implant Dent 2, 24 (2016). Download citation Received: 04 August 2016 Accepted: 16 November 2016 Published: 25 November 2016 DOI:

Rights and permissions : Vitamin D deficiency in e...

Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were...

Author information : Vitamin D deficiency in early...

Department of Oral- and Craniomaxillofacial Surgery, Center for Dental Medicine, University Medical Center Freiburg, Hugstetter Straße 55, Freiburg, D-79106, Germany Tobias Fretwurst, Sebastian Grunert, Katja Nelson & Wiebke Semper-Hogg Department of Periodontics and Oral Medicine, University of Michigan School of Dentistry, Ann Arbor, USA Tobias Fretwurst Department of Operative Dentistr...

Acknowledgements : Vitamin D deficiency in early i...

We would like to thank Dr. John Nelson for his resourceful and constructive ideas. The authors Tobias Fretwurst, Sebastian Grunert, Johan Woelber, Katja Nelson, and Wiebke Semper-Hogg declare no conflicts of interest with respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article. The authors Tobias Fretwurst, Sebastian Grunert, Johan Woelber, Katja Nelson, and Wiebke Semper-Hogg do...

References : Vitamin D deficiency in early implant...

Di Rosa M, Malaguarnera M, Nicoletti F, Malaguarnera L. Vitamin D3: a helpful immuno-modulator. Immunology. 2011;134(2):123–39. Download references

References : Vitamin D deficiency in early implant...

Kikuta J, Kawamura S, Okiji F, Shirazaki M, Sakai S, Saito H, Ishii M. Sphingosine-1-phosphate-mediated osteoclast precursor monocyte migration is a critical point of control in antibone-resorptive action of active vitamin D. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2013;110(17):7009–13. Hewison M, Freeman L, Hughes SV, Evans KN, Bland R, Eliopoulos AG, Kilby MD, Moss PA, Chakraverty R. Differential regulatio...

References : Vitamin D deficiency in early implant...

Hong HH, Chou TA, Yang JC, Chang CJ. The potential effects of cholecalciferol on bone regeneration in dogs. Clin Oral Implants Res. 2012;23(10):1187–92. Hong HH, Yen TH, Hong A, Chou TA. Association of vitamin D3 with alveolar bone regeneration in dogs. J Cell Mol Med. 2015;19(6):1208–17. Schulze-Späte U, Dietrich T, Wu C, Wang K, Hasturk H, Dibart S. Systemic vitamin D supplementation and ...

References : Vitamin D deficiency in early implant...

Gallagher JC, Sai AJ. Vitamin D insufficiency, deficiency, and bone health. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2010;95(6):2630–3. Ning Z, Song S, Miao L, Zhang P, Wang X, Liu J, Hu Y, Xu Y, Zhao T, Liang Y, Wang Q, Liu L, Zhang J, Hu L, Huo M, Zhou Q. High prevalence of vitamin D deficiency in urban health checkup population. Clin Nutr. 2016;35(4):859–63. Spiro A, Buttriss JL. Vitamin D: an overview o...

References : Vitamin D deficiency in early implant...

Maier GS, Horas K, Seeger JB, Roth KE, Kurth AA, Maus U. Is there an association between periprosthetic joint infection and low vitamin D levels? Int Orthop. 2014;38(7):1499–504. Alvim-Pereira F, Montes CC, Thomé G, Olandoski M, Trevilatto PC. Analysis of association of clinical aspects and vitamin D receptor gene polymorphism with dental implant loss. Clin Oral Implants Res. 2008;19(8):786–...

References : Vitamin D deficiency in early implant...

Esposito M, Thomsen P, Ericson LE, Lekholm U. Histopathologic observations on early oral implant failures. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 1999;14:798–810. Olmedo-Gaya MV, Manzano-Moreno FJ, Cañaveral-Cavero E, de Dios Luna-Del Castillo J, Vallecillo-Capilla M. Risk factors associated with early implant failure: a 5-year retrospective clinical study. J Prosthet Dent. 2016;115(2):150–5. Wenn...

Conclusions : Vitamin D deficiency in early implan...

To overcome the shortcomings of this case reports, prospective, multicenter, and controlled studies must follow to affirm a potential relationship between vitamin D deficiency, osteoimmunology, and the early failure of dental implants. Currently, a general recommendation for a standardized vitamin D screening in dental implantology cannot be stated due to lack of evidence.

Case presentation : Vitamin D deficiency in early ...

Nevertheless, the vitamin D deficiency prevalence in the European population indicates that a vitamin D deficiency is probably not a sole causative factor for early implant failure; otherwise, the early implant failure rate would be significantly higher. However, a synergistic effect with other factors is conceivable. Some authors stated that implant osseointegration is not simply a wound healing ...

Case presentation : Vitamin D deficiency in early ...

Local and systemic factors can affect the survival rate of dental implants [30–33]. The causes of early implant failure are not fully clarified and an association between vitamin D and dental implant osseointegration has not been investigated properly [8, 13–16]. Some recent animal studies in rodents demonstrated a relationship between vitamin D supplementation and an increased bone to implant...

Case presentation : Vitamin D deficiency in early ...

In this 51-year-old male patient, no grafting procedure was performed as vertical and horizontal alveolar ridge dimension was adequate for implant placement. The implant placement in regions 36 and 37 was performed as guided surgery (Fig. 2a, Table 1). The implant placement was uneventful and the bone appeared clinically healthy. A cortical bone profiling was performed during implant placement. ...

Case presentation : Vitamin D deficiency in early ...

The medical history of this 48-year-old male patient showed a high blood pressure; otherwise, the patient was healthy. A successfully completed periodontal therapy was done before implant therapy. The patient demonstrated stable marginal bone levels. Autologous retromolar bone grafting using local anesthesia was performed in the left mandible (see Fig. 1a). This patient received a postoperative o...

Case presentation : Vitamin D deficiency in early ...

Patients treated consecutively in one center (Department of Oral- and Craniomaxillofacial Surgery, University Medical Center Freiburg). None of the patients showed systemic disease. Both patients did not take regular medication and were negative for alcohol, nicotine, and drug use. Bothe male patients (48 and 51 years of age) were not immunosuppressed, irradiated or received chemotherapy. Written...

Background : Vitamin D deficiency in early implant...

Long-term stable osseointegrated implants are the primary goal in dental implantology. Although dental implants have proven clinical reliable in the long term, the failure of implants at a very early stage of osseointegration has been described [1, 2]. The pursuit to identify the mechanisms leading to early implant failure is ongoing to date and include the following: tobacco usage, diabetes, wear...

Abstract : Vitamin D deficiency in early implant f...

An association between vitamin D deficiency and early dental implant failure is not properly verified, but its role in osteoimmunology is discussed. This article illustrates two case reports with vitamin D deficiency and early implant failure. Prior to implant placement, the first patient received crestal bone grafting with autologous material. Both patients received dental implants from different...

Fig. 4. Comparative illustration of mean ISQ value...

Fig. 4. Comparative illustration of mean ISQ values Fig. 4. Comparative illustration of mean ISQ values

Fig. 3. Implants were placed after application of ...

Fig. 3. Implants were placed after application of CGF membrane Fig. 3. Implants were placed after application of CGF membrane

Fig. 2. CGF membrane was applied in study group im...

Fig. 2. CGF membrane was applied in study group implant sockets Fig. 2. CGF membrane was applied in study group implant sockets

Fig. 1. CGF was obtained after centrifugation : Ev...

Fig. 1. CGF was obtained after centrifugation Fig. 1. CGF was obtained after centrifugation

Table 3 Mean ISQ value changes between study and c...

  Control group Study group Immediate–1st week −2.25 ± 1.713 1.40 ± 1.847 Immediate–4th week −2.30 ± 2.774 0.60 ± 2.798 1st Week–4th week −0.05 ± 1.572 −0.80 ± 2.215   Table 3 Mean ISQ value changes between study and control groups

Table 2 Mean ISQ values in the study and control g...

  Control group Study group Immediate 75.75 ± 5.552 78.00 ± 2.828 1st week 73.50 ± 5.226 79.40 ± 2.604 4th week 73.45 ± 5.680 78.60 ± 3.136   Table 2 Mean ISQ values in the study and control groups

Table 1 Demographic data of patients : Evaluation ...

Case no. Age Sex Group Implant number 1 20 F Study 1 2 28 M Control 3 3 35 F Study 4 4 32 F Study 4 5 60 M Control 5 6 64 F Study 5 7 52 F Study 5 8 34 M Study 1 9 45 F Control 3 10 48 F Control 2 11 42 M Control 3 12 68 F Control 4   Table 1 Demographic data of patien...

About this article : Evaluation of effectiveness o...

Pirpir, C., Yilmaz, O., Candirli, C. et al. Evaluation of effectiveness of concentrated growth factor on osseointegration. Int J Implant Dent 3, 7 (2017). Download citation Received: 16 December 2016 Accepted: 16 February 2017 Published: 03 March 2017 DOI:

Rights and permissions : Evaluation of effectivene...

Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were m...

Author information : Evaluation of effectiveness o...

Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Karadeniz Technical University, Trabzon, Turkey Cagasan Pirpir, Onur Yilmaz, Celal Candirli & Emre Balaban You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar You can also search for this a...

References : Evaluation of effectiveness of concen...

Prakash S, Thakur A. Platelet concentrates: past, present and future. J Maxillofac Oral Surg. 2011;10(1):45–9. Rodella LF, Favero G, Boninsegna R, Buffoli B, Labanca M, Scari G, et al. Growth factors, CD34 positive cells, and fibrin network analysis in concentrated growth factors fraction. Microsc Res Tech. 2011;74(8):772–7. Ademokun JA, Chapman C, Dunn J, Lander D, Mair K, Proctor SJ, et al...

References : Evaluation of effectiveness of concen...

Huwiler MA, Pjetursson BE, Bosshardt DD, Salvi GE, Lang NP. Resonance frequency analysis in relation to jawbone characteristics and during early healing of implant installation. Clin Oral Implants Res. 2007;18(3):275–80. Kroese-Deutman HC, Vehof JW, Spauwen PH, Stoelinga PJ, Jansen JA. Orthotopic bone formation in titanium fiber mesh loaded with platelet-rich plasma and placed in segmental defe...

References : Evaluation of effectiveness of concen...

Nurden AT, Nurden P, Sanchez M, Andia I, Anitua E. Platelets and wound healing. Front Biosci. 2008;13:3532–48. Anitua E, Sanchez M, Zalduendo MM, de la Fuente M, Prado R, Orive G, et al. Fibroblastic response to treatment with different preparations rich in growth factors. Cell Prolif. 2009;42(2):162–70. He L, Lin Y, Hu X, Zhang Y, Wu H. A comparative study of platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) and ...

References : Evaluation of effectiveness of concen...

Raghavendra S, Wood MC, Taylor TD. Early wound healing around endosseous implants: a review of the literature. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2005;20(3):425–31. Oncu E, Bayram B, Kantarci A, Gulsever S, Alaaddinoglu EE. Positive effect of platelet rich fibrin on osseointegration. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal. 2016;21(5):e601–7. Anitua E. Plasma rich in growth factors: preliminary results o...

Abbreviations : Evaluation of effectiveness of con...

Bone morphogenetic protein Concentrated growth factor Computed tomography Insulin-like growth factor Platelet-derived growth factor Platelet-rich fibrin Platelet-rich plasma Resonance frequency analysis Transforming growth factor-β1 Transforming growth factor-β2 Vascular endothelial growth factor

Conclusions : Evaluation of effectiveness of conce...

Considering this data, it appears that application of CGF enhanced stability of implants and accelerated osseointegration in the early period. CGF has positive effects on the ISQ value at the first week and fourth week. Further laboratory studies are needed to demonstrate the positive effects of blood products on the osseointegration process at the histopathological level.

Discussion : Evaluation of effectiveness of concen...

In a study by Monov et al. using PRP around the implant, a higher stability value was obtained in the study group during the early recovery period (6 weeks) although difference between the groups was not statistically significant [23]. Kim et al. reported in a study that there was a statistically significant increase in bone-implant contact with PRP administration in the vicinity of the implant [...

Discussion : Evaluation of effectiveness of concen...

Introduced in 1998 by Marx, PRP is used in oral and maxillofacial surgeries to speed up the recovery of grafts in bone-grafted areas [14, 26–30]. Although many studies have shown that platelet-rich plasma affects bone healing positively, the results of some other studies suggest otherwise [31, 32]. In recent years, the platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) was described by Choukroun as a second-generation...

Discussion : Evaluation of effectiveness of concen...

Implant stability is one of the important parameters that assess the loading time and dental implant success. Investigators have recommended that implants with ISQ 

Results : Evaluation of effectiveness of concentra...

The study includes 12 patients (5 males, 7 females). Patients participating in the study are between 20–68 years of age and the mean age is 44 years. A total of 40 implants were placed, 20 of these were included in the study group (50%), and the other 20 were included in the control group (50%). Twenty-one implants were placed in type 2 bone, 19 implants in type 3 bone (Table 1). The distribu...

Methods : Evaluation of effectiveness of concentra...

Independent sample t test was applied between the two groups by taking the differences between the data obtained in these periods. Two-way ANOVA and Fisher’s LSD test was used for evaluating the associations among group and insertion torque. A value of p 

Methods : Evaluation of effectiveness of concentra...

All surgical procedures were performed under local anesthesia by the same surgeon. A full-thickness mucoperiosteal flap was removed by incision on the alveolar crest. Implant cavities were prepared according to the surgical protocol of the Bego Semados implant system (BEGO Implant Systems GmbH & Co. KG, Bremen, Germany). The final osteotomy diameters were the same as the placed implants. In the st...

Methods : Evaluation of effectiveness of concentra...

This study was conducted in compliance with the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki, and approval of the ethics committee required for the study was obtained from the Ethics Committee of the Karadeniz Technical University (2015/21). The procedures to be performed were explained in detail and patients signed the consent forms. The study was carried out on individuals who applied to Karadeniz ...

Background : Evaluation of effectiveness of concen...

That the implant has sufficient stability after placement is important for providing the necessary bone formation around the implant and for the optimal distribution of functional forces at the implant-bone interface during healing [15–17]. It can be said that resonance frequency analysis (RFA) is a very important tool for tracking the osseointegration process [18, 19]. RFA is a technique that ...

Background : Evaluation of effectiveness of concen...

Osseointegration of dental implants is important for long-term success and stability. There is no standardization in terms of the time of osseointegration and the timing of prosthetic loading. This process varies between 0–6 months [1]. Various strategies are being explored to shorten this period. Changes in implant surface properties and design have increased primer stability and helped the pe...

Abstract : Evaluation of effectiveness of concentr...

Growth factor-containing products have been reported to increase implant stability and accelerate osseointegration. Concentrated growth factor (CGF) can be used for this purpose with the growth factors it contains. The aim of this study is to assess the effect of CGF on implant stability and osseointegration. Twelve patients with maxillary anterior toothless were included in the study. Implant ca...

Fig. 6. a Panoramic radiograph 16 months after th...

Fig. 6. a Panoramic radiograph 16 months after the sequestrectomy. b Sagittal CT view. c Coronal CT view. d 3D CT view

Fig. 5. a Extraoral photograph 5 months after the...

Fig. 5. tograph 5 months after the sequestrectomy. Fig. 5. a Extraoral photograph 5 months after the sequestrectomy. b Intraoral photograph 5 months after the sequestrectomy.

Fig. 4. a Preoperative intraoral photograph. b Int...

Fig. 4. y. c Removal of the dental implant with a specimen of the necrotic bone Fig. 4. a Preoperative intraoral photograph. b Intraoperative photograph of the sequestrectomy. c Removal of the dental implant with a specimen of the necrotic bone

Fig. 3. a Panoramic radiograph showing the sequest...

Fig. 3. Fig. 3. a Panoramic radiograph showing the sequestrum separation after 5 months of teriparatide therapy (arrows). b Sagittal CT view. c Coronal CT view

Fig. 2. a Panoramic radiograph showing marked alve...

molar (arrow). b Sagittal CT view. c Coronal CT view Fig. 2. a Panoramic radiograph showing marked alveolar bone resorption surrounding the dental implant replacing the right mandibular first molar (arrow). b Sagittal CT view. c Coronal CT view

Fig. 1. a Extraoral photograph showing an extraora...

Fig. 1. al implants associated with mucosal inflammation and a purulent discharge Fig. 1. a Extraoral photograph showing an extraoral fistula in the right mandibular region. b Intraoral photograph showing an intraoral fistula on the lingual side of the distal dental implants associated with mucosal inflammation and a purulent discharge

About this article : Treatment with teriparatide f...

Zushi, Y., Takaoka, K., Tamaoka, J. et al. Treatment with teriparatide for advanced bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaw around dental implants: a case report. Int J Implant Dent 3, 11 (2017). Download citation Received: 06 December 2016 Accepted: 12 February 2017 Published: 30 March 2017 DOI:

Rights and permissions : Treatment with teriparati...

Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were m...

Author information : Treatment with teriparatide f...

Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Hyogo College of Medicine, 1-1 Mukogawa-cho, Nishinomiya, Hyogo, 663-8501, Japan Yusuke Zushi, Kazuki Takaoka, Joji Tamaoka, Miho Ueta, Kazuma Noguchi & Hiromitsu Kishimoto You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar You can also search for this author in PubMed ...

References : Treatment with teriparatide for advan...

Stanton DC, Balasanian E. Outcome of surgical management of bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaws: review of 33 surgical cases. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2009;67:943–50. Carlson ER, Basile JD. The role of surgical resection in the management of bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaws. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2009;67:85–95. Wilde F, Heufelder M, Winter K, et al. The role of ...

References : Treatment with teriparatide for advan...

Grant BT, Amenedo C, Freeman K, Kraut RA. Outcomes of placing dental implants in patients taking oral bisphosphonates: a review of 115 cases. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2008;66:223–30. Goss A, Bartold M, Sambrook P, Hawker P. The nature and frequency of bisphosphonate-associated osteonecrosis of the jaws in dental implant patients: a South Australian case series. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2010;68:33...

References : Treatment with teriparatide for advan...

Marx RE. Pamidronate (Aredia) and zoledronate (Zometa) induced avascular necrosis of the jaws: a growing epidemic. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2003;61:1115–7. Marx RE, Sawatari J, Fortin M, et al. Bisphosphonate-induced exposed bone (osteonecrosis/osteopetrosis) of the jaws; risk factors, recognition, prevention, and treatment. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2005;63:1567. Harper RP, Fung E. Resolution of...

Conclusions : Treatment with teriparatide for adva...

We have reported a case of a severely osteoporotic elderly woman with BRONJ around her dental implants, who was treated successfully with teriparatide. Teriparatide therapy appeared to exert beneficial effects in this patient.

Discussion : Treatment with teriparatide for advan...

It is therefore important that all patients treated with oral BPs must be given a full explanation of the potential risks of implant failure and BRONJ development in the short and long term. Because the potential role of infection in implant failure and BRONJ occurrence is still debated, great attention should be paid to the long-term oral hygiene and plaque control of implant-prosthetic restorati...

Discussion : Treatment with teriparatide for advan...

We describe a case of a patient with a 6-year history of alendronate therapy, in which BRONJ developed around her dental implants. In this patient, the dental implants achieved successful osseointegration, and BRONJ occurred after the second surgery. Several factors could have played a role in the development of BRONJ in this patient. Glucocorticoid therapy is associated with an increased risk of ...

Case presentation : Treatment with teriparatide fo...

In November 2011, after a consultation with an osteoporosis expert at the Orthopedic Medicine Clinic of our hospital, alendronate therapy was stopped and subcutaneous teriparatide therapy at a dose of 20 μg per day was started. During the course of the teriparatide therapy, the patient continued to use 0.02% benzalkonium chloride solution for local irrigation. In April 2012, after 5 months of ...

Case presentation : Treatment with teriparatide fo...

A 66-year-old woman was referred to the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Clinic at Hyogo College of Medicine Hospital, Japan, in September 2011, for an extraoral fistula and refractory pain of the right mandible associated with a purulent discharge and soft tissue swelling. The patient’s osteoporosis was diagnosed in 2005 and treated with 35 mg of alendronate weekly by the family doctor. The pati...

Background : Treatment with teriparatide for advan...

Oral bisphosphonates (BPs) are used to treat osteoporosis, Paget’s disease, and osteogenesis imperfecta. They are most widely used for treatment of osteoporosis. BP-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (BRONJ) was first reported by Marx in 2003 [1]. The risk of BRONJ in osteoporotic patients treated with BPs remains low compared with that of oncology patients [2]. Recent studies have indicated that ...

Abstract : Treatment with teriparatide for advance...

We report a case of a 66-year-old severely osteoporotic woman with bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (BRONJ) around her dental implants, who was treated successfully with teriparatide and sequestrectomy of the mandible. After 5 months of teriparatide therapy, the sequestrum separation had progressed and a sequestrectomy was performed under general anesthesia. Five months after the o...

Fig. 5. OPG postoperatively : Segmental sandwich o...

Fig. 5. OPG postoperatively Fig. 5. OPG postoperatively

Fig. 4. Wound healing after 2 months : Segmental ...

Fig. 4. Wound healing after 2 months Fig. 4. Wound healing after 2 months

Fig. 3. Mobilised segment moved to the desired thr...

Fig. 3. Mobilised segment moved to the desired three-dimensional position and fixed with plate and screws Fig. 3. Mobilised segment moved to the desired three-dimensional position and fixed with plate and screws

Fig. 2. Mandibular osteotomy by piezosurgery : Seg...

Fig. 2. Mandibular osteotomy by piezosurgery Fig. 2. Mandibular osteotomy by piezosurgery

Fig. 1. Tunnel technique : Segmental sandwich oste...

Fig. 1. Tunnel technique Fig. 1. Tunnel technique

About this article : Segmental sandwich osteotomy ...

Santagata, M., Sgaramella, N., Ferrieri, I. et al. Segmental sandwich osteotomy and tunnel technique for three-dimensional reconstruction of the jaw atrophy: a case report. Int J Implant Dent 3, 14 (2017). Download citation Received: 23 December 2016 Accepted: 22 April 2017 Published: 01 May 2017 DOI:

Rights and permissions : Segmental sandwich osteot...

Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were m...

Author information : Segmental sandwich osteotomy ...

Multidisciplinary Department of Medical and Dental Specialties, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Unit, AOU - University of Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”, Naples, Italy Mario Santagata, Nicola Sgaramella, Ivo Ferrieri, Giovanni Corvo, Gianpaolo Tartaro & Salvatore D’Amato Piazza Fuori Sant′Anna 17, 81031, Aversa, Italy Mario Santagata You can also search for this author in PubMed Goo...

Acknowledgements : Segmental sandwich osteotomy an...

None. None. All authors were involved with the literature review and performance of the surgery. All authors read and approved the final manuscript. Mario Santagata, Nicola Sgaramella, Ivo Ferrieri, Giovanni Corvo, Gianpaolo Tartaro and Salvatore D’Amato declare that they have no competing interests. Written informed consent was obtained from the patient for the publication of this report an...

References : Segmental sandwich osteotomy and tunn...

Moura LB, Carvalho PH, Xavier CB, Post LK, Torriani MA, Santagata M, Chagas Júnior OL. Autogenous non-vascularized bone graft in segmental mandibular reconstruction: a systematic review. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2016;45:1388–94. D'Amato S, Tartaro G, Itro A, Nastri L, Santagata M. Block versus particulate/titanium mesh for ridge augmentation for mandibular lateral incisor defects: clinical ...

Conclusions : Segmental sandwich osteotomy and tun...

In conclusion, segmental mandibular sandwich osteotomy is an easy and safety technique that could be performed in atrophic posterior mandible. Future studies involving long-term follow-up are needed to evaluate the permanence of these results.

Case report : Segmental sandwich osteotomy and tun...

The sandwich technique for bone augmentation of the atrophic mandible was first described by Schettler and Holtermann, with promising results. Since then, variations in this surgical procedure have been proposed by several investigators [4,5,6,7,8,9,10]. All these authors have proposed the same approach about the flap: paracrestal incision. In order to preserve the blood supply, it is of fundamen...

Case report : Segmental sandwich osteotomy and tun...

A 59-year-old woman with a severely atrophied right mandible was treated with the sandwich osteotomy technique filled with autologous bone graft harvested by a cortical bone collector from the ramus. The requirements of the Helsinki Declaration were observed, and the patient gave informed consent for all surgical procedures. After local infiltration of anaesthesia (mepivacaina plus adrenaline 1:2...

Background : Segmental sandwich osteotomy and tunn...

In cases of atrophic mandible, the distance to the mandibular canal and the transverse decrease in bone is an anatomic limitation for prosthetic rehabilitation with dental implants. The gold standard for treatment of this mandibular atrophy continues to be autologous bone grafting [1, 2]. A relatively modern technique for vertical bone augmentation is sandwich osteotomy. Schettler and Holtermann ...

Abstract : Segmental sandwich osteotomy and tunnel...

Segmental mandibular sandwich osteotomy is an easy and safety technique that could be performed in an atrophic posterior mandible. Future studies involving long-term follow-up are needed to evaluate the permanence of these results.

Abstract : Segmental sandwich osteotomy and tunnel...

A three-dimensionally favourable mandibular bone crest is desirable to be able to successfully implant placement to meet the aesthetic and functional criteria in the implant-prosthetic rehabilitation. Several surgical procedures have been advocated for bone augmentation of the atrophic mandible, and the sandwich osteotomy is one of these techniques. The aim of the present case report was to assess...

Fig. 5. Osteoblasts with an orientation tendency a...

Fig. 5. Osteoblasts with an orientation tendency after 24 h of rotation (phallacidin fluorescence staining). On the left side with 200× and on the right side with 400× magnification. The yellow arrows show the orientation of the cells. The red arched arrow within the coloured circle shows the direction of rotation. The dashed white line oriented to the right stands for the resulting centrifug...

Fig. 4. Randomly orientated osteoblasts without in...

Fig. 4. Randomly orientated osteoblasts without influence of rotation (phallacidin fluorescence staining). On the left side with 200× and on the right side with 400× magnification. The white X on the coloured circle marks the location upon the plate where the osteoblasts were located. The red X marks the centre of the plate Fig. 4. Randomly orientated osteoblasts without influence of rotati...

Fig. 3. Diagram for visualisation of the calculati...

centrifugal force and the glass plates’ dimensions. For example, at a distance of 25 mm from the centre of the upper plate, the shear forces’ value is 8.33 dyn/cm2, together with an additional centrifugal force that has a value of 0.55 dyn/cm2 Fig. 3. Diagram for visualisation of the calculation of shear stress rates taking into account the centrifugal force and the glass plates’ dim...

Fig. 2. Side view of a computerized simulation, sh...

earing gap and bottom plate are shown on the left side; rotation speed = 200 rpm; colour code bar (left edge) showing shear force values [Pa] [1 Pa = 10 dyn/cm2]; flow direction presented by arrows Fig. 2. Side view of a computerized simulation, showing the flow chambers’ lower compartment and the flow profile in between the two plates; shearing gap and bottom plate are shown on ...

Fig. 1. Three-dimensional illustration (a–e) and...

Fig. 1. Three-dimensional illustration (a–e) and photography (f) of the experimental setup with the components marked numerical. a as the lower plate); 2 Rotating glass panel [60 mm diameter (cell bearing)]; 3 Titanium axis. b4 Liquid medium (red). cGearwheel with set screw. eng ring with additional set screw Fig. 1. Three-dimensional illustration (a–e) and photography (f) of the experim...

Table 2 Listing of the culture media and additives...

Culture medium/additives Manufacturer Order no. Concentration Dulbecco’s modified Eagle medium (DMEM) with l-glutamine, plus 4.5 g glucose,...

Table 1 Listing of the single components of the fl...

Component Manufacturer Order no. Large petri dish Becton Dickinson, Franklin Lakes, NJ, USA ...

About this article : Cellular fluid shear stress o...

Kämmerer, P.W., Thiem, D.G.E., Alshihri, A. et al. Cellular fluid shear stress on implant surfaces—establishment of a novel experimental set up. Int J Implant Dent 3, 22 (2017). Download citation Received: 27 February 2017 Accepted: 22 May 2017 Published: 31 May 2017 DOI:

Rights and permissions : Cellular fluid shear stre...

Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were...

Author information : Cellular fluid shear stress o...

Correspondence to D. G. E. Thiem.

Author information : Cellular fluid shear stress o...

Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Facial Plastic Surgery, University Medical Centre Rostock, Schillingallee 35, 18057, Rostock, Germany P. W. Kämmerer & D. G. E. Thiem Department of Prosthetic and Biomaterial Sciences, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia A. Alshihri Harvard School of Dental Medicine, Boston, MA, USA A. Alshihri Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surge...

Acknowledgements : Cellular fluid shear stress on ...

The authors thank the Department of Hydraulic Machines, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Technical University of Munich, Germany, for helping with the computerised simulations. Nothing to declare The datasets supporting the conclusions of this article are available at the repository of the University Medical Centre Mainz, Germany, and can be provided on request. PK had substantial contributio...

References : Cellular fluid shear stress on implan...

Papadaki M, Eskin SG. Effects of fluid shear stress on gene regulation of vascular cells. Biotechnol Prog. 1997;13(3):209–21. James NL, Harrison DG, Nerem RM. Effects of shear on endothelial cell calcium in the presence and absence of ATP. FASEB J. 1995;9(10):968–73. Kämmerer PW, Lehnert M, Al-Nawas B, Kumar VV, Hagmann S, Alshihri A, et al. Osseoconductivity of a specific streptavidin-biot...

References : Cellular fluid shear stress on implan...

Hughes-Fulford M. Signal transduction and mechanical stress. Sci STKE. 2004;2004(249):RE12. Ruel J, Lemay J, Dumas G, Doillon C, Charara J. Development of a parallel plate flow chamber for studying cell behavior under pulsatile flow. ASAIO J. 1995;41(4):876–83. Kazakidi A, Sherwin SJ, Weinberg PD. Effect of Reynolds number and flow division on patterns of haemodynamic wall shear stress near br...

References : Cellular fluid shear stress on implan...

Becker J, Kirsch A, Schwarz F, Chatzinikolaidou M, Rothamel D, Lekovic V, et al. Bone apposition to titanium implants biocoated with recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2 (rhBMP-2). A pilot study in dogs. Clin Oral Investig. 2006;10(3):217–24. Hung CT, Allen FD, Pollack SR, Brighton CT. What is the role of the convective current density in the real-time calcium response of cultured bon...

References : Cellular fluid shear stress on implan...

Ehrlich PJ, Lanyon LE. Mechanical strain and bone cell function: a review. Osteoporos Int. 2002;13(9):688–700. Vaughan TJ, Haugh MG, Mcnamara LM. A fluid-structure interaction model to characterize bone cell stimulation in parallel-plate flow chamber systems. J R Soc Interface. 2013;10(81):20120900. Weinbaum S, Cowin SC, Zeng Y. A model for the excitation of osteocytes by mechanical loading-in...

Abbreviations : Cellular fluid shear stress on imp...

Fluid shear stress

Conclusions : Cellular fluid shear stress on impla...

To create fluid shear stress under in vitro conditions, several flow chambers have been developed in the past. The experimental setup of the flow chamber in the centre of this study offers advantages such as simplicity to assemble and ease of use as well as the creation of reproducible fluid shear forces on cells. Due to the new design, different cell types could be simultaneously analysed under r...

Discussion : Cellular fluid shear stress on implan...

Besides, in the model reported in this study, microscopic examinations are possible after completing the experiment only. Nevertheless, an advantage of the new flow chamber is the possibility of testing different cell colonies simultaneously in one single experiment by placing cells in different radial locations on the spinning disc. Due to the current flow gradient from the centre to the peripher...

Discussion : Cellular fluid shear stress on implan...

Due to the fact that constant flows were generated within the parallel flow chamber only, the situations of in vitro experiments differ from in vivo setting where dynamic flow profiles are particular [33]. As the constant laminar flow profile is not physiological in bones [34], vessels and other tissues [35], the informative value of the experimental setting is limited but it could be used for var...

Discussion : Cellular fluid shear stress on implan...

The aim of this study was to establish a new FSS model that is easy to use as well as simple to assemble in order to create reproducible fluid shear forces on cells close to implant material surfaces. Todays’ commonly used commercial flow devices differ in geometry and function, which makes comparisons between experiments difficult [4, 10, 26, 27]. The benefits of this novel testing device are r...

Results : Cellular fluid shear stress on implant s...

in which ρ = density, h = height, ω = angular velocity and r = radius. Figure 3 shows the respective physical force and its dependence on a bigger radius and higher rotational speed. The results of this study indicate that the centrifugal force represents only a little proportion of effective forces. Hence, the centrifugal forces’ impacts on the tested cells are considered to be insignifican...

Results : Cellular fluid shear stress on implant s...

Our analysis was focused on two main aspects: Simulation of the fluid flow characteristics as well as quantification of the arising shear forces at the plate/plate flow chamber with reliable reproducibility Assessment of the impact of fluid shear stress on osteoblast cells in terms of altered cell morphology and intracellular structural changes The computational fluid dynamic analysis and the q...

Methods : Cellular fluid shear stress on implant s...

For constant and fully developed laminar flow between the two parallel plates, the magnitude of the wall shear stress (τ) in between was calculated by formula 1: in which η is the dynamic fluid viscosity (dyn/cm2), r is the radius of the plate (cm), ω stands for angular velocity and H for height (vertical distance in between the two plates). To get information whether the flow is laminar or t...

Methods : Cellular fluid shear stress on implant s...

A three-dimensional illustration and photography of the plate/plate flow chamber model is shown in Fig. 1. A detailed list of used parts can be found in Appendix 1. The circulation within the flow chamber was generated by an externally attached electric motor, which rotates up to 500 rounds per minute (rpm). A commercial grade 4 pure medical titanium gear shaft (length = 40 mm, diameter =...

Background : Cellular fluid shear stress on implan...

Therefore, the aim of the present study was to establish a new cell chamber model for FSS simulation and stimulation. In addition to its ease of use, the reported model in this study should meet the requirements of a simple design, generating reproducible flow characteristics next to laminar flows and clearly defined flow gradients on implant surfaces.

Background : Cellular fluid shear stress on implan...

Cells can be influenced by different mechanostimuli, which lead to an activation of cellular and inter-cellular responses. These reactions may be caused by either a direct stimulation of the cell body (mechanoreception) or indirect cellular stimulation (response) [1,2,3]. Extracellular fluid movement induces fluid shear stress (FSS) that can result in different cellular processes including prolife...

Abstract : Cellular fluid shear stress on implant ...

Mechanostimuli of different cells can affect a wide array of cellular and inter-cellular biological processes responsible for dental implant healing. The purpose of this in vitro study was to establish a new test model to create a reproducible flow-induced fluid shear stress (FSS) of osteoblast cells on implant surfaces. As FSS effects on osteoblasts are detectable at 10 dyn/cm2, a custom-made f...

Fig. 5. Osteoblasts with an orientation tendency a...

Fig. 5. Osteoblasts with an orientation tendency after 24 h of rotation (phallacidin fluorescence staining). On the left side with 200× and on the right side with 400× magnification. The yellow arrows show the orientation of the cells. The red arched arrow within the coloured circle shows the direction of rotation. The dashed white line oriented to the right stands for the resulting centrifug...

Fig. 4. Randomly orientated osteoblasts without in...

Fig. 4. Randomly orientated osteoblasts without influence of rotation (phallacidin fluorescence staining). On the left side with 200× and on the right side with 400× magnification. The white X on the coloured circle marks the location upon the plate where the osteoblasts were located. The red X marks the centre of the plate Fig. 4. Randomly orientated osteoblasts without influence of rotati...

Fig. 3. Diagram for visualisation of the calculati...

to account the centrifugal force and the glass plates’ dimensions. For example, at a distance of 25 mm from the centre of the upper plate, the shear forces’ value is 8.33 dyn/cm2, together with an additional centrifugal force that has a value of 0.55 dyn/cm2 Fig. 3. Diagram for visualisation of the calculation of shear stress rates taking into account the centrifugal force and the glas...

Fig. 2. Side view of a computerized simulation, sh...

e in between the two plates; shearing gap and bottom plate are shown on the left side; rotation speed = 200 rpm; colour code bar (left edge) showing shear force values [Pa] [1 Pa = 10 dyn/cm2]; flow direction presented by arrows Fig. 2. Side view of a computerized simulation, showing the flow chambers’ lower compartment and the flow profile in between the two plates; shearing gap...

Fig. 1. Three-dimensional illustration (a–e) and...

Fig. 1. Three-dimensional illustration (a–e) and photography (f) of the experimental setup with the components marked numerical. a lower plate); 2 Rotating glass panel [60 mm diameter (cell bearing)]; 3 Titanium axis. b4 Liquid medium (red). cwheel with set screw. e ring with additional set screw Fig. 1. Three-dimensional illustration (a–e) and photography (f) of the experimental setup w...

Table 2 Listing of the culture media and additives...

Culture medium/additives Manufacturer Order no. Concentration Dulbecco’s modified Eagle medium (DMEM) with l-glutamine, plus 4.5 g glucose,...

Table 1 Listing of the single components of the fl...

Component Manufacturer Order no. Large petri dish Becton Dickinson, Franklin Lakes, NJ, USA ...

About this article : Cellular fluid shear stress o...

Kämmerer, P.W., Thiem, D.G.E., Alshihri, A. et al. Cellular fluid shear stress on implant surfaces—establishment of a novel experimental set up. Int J Implant Dent 3, 22 (2017). Download citation Received: 27 February 2017 Accepted: 22 May 2017 Published: 31 May 2017 DOI:

Rights and permissions : Cellular fluid shear stre...

Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were...

Author information : Cellular fluid shear stress o...

Correspondence to D. G. E. Thiem.

Author information : Cellular fluid shear stress o...

Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Facial Plastic Surgery, University Medical Centre Rostock, Schillingallee 35, 18057, Rostock, Germany P. W. Kämmerer & D. G. E. Thiem Department of Prosthetic and Biomaterial Sciences, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia A. Alshihri Harvard School of Dental Medicine, Boston, MA, USA A. Alshihri Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surge...

Acknowledgements : Cellular fluid shear stress on ...

The authors thank the Department of Hydraulic Machines, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Technical University of Munich, Germany, for helping with the computerised simulations. Nothing to declare The datasets supporting the conclusions of this article are available at the repository of the University Medical Centre Mainz, Germany, and can be provided on request. PK had substantial contributio...

References : Cellular fluid shear stress on implan...

Papadaki M, Eskin SG. Effects of fluid shear stress on gene regulation of vascular cells. Biotechnol Prog. 1997;13(3):209–21. James NL, Harrison DG, Nerem RM. Effects of shear on endothelial cell calcium in the presence and absence of ATP. FASEB J. 1995;9(10):968–73. Kämmerer PW, Lehnert M, Al-Nawas B, Kumar VV, Hagmann S, Alshihri A, et al. Osseoconductivity of a specific streptavidin-biot...

References : Cellular fluid shear stress on implan...

Hughes-Fulford M. Signal transduction and mechanical stress. Sci STKE. 2004;2004(249):RE12. Ruel J, Lemay J, Dumas G, Doillon C, Charara J. Development of a parallel plate flow chamber for studying cell behavior under pulsatile flow. ASAIO J. 1995;41(4):876–83. Kazakidi A, Sherwin SJ, Weinberg PD. Effect of Reynolds number and flow division on patterns of haemodynamic wall shear stress near br...

References : Cellular fluid shear stress on implan...

Becker J, Kirsch A, Schwarz F, Chatzinikolaidou M, Rothamel D, Lekovic V, et al. Bone apposition to titanium implants biocoated with recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2 (rhBMP-2). A pilot study in dogs. Clin Oral Investig. 2006;10(3):217–24. Hung CT, Allen FD, Pollack SR, Brighton CT. What is the role of the convective current density in the real-time calcium response of cultured bon...

References : Cellular fluid shear stress on implan...

Ehrlich PJ, Lanyon LE. Mechanical strain and bone cell function: a review. Osteoporos Int. 2002;13(9):688–700. Vaughan TJ, Haugh MG, Mcnamara LM. A fluid-structure interaction model to characterize bone cell stimulation in parallel-plate flow chamber systems. J R Soc Interface. 2013;10(81):20120900. Weinbaum S, Cowin SC, Zeng Y. A model for the excitation of osteocytes by mechanical loading-in...

Abbreviations : Cellular fluid shear stress on imp...

Fluid shear stress

Conclusions : Cellular fluid shear stress on impla...

To create fluid shear stress under in vitro conditions, several flow chambers have been developed in the past. The experimental setup of the flow chamber in the centre of this study offers advantages such as simplicity to assemble and ease of use as well as the creation of reproducible fluid shear forces on cells. Due to the new design, different cell types could be simultaneously analysed under r...

Discussion : Cellular fluid shear stress on implan...

Besides, in the model reported in this study, microscopic examinations are possible after completing the experiment only. Nevertheless, an advantage of the new flow chamber is the possibility of testing different cell colonies simultaneously in one single experiment by placing cells in different radial locations on the spinning disc. Due to the current flow gradient from the centre to the peripher...

Discussion : Cellular fluid shear stress on implan...

Due to the fact that constant flows were generated within the parallel flow chamber only, the situations of in vitro experiments differ from in vivo setting where dynamic flow profiles are particular [33]. As the constant laminar flow profile is not physiological in bones [34], vessels and other tissues [35], the informative value of the experimental setting is limited but it could be used for var...

Discussion : Cellular fluid shear stress on implan...

The aim of this study was to establish a new FSS model that is easy to use as well as simple to assemble in order to create reproducible fluid shear forces on cells close to implant material surfaces. Todays’ commonly used commercial flow devices differ in geometry and function, which makes comparisons between experiments difficult [4, 10, 26, 27]. The benefits of this novel testing device are r...

Results : Cellular fluid shear stress on implant s...

in which ρ = density, h = height, ω = angular velocity and r = radius. Figure 3 shows the respective physical force and its dependence on a bigger radius and higher rotational speed. The results of this study indicate that the centrifugal force represents only a little proportion of effective forces. Hence, the centrifugal forces’ impacts on the tested cells are considered to be insignifican...

Results : Cellular fluid shear stress on implant s...

Our analysis was focused on two main aspects: Simulation of the fluid flow characteristics as well as quantification of the arising shear forces at the plate/plate flow chamber with reliable reproducibility Assessment of the impact of fluid shear stress on osteoblast cells in terms of altered cell morphology and intracellular structural changes The computational fluid dynamic analysis and the q...

Methods : Cellular fluid shear stress on implant s...

For constant and fully developed laminar flow between the two parallel plates, the magnitude of the wall shear stress (τ) in between was calculated by formula 1: in which η is the dynamic fluid viscosity (dyn/cm2), r is the radius of the plate (cm), ω stands for angular velocity and H for height (vertical distance in between the two plates). To get information whether the flow is laminar or t...

Methods : Cellular fluid shear stress on implant s...

A three-dimensional illustration and photography of the plate/plate flow chamber model is shown in Fig. 1. A detailed list of used parts can be found in Appendix 1. The circulation within the flow chamber was generated by an externally attached electric motor, which rotates up to 500 rounds per minute (rpm). A commercial grade 4 pure medical titanium gear shaft (length = 40 mm, diameter =...

Background : Cellular fluid shear stress on implan...

Therefore, the aim of the present study was to establish a new cell chamber model for FSS simulation and stimulation. In addition to its ease of use, the reported model in this study should meet the requirements of a simple design, generating reproducible flow characteristics next to laminar flows and clearly defined flow gradients on implant surfaces.

Background : Cellular fluid shear stress on implan...

Cells can be influenced by different mechanostimuli, which lead to an activation of cellular and inter-cellular responses. These reactions may be caused by either a direct stimulation of the cell body (mechanoreception) or indirect cellular stimulation (response) [1,2,3]. Extracellular fluid movement induces fluid shear stress (FSS) that can result in different cellular processes including prolife...

Abstract : Cellular fluid shear stress on implant ...

Mechanostimuli of different cells can affect a wide array of cellular and inter-cellular biological processes responsible for dental implant healing. The purpose of this in vitro study was to establish a new test model to create a reproducible flow-induced fluid shear stress (FSS) of osteoblast cells on implant surfaces. As FSS effects on osteoblasts are detectable at 10 dyn/cm2, a custom-made f...

About this article : In vitro comparison of two ti...

Dhaliwal, J.S., Marulanda, J., Li, J. et al. In vitro comparison of two titanium dental implant surface treatments: 3M™ESPE™ MDIs versus Ankylos®. Int J Implant Dent 3, 27 (2017). Download citation Received: 19 January 2017 Accepted: 22 May 2017 Published: 27 June 2017 DOI:

Rights and permissions : In vitro comparison of tw...

Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were...

Author information : In vitro comparison of two ti...

Faculty of Dentistry, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada Jagjit Singh Dhaliwal, Juliana Marulanda, Sharifa Alebrahim, Jocelyne Sheila Feine & Monzur Murshed PAPRSB, Institute of Health Sciences, Universiti Brunei Darussalam, Jalan Tungku Link, Gadong, BE1410, Brunei Darussalam Jagjit Singh Dhaliwal Faculty of Medicine, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada Jingjing Li & ...

Acknowledgements : In vitro comparison of two tita...

The authors would like to thank Prof. Georgios Romanos, School of Dental Medicine, Dept. of Periodontology, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY, USA, for his contribution to the study. We would also like to thank 3M ESPE and Dentsply Friadent for providing the implant disks. This work is a part of the thesis submitted by JD for attaining a PhD degree at the Faculty of Dentistry, McGill Univers...

References : In vitro comparison of two titanium d...

Wennerberg A, Albrektsson T. Effects of titanium surface topography on bone integration: a systematic review. Clin Oral Implants Res. 2009;20 Suppl 4:172–84. Download references

References : In vitro comparison of two titanium d...

Sudo H, Kodama HA, Amagai Y, Yamamoto S, Kasai S. In vitro differentiation and calcification in a new clonal osteogenic cell line derived from newborn mouse calvaria. J Cell Biol. 1983;96(1):191–8. Novaes Jr AB, de Souza SL, de Barros RR, Pereira KK, Iezzi G, Piattelli A. Influence of implant surfaces on osseointegration. Braz Dent J. 2010;21(6):471–81. MacDonald DE, Markovic B, Allen M, Som...

References : In vitro comparison of two titanium d...

Buser D, Nydegger T, Oxland T, Cochran DL, Schenk RK, Hirt HP, et al. Interface shear strength of titanium implants with a sandblasted and acid-etched surface: a biomechanical study in the maxilla of miniature pigs. J Biomed Mater Res. 1999;45(2):75–83. Li D, Ferguson SJ, Beutler T, Cochran DL, Sittig C, Hirt HP, et al. Biomechanical comparison of the sandblasted and acid-etched and the machine...

References : In vitro comparison of two titanium d...

Griffitts TM, Collins CP, Collins PC. Mini dental implants: an adjunct for retention, stability, and comfort for the edentulous patient. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod. 2005;100(5):e81–4. Cooper LF, Zhou Y, Takebe J, Guo J, Abron A, Holmen A, et al. Fluoride modification effects on osteoblast behavior and bone formation at TiO2 grit-blasted c.p. titanium endosseous implants. B...

References : In vitro comparison of two titanium d...

Branemark PI, Hansson BO, Adell R, Breine U, Lindstrom J, Hallen O, et al. Osseointegrated implants in the treatment of the edentulous jaw. Experience from a 10-year period. Scand J Plast Reconstr Surg Suppl. 1977;16:1–132. Bulard RA, Vance JB. Multi-clinic evaluation using mini-dental implants for long-term denture stabilization: a preliminary biometric evaluation. Compend Contin Educ Dent. 20...

Conclusions : In vitro comparison of two titanium ...

Our results demonstrate that both implant surfaces are conducive for osteoblastic cell attachment, proliferation, and mineralization. However, 3M™ESPE™ MDI surface shows more pronounced effects on cell proliferation, which may in turn facilitate better osseointegration by enhancing ECM mineralization. Our ongoing research will provide further information on how implant surfaces may affect cell...

Discussion : In vitro comparison of two titanium d...

ALPL is a late osteogenic marker, which is essential for normal bone mineralization. ALPL-deficient osteoblasts fail to mineralize in culture. Considering that there was no significant difference in the relative ALPL activity in cells grown on two surfaces, it is unlikely that the surface property of the disks affected cell differentiation. This observation does not support the findings of Davies ...

Discussion : In vitro comparison of two titanium d...

MC3T3-E1 cells have been extensively used in numerous cell culture experiments as a model for osteoblasts [36]. Under differentiating conditions, e.g., in the presence of ascorbic acid and β-glycerol phosphate, these cells upregulate the osteogenic markers and, more importantly, promote the deposition of calcium phosphate minerals within and around the collagen-rich extracellular matrix (ECM). In...

Discussion : In vitro comparison of two titanium d...

In the current study, we used an in vitro cell culture system to evaluate the biocompatibility of two implant materials with different surface topography. Our objective was to establish the osseointegration potential of MDIs versus an established regular implant. Disks prepared from the implant material were coated with gelatin to grow cells, and proliferation and osteogenic differentiation parame...

Results : In vitro comparison of two titanium dent...

Pre-osteoblastic MC3T3-E1 cells were plated on each implant disk (40,000 cells/disk) and were differentiated with mineralization medium for 12 days. Quantification of cells after nuclear staining by H33258 revealed an increased number of cells on the 3M™ESPE™ MDI disks (Fig. 5a). Measurement of cell viability by the reduction of Alamar blue® after 3 days of culture of MC3T3-E1 cells furthe...

Results : In vitro comparison of two titanium dent...

The variable sizes of the implant disks obtained from two different manufacturers demanded an innovative culture system to ensure equal surface areas on both disks for the cell culture experiments. We achieved this by attaching constant diameter (5 mm) plastic cylinders to the disk surface. Disks were sterilized with absolute alcohol, and polystyrene cloning cylinders (Sigma) were attached onto t...

Methods : In vitro comparison of two titanium dent...

While performing the experiments, JM (first co-author) was not aware of the sources/manufacturers of the disks, which were identified by their size (small and large) only. At the end of the analyses, each disk’s manufacturer was revealed to her by JSD (first co-author).

Methods : In vitro comparison of two titanium dent...

Protein samples from the transfected cells were prepared in 1× SDS gel-loading buffer (Laemmli buffer) without adding β-mercaptoethanol and quantified using the Pierce™ Coomassie Plus Assay kit (Thermo Scientific, Rockford, IL, USA). Without heat denaturation, equal amount of protein samples (50 μg) were loaded on a 10% SDS-polyacrylamide gel. After electrophoresis, the gel was incubated in N...

Methods : In vitro comparison of two titanium dent...

Titanium disks made up with the same materials and surface characteristics as those with the original implants were obtained from the respective manufacturers. Two types of disks were used; the small disks represented 3M™ESPE™ MDI implants, while the large disks represented Ankylos®, Dentsply Friadent implants. A total of 10 disks of each brand were used for the study. Disks were sterilized ...

Background : In vitro comparison of two titanium d...

Despite the advantages of the MDI, evidence on their potential for osseointegration and long-term success is lacking. [15,16,17,18]. Newer implant systems entering the market must be studied first in vitro and then in vivo with animal models followed by human studies to demonstrate their osseointegration capability. Modifications of implant surface properties have been shown to have a positive in...

Background : In vitro comparison of two titanium d...

Prosthetic devices are often used as surrogates for missing skeletal and dental elements. These devices are in close contact with the surrounding tissues, and their functionality and stability are critically dependent on the successful integration within the tissue’s extracellular matrix (ECM). The surface of the implanted device directly interacts with cell and extracellular milieu and influenc...

Abstract : In vitro comparison of two titanium den...

An ideal implant should have a surface that is conducive to osseointegration. In vitro cell culture studies using disks made of same materials and surface as of implants may provide useful information on the events occurring at the implant-tissue interface. In the current study, we tested the hypothesis that there is no difference in the proliferation and differentiation capacities of osteoblastic...

Fig. 4. Comparative illustration of mean ISQ value...

Fig. 4. Comparative illustration of mean ISQ values Fig. 4. Comparative illustration of mean ISQ values

Fig. 3. Implants were placed after application of ...

Fig. 3. Implants were placed after application of CGF membrane Fig. 3. Implants were placed after application of CGF membrane

Fig. 2. CGF membrane was applied in study group im...

Fig. 2. CGF membrane was applied in study group implant sockets Fig. 2. CGF membrane was applied in study group implant sockets

Fig. 1. CGF was obtained after centrifugation : Ev...

Fig. 1. CGF was obtained after centrifugation Fig. 1. CGF was obtained after centrifugation

Table 3 Mean ISQ value changes between study and c...

  Control group Study group Immediate–1st week −2.25 ± 1.713 1.40 ± 1.847 Immediate–4th wee...

Table 2 Mean ISQ values in the study and control g...

  Control group Study group Immediate 75.75 ± 5.552 78.00 ± 2.828 1st week ...

Table 1 Demographic data of patients : Evaluation ...

Case no. Age Sex Group Implant number 1 20 ...

About this article : Evaluation of effectiveness o...

Pirpir, C., Yilmaz, O., Candirli, C. et al. Evaluation of effectiveness of concentrated growth factor on osseointegration. Int J Implant Dent 3, 7 (2017). Download citation Received: 16 December 2016 Accepted: 16 February 2017 Published: 03 March 2017 DOI:

Rights and permissions : Evaluation of effectivene...

Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were...

Author information : Evaluation of effectiveness o...

Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Karadeniz Technical University, Trabzon, Turkey Cagasan Pirpir, Onur Yilmaz, Celal Candirli & Emre Balaban You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar You can also search for this author in ...

References : Evaluation of effectiveness of concen...

Prakash S, Thakur A. Platelet concentrates: past, present and future. J Maxillofac Oral Surg. 2011;10(1):45–9. Rodella LF, Favero G, Boninsegna R, Buffoli B, Labanca M, Scari G, et al. Growth factors, CD34 positive cells, and fibrin network analysis in concentrated growth factors fraction. Microsc Res Tech. 2011;74(8):772–7. Ademokun JA, Chapman C, Dunn J, Lander D, Mair K, Proctor SJ, et al...

References : Evaluation of effectiveness of concen...

Huwiler MA, Pjetursson BE, Bosshardt DD, Salvi GE, Lang NP. Resonance frequency analysis in relation to jawbone characteristics and during early healing of implant installation. Clin Oral Implants Res. 2007;18(3):275–80. Kroese-Deutman HC, Vehof JW, Spauwen PH, Stoelinga PJ, Jansen JA. Orthotopic bone formation in titanium fiber mesh loaded with platelet-rich plasma and placed in segmental defe...

References : Evaluation of effectiveness of concen...

Nurden AT, Nurden P, Sanchez M, Andia I, Anitua E. Platelets and wound healing. Front Biosci. 2008;13:3532–48. Anitua E, Sanchez M, Zalduendo MM, de la Fuente M, Prado R, Orive G, et al. Fibroblastic response to treatment with different preparations rich in growth factors. Cell Prolif. 2009;42(2):162–70. He L, Lin Y, Hu X, Zhang Y, Wu H. A comparative study of platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) and ...

References : Evaluation of effectiveness of concen...

Raghavendra S, Wood MC, Taylor TD. Early wound healing around endosseous implants: a review of the literature. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2005;20(3):425–31. Oncu E, Bayram B, Kantarci A, Gulsever S, Alaaddinoglu EE. Positive effect of platelet rich fibrin on osseointegration. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal. 2016;21(5):e601–7. Anitua E. Plasma rich in growth factors: preliminary results o...

Abbreviations : Evaluation of effectiveness of con...

Bone morphogenetic protein Concentrated growth factor Computed tomography Insulin-like growth factor Platelet-derived growth factor Platelet-rich fibrin Platelet-rich plasma Resonance frequency analysis Transforming growth factor-β1 Transforming growth factor-β2 Vascular endothelial growth factor

Conclusions : Evaluation of effectiveness of conce...

Considering this data, it appears that application of CGF enhanced stability of implants and accelerated osseointegration in the early period. CGF has positive effects on the ISQ value at the first week and fourth week. Further laboratory studies are needed to demonstrate the positive effects of blood products on the osseointegration process at the histopathological level.

Discussion : Evaluation of effectiveness of concen...

In a study by Monov et al. using PRP around the implant, a higher stability value was obtained in the study group during the early recovery period (6 weeks) although difference between the groups was not statistically significant [23]. Kim et al. reported in a study that there was a statistically significant increase in bone-implant contact with PRP administration in the vicinity of the implant [...

Discussion : Evaluation of effectiveness of concen...

Introduced in 1998 by Marx, PRP is used in oral and maxillofacial surgeries to speed up the recovery of grafts in bone-grafted areas [14, 26–30]. Although many studies have shown that platelet-rich plasma affects bone healing positively, the results of some other studies suggest otherwise [31, 32]. In recent years, the platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) was described by Choukroun as a second-generation...

Discussion : Evaluation of effectiveness of concen...

Implant stability is one of the important parameters that assess the loading time and dental implant success. Investigators have recommended that implants with ISQ 

Results : Evaluation of effectiveness of concentra...

The study includes 12 patients (5 males, 7 females). Patients participating in the study are between 20–68 years of age and the mean age is 44 years. A total of 40 implants were placed, 20 of these were included in the study group (50%), and the other 20 were included in the control group (50%). Twenty-one implants were placed in type 2 bone, 19 implants in type 3 bone (Table 1). The distribu...

Methods : Evaluation of effectiveness of concentra...

Independent sample t test was applied between the two groups by taking the differences between the data obtained in these periods. Two-way ANOVA and Fisher’s LSD test was used for evaluating the associations among group and insertion torque. A value of p 

Methods : Evaluation of effectiveness of concentra...

All surgical procedures were performed under local anesthesia by the same surgeon. A full-thickness mucoperiosteal flap was removed by incision on the alveolar crest. Implant cavities were prepared according to the surgical protocol of the Bego Semados implant system (BEGO Implant Systems GmbH & Co. KG, Bremen, Germany). The final osteotomy diameters were the same as the placed implants. In the st...

Methods : Evaluation of effectiveness of concentra...

This study was conducted in compliance with the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki, and approval of the ethics committee required for the study was obtained from the Ethics Committee of the Karadeniz Technical University (2015/21). The procedures to be performed were explained in detail and patients signed the consent forms. The study was carried out on individuals who applied to Karadeniz ...

Background : Evaluation of effectiveness of concen...

That the implant has sufficient stability after placement is important for providing the necessary bone formation around the implant and for the optimal distribution of functional forces at the implant-bone interface during healing [15–17]. It can be said that resonance frequency analysis (RFA) is a very important tool for tracking the osseointegration process [18, 19]. RFA is a technique that ...

Background : Evaluation of effectiveness of concen...

Osseointegration of dental implants is important for long-term success and stability. There is no standardization in terms of the time of osseointegration and the timing of prosthetic loading. This process varies between 0–6 months [1]. Various strategies are being explored to shorten this period. Changes in implant surface properties and design have increased primer stability and helped the pe...

Abstract : Evaluation of effectiveness of concentr...

Growth factor-containing products have been reported to increase implant stability and accelerate osseointegration. Concentrated growth factor (CGF) can be used for this purpose with the growth factors it contains. The aim of this study is to assess the effect of CGF on implant stability and osseointegration. Twelve patients with maxillary anterior toothless were included in the study. Implant ca...

About this article : Treatment with teriparatide f...

Zushi, Y., Takaoka, K., Tamaoka, J. et al. Treatment with teriparatide for advanced bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaw around dental implants: a case report. Int J Implant Dent 3, 11 (2017). Download citation Received: 06 December 2016 Accepted: 12 February 2017 Published: 30 March 2017 DOI:

Rights and permissions : Treatment with teriparati...

Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were...

Author information : Treatment with teriparatide f...

Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Hyogo College of Medicine, 1-1 Mukogawa-cho, Nishinomiya, Hyogo, 663-8501, Japan Yusuke Zushi, Kazuki Takaoka, Joji Tamaoka, Miho Ueta, Kazuma Noguchi & Hiromitsu Kishimoto You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Schola...

References : Treatment with teriparatide for advan...

Stanton DC, Balasanian E. Outcome of surgical management of bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaws: review of 33 surgical cases. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2009;67:943–50.Carlson ER, Basile JD. The role of surgical resection in the management of bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaws. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2009;67:85–95.Wilde F, Heufelder M, Winter K, et al. The role of surg...

References : Treatment with teriparatide for advan...

Stanton DC, Balasanian E. Outcome of surgical management of bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaws: review of 33 surgical cases. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2009;67:943–50. Carlson ER, Basile JD. The role of surgical resection in the management of bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaws. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2009;67:85–95. Wilde F, Heufelder M, Winter K, et al. The role of ...

References : Treatment with teriparatide for advan...

Grant BT, Amenedo C, Freeman K, Kraut RA. Outcomes of placing dental implants in patients taking oral bisphosphonates: a review of 115 cases. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2008;66:223–30. Goss A, Bartold M, Sambrook P, Hawker P. The nature and frequency of bisphosphonate-associated osteonecrosis of the jaws in dental implant patients: a South Australian case series. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2010;68:33...

References : Treatment with teriparatide for advan...

Marx RE. Pamidronate (Aredia) and zoledronate (Zometa) induced avascular necrosis of the jaws: a growing epidemic. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2003;61:1115–7. Marx RE, Sawatari J, Fortin M, et al. Bisphosphonate-induced exposed bone (osteonecrosis/osteopetrosis) of the jaws; risk factors, recognition, prevention, and treatment. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2005;63:1567. Harper RP, Fung E. Resolution of...

Conclusions : Treatment with teriparatide for adva...

We have reported a case of a severely osteoporotic elderly woman with BRONJ around her dental implants, who was treated successfully with teriparatide. Teriparatide therapy appeared to exert beneficial effects in this patient.

Discussion : Treatment with teriparatide for advan...

It is therefore important that all patients treated with oral BPs must be given a full explanation of the potential risks of implant failure and BRONJ development in the short and long term. Because the potential role of infection in implant failure and BRONJ occurrence is still debated, great attention should be paid to the long-term oral hygiene and plaque control of implant-prosthetic restorati...

Discussion : Treatment with teriparatide for advan...

We describe a case of a patient with a 6-year history of alendronate therapy, in which BRONJ developed around her dental implants. In this patient, the dental implants achieved successful osseointegration, and BRONJ occurred after the second surgery. Several factors could have played a role in the development of BRONJ in this patient. Glucocorticoid therapy is associated with an increased risk of ...

Case presentation : Treatment with teriparatide fo...

In November 2011, after a consultation with an osteoporosis expert at the Orthopedic Medicine Clinic of our hospital, alendronate therapy was stopped and subcutaneous teriparatide therapy at a dose of 20 μg per day was started. During the course of the teriparatide therapy, the patient continued to use 0.02% benzalkonium chloride solution for local irrigation. In April 2012, after 5 months of ...

Case presentation : Treatment with teriparatide fo...

A 66-year-old woman was referred to the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Clinic at Hyogo College of Medicine Hospital, Japan, in September 2011, for an extraoral fistula and refractory pain of the right mandible associated with a purulent discharge and soft tissue swelling. The patient’s osteoporosis was diagnosed in 2005 and treated with 35 mg of alendronate weekly by the family doctor. The pati...

Background : Treatment with teriparatide for advan...

Oral bisphosphonates (BPs) are used to treat osteoporosis, Paget’s disease, and osteogenesis imperfecta. They are most widely used for treatment of osteoporosis. BP-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (BRONJ) was first reported by Marx in 2003 [1]. The risk of BRONJ in osteoporotic patients treated with BPs remains low compared with that of oncology patients [2]. Recent studies have indicated that ...

Abstract : Treatment with teriparatide for advance...

We report a case of a 66-year-old severely osteoporotic woman with bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (BRONJ) around her dental implants, who was treated successfully with teriparatide and sequestrectomy of the mandible. After 5 months of teriparatide therapy, the sequestrum separation had progressed and a sequestrectomy was performed under general anesthesia. Five months after the o...

About this article : Segmental sandwich osteotomy ...

Santagata, M., Sgaramella, N., Ferrieri, I. et al. Segmental sandwich osteotomy and tunnel technique for three-dimensional reconstruction of the jaw atrophy: a case report. Int J Implant Dent 3, 14 (2017). Download citation Received: 23 December 2016 Accepted: 22 April 2017 Published: 01 May 2017 DOI:

Rights and permissions : Segmental sandwich osteot...

Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were...

Author information : Segmental sandwich osteotomy ...

Multidisciplinary Department of Medical and Dental Specialties, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Unit, AOU - University of Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”, Naples, Italy Mario Santagata, Nicola Sgaramella, Ivo Ferrieri, Giovanni Corvo, Gianpaolo Tartaro & Salvatore D’Amato Piazza Fuori Sant′Anna 17, 81031, Aversa, Italy Mario Santagata You can also search for this author in ...

Acknowledgements : Segmental sandwich osteotomy an...

None. None. All authors were involved with the literature review and performance of the surgery. All authors read and approved the final manuscript. Mario Santagata, Nicola Sgaramella, Ivo Ferrieri, Giovanni Corvo, Gianpaolo Tartaro and Salvatore D’Amato declare that they have no competing interests. Written informed consent was obtained from the patient for the publication of this report an...

References : Segmental sandwich osteotomy and tunn...

Moura LB, Carvalho PH, Xavier CB, Post LK, Torriani MA, Santagata M, Chagas Júnior OL. Autogenous non-vascularized bone graft in segmental mandibular reconstruction: a systematic review. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2016;45:1388–94. D'Amato S, Tartaro G, Itro A, Nastri L, Santagata M. Block versus particulate/titanium mesh for ridge augmentation for mandibular lateral incisor defects: clinical ...

Conclusions : Segmental sandwich osteotomy and tun...

In conclusion, segmental mandibular sandwich osteotomy is an easy and safety technique that could be performed in atrophic posterior mandible. Future studies involving long-term follow-up are needed to evaluate the permanence of these results.

Case report : Segmental sandwich osteotomy and tun...

The sandwich technique for bone augmentation of the atrophic mandible was first described by Schettler and Holtermann, with promising results. Since then, variations in this surgical procedure have been proposed by several investigators [4,5,6,7,8,9,10]. All these authors have proposed the same approach about the flap: paracrestal incision. In order to preserve the blood supply, it is of fundamen...

Case report : Segmental sandwich osteotomy and tun...

A 59-year-old woman with a severely atrophied right mandible was treated with the sandwich osteotomy technique filled with autologous bone graft harvested by a cortical bone collector from the ramus. The requirements of the Helsinki Declaration were observed, and the patient gave informed consent for all surgical procedures. After local infiltration of anaesthesia (mepivacaina plus adrenaline 1:2...

Background : Segmental sandwich osteotomy and tunn...

In cases of atrophic mandible, the distance to the mandibular canal and the transverse decrease in bone is an anatomic limitation for prosthetic rehabilitation with dental implants. The gold standard for treatment of this mandibular atrophy continues to be autologous bone grafting [1, 2]. A relatively modern technique for vertical bone augmentation is sandwich osteotomy. Schettler and Holtermann ...

Abstract : Segmental sandwich osteotomy and tunnel...

Segmental mandibular sandwich osteotomy is an easy and safety technique that could be performed in an atrophic posterior mandible. Future studies involving long-term follow-up are needed to evaluate the permanence of these results.

Abstract : Segmental sandwich osteotomy and tunnel...

A three-dimensionally favourable mandibular bone crest is desirable to be able to successfully implant placement to meet the aesthetic and functional criteria in the implant-prosthetic rehabilitation. Several surgical procedures have been advocated for bone augmentation of the atrophic mandible, and the sandwich osteotomy is one of these techniques. The aim of the present case report was to assess...

Fig. 1. PRISMA flow diagram of literature search :...

Fig. 1. PRISMA flow diagram of literature search Fig. 1. PRISMA flow diagram of literature search

Table 8 In vivo studies using animal models that ...

Study (year) Sample (size) Treatment group (size) Methodology Parameter ...

Table 7 Clinical studies that investigated the eff...

Study (year) Sample (size) Treatment group (size) Methodology Parameter ...

Table 6 In vitro studies that investigated the eff...

Study (year) Sample Treatment group Methodology Parameter Outco...

Table 5 Items of the ARRIVE Guidelines [18] : The ...

Item Domain 5 Ethical statement 6 Study design ...

Table 4 Quality assessment of the methodology of t...

Study 5 6 7 8 9 ...

Table 3 Quality and bias assessment of human clini...

Study Random sequence generation Allocation concealment Blinding of participants/personnel Blinding of outcome assessment ...

Table 2 Modified CONSORT checklist of items for re...

Item Domain 1 Abstract: structured summary of trial design, methods, results, and conclusions Introduction ...

Table 1 Quality assessment of in vitro studies acc...

Study 1 2 3 4 5 ...

About this article : The effect of non-steroidal a...

Luo, J., Miller, C., Jirjis, T. et al. The effect of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs on the osteogenic activity in osseointegration: a systematic review. Int J Implant Dent 4, 30 (2018). Download citation Received: 22 May 2018 Accepted: 13 July 2018 Published: 09 October 2018 DOI:

Rights and permissions : The effect of non-steroid...

Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were m...

Ethics declarations : The effect of non-steroidal ...

Not applicable Not applicable Jie Denny Luo, Catherine Miller, Tamara Jirjis, Masoud Nasir, and Dileep Sharma declare that they have no competing interests. Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.

Author information : The effect of non-steroidal a...

College of Medicine & Dentistry, James Cook University, 14-88 McGregor Road, Smithfield, QLD, 4878, Australia Jie Denny Luo, Tamara Jirjis, Masoud Nasir & Dileep Sharma College of Public Health, Medical and Veterinary Sciences, James Cook University, 14-88 McGregor Road, Smithfield, QLD, 4878, Australia Catherine Miller You can also search for this author in PubMed...

Acknowledgements : The effect of non-steroidal ant...

The authors acknowledge and are grateful for the help and preparation of manuscript by the supporting research supervisors: Dr. Ernest Jennings and Prof. Alan Nimmo. The systematic review is funded by James Cook University College of Medicine and Dentistry as part of a Dentistry Honours Research Project. A meta-analysis was not conducted for this systematic review. The critical analysis tables t...

References : The effect of non-steroidal anti-infl...

Winnett B, Tenenbaum HC, Ganss B, Jokstad A. Perioperative use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs might impair dental implant osseointegration. Clin Oral Implants Res. 2016;27(2):E1–7. Goodman SB, Ma T, Mitsunaga L, Miyanishi K, Genovese MC, Smith RL. Temporal effects of a COX-2-selective NSAID on bone ingrowth. J Biomed Mater Res A. 2005;72((3):279–87. Ribeiro FV, Cesar-Neto JB, Nocit...

References : The effect of non-steroidal anti-infl...

Marquez-Lara A, Hutchinson ID, Nuñez F, Smith TL, Miller AN. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and bone-healing: a systematic review of research quality. JBJS Rev. 2016;4(3). Liberati A, Altman DG, Tetzlaff J, Mulrow C, Gøtzsche PC, Ioannidis JPA, et al. The PRISMA statement for reporting systematic reviews and meta-analyses of studies that evaluate...

References : The effect of non-steroidal anti-infl...

Salari P, Abdollahi M. Controversial effects of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs on bone: a review. Inflamm Allergy Drug Targets. 2009;8(3):169–75. Boursinos LA, Karachalios T, Poultsides L, Malizos KN. Do steroids, conventional non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and selective Cox-2 inhibitors adversely affect fracture healing? J Musculoskelet Neuronal Interact. 2009;9(1):44–52. Kaly...

Abbreviations : The effect of non-steroidal anti-i...

Cyclooxygenase Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug/s Prostaglandin Prostaglandin E2

Conclusions : The effect of non-steroidal anti-inf...

The analgesic and therapeutic effects of NSAIDs are achieved by COX-2 inhibition [4]. It is likely that COX inhibition by NSAIDs is detrimental to the bone healing process, given the favourable actions of PG on this process [4]. Osteoblasts have the capacity to produce PGs, where PGE2 is most abundant, through the COX pathway though the evidence asserting that PGs have a direct role in bone healin...

Review : The effect of non-steroidal anti-inflamma...

The majority of the included studies revealed a high risk of bias, and conclusions from studies that have a high risk of bias are sufficient to affect interpretation of data [16,17,18]. Publication and selection bias is apparent in several included studies, as the negative effects of NSAIDs on osseointegration can be expected in the studies that administered NSAID at a high concentration and/or fo...

Review : The effect of non-steroidal anti-inflamma...

The influence of NSAIDS on bone healing in animal models has been shown to be related to the duration of treatment and drug selectivity [5]. A total of seven studies were identified that investigated the effect of NSAIDs on the osseointegration of titanium implants in animals: mice, rabbits, and rats (Table 8). The duration of treatment is a factor to consider when using NSAIDs, and a study cond...

Review : The effect of non-steroidal anti-inflamma...

The effects of NSAIDs on the osteogenic activity of osteoblasts have been extensively studied at the molecular pharmacological level [23]. However, only two studies have been identified that investigated the effect of NSAIDs on osteoblasts attached to titanium surfaces (Table 6). In the study conducted by Boyan et al., their results demonstrated that a non-selective COX inhibitor (indomethacin, 0...

Review : The effect of non-steroidal anti-inflamma...

The eligibility and study selection criteria as mentioned above were applied to the 79 full-text articles. A total of 66 studies were excluded after a full-text assessment for the following reasons: The study did not explore the role of COX pathway in osseointegration (n = 26). The effects of NSAIDs on osteoblasts were not investigated on titanium (n = 24). The study was a systematic re...

Review : The effect of non-steroidal anti-inflamma...

The full-text manuscripts of included studies were catalogued into in vitro, clinical, and in vivo studies. The data from the included studies were independently extracted by the primary (JDL) and the second reviewer (TJ) according to the “Data items” section as listed below. Disagreements or uncertainties were discussed with the third reviewer (MN) until an agreement was reached. The data co...

Review : The effect of non-steroidal anti-inflamma...

An electronic search into four databases: Ovid, Pubmed, Scopus, and Web of Science was performed to systematically identify the available literature. Articles published between January 1, 1999, and July 7, 2018, were considered. The focus question, used to guide the search strategy, according to the PICO schema is “Will variables such as the dosage, duration of administration, and selectivity o...

Review : The effect of non-steroidal anti-inflamma...

Cyclooxygenases have an important role in the production of PGs where these enzymes in bone tissues show increased activity under the influence of hypoxia-inducible factors [6, 11]. Therefore, local activity of COX enzymes promotes bone formation and resorption through the production of PGs [12]. Non-selective NSAIDs are reported to inhibit the activity of COX-1 equally, if not more than COX-2 [2]...

Review : The effect of non-steroidal anti-inflamma...

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are a group of drugs with anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and antipyretic effects. They are commonly used in dentistry for management of dental pain associated with inflammation. NSAIDs exert their effects through the inhibition of the cyclooxygenase (COX) enzyme, therefore interfering with the synthesis of prostaglandins (PG) and thromboxanes; PGs and ...

Abstract : The effect of non-steroidal anti-inflam...

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are commonly used in implant dentistry for management of post-operative pain. The objective of this systematic review was to analyse the effect of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs on the osteogenic activity of osteoblasts with an emphasis on its effect on osseointegration. A systematic literature search for in vitro, animal models, and clinical trials was...

Figure 7. Post-operative occlusal photograph of th...

Figure 7. Post-operative occlusal photograph of the maxilla

Figure 6. Post-operative lateral view of the right...

  Figure 6. Post-operative lateral view of the right maxillary arch

Figure 5. Post-operative lateral view of the left ...

  Figure 5. Post-operative lateral view of the left maxillary arch

Figure 4. Post-operative frontal view with teeth i...

  Figure 4. Post-operative frontal view with teeth in occlusion

Table 2 Chronological timeline of the implant ther...

Date Site number Implant diameter (mm) Implant length (mm) Immediate load Bone graft augmentation 3/26/14 12 4.3 10 Yes Allograft 3/26/14 14 4.3 10 Yes None 11/10/14 10 3.5 13 Yes Allograft 3/5/15 7 3.5 13 Yes Allograft 4/19/16 11 4.3 11.5 Yes None 2/22/17 3 4.3 10 Yes Allograft 2/22/17 4 5.0 10 Yes Allograft ...

Figure 1. Characteristic blue sclerae

  Figure 1. Characteristic blue sclerae

Table 1 Osteogenesis imperfecta classifications

Table 1 Osteogenesis imperfecta classifications Type Inheritance Gene Locus Clinical features OMIM I AD COL1A1 or COL1A2 17q21.33 or 7q21.3 Variable bone fragility, moderate bone deformity, blue sclerae, possible dentinogenesis imperfecta 166,200 II AD COL1A1 or COL1A2 17q21.33 or 7q21.3 Perinatally lethal 166,210 III AD COL1A1 or COL1A2 17q21....

References : Implant therapy for a patient

References Sillence DO, Senn A, Danks DM. Genetic heterogeneity in osteogenesis imperfecta. J Med Genet. 1979;16:101–16. Orioli IM, Castilla EE, Barbosa-Neto JG. The birth prevalence rates for the skeletal dysplasias. J Med Genet. 1986;23:328–32. Stevenson DA, Carey JC, Byrne JL, Srisukhumbowornchai S, Feldkamp ML. Analysis of skeletal dysplasias in the Utah population. Am J Med Genet...

Discussion : Implant therapy for a patient (2)

Discussion The vast majority of published articles regarding OI type I revolve around fractures of the long bones and treatment strategies. An extensive literature search for manuscripts detailing the implant therapy for patients diagnosed with OI produced a marginal amount of literature (Table 3). Our case posits that oral restoration is attainable without implant failure for OI type I patien...

Case presentation : Implant therapy for a patient ...

  Surgical technique The patient underwent implant therapy in stages under general anesthesia with immediate load protocol. Intravenous access was obtained, and the patient was anesthetized under general anesthesia by our anesthesiologist. Carpules of 2% lidocaine with 1:100,000 epinephrine, 4% articaine hydrochloride with 1:100,000 epinephrine (Septocaine), and 0.5% bupivacaine hydrochloride w...

Case presentation : Implant therapy for a patient ...

Case presentation Evaluation A 53-year-old male diagnosed with OI type I was referred to our clinic for extraction of the remaining maxillary teeth and evaluation for full arch immediate load hybrid prosthesis. His clinical history included osteogenesis type 1, bipolar disorder, alopecia, and hypothyroidism. The patient presented with normal stature, measuring 170.18 cm and weighing 81.65 kg...

Introduction : Implant therapy for a patient

Introduction Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI), colloquially known as “brittle bone disease,” is a broad term for a group of congenital disorders affecting the connective tissue resulting in a susceptibility to fractures. In 1979, Sillence et al. conducted an epidemiological and genetic study of OI patients [1]. These patients were grouped according to four distinct syndromes: (1) dominantly inh...

Implant therapy for a patient with osteogenesis im...

Implant therapy for a patient with osteogenesis imperfecta type I: review of literature with a case report Abstract Bone fragility and skeletal irregularities are the characteristic features of osteogenesis imperfecta (OI). Many patients with OI have weakened maxillary and mandibular bone, leading to poor oral hygiene and subsequent loss of teeth. Improvements in implant therapy have allowed f...

Table 5 Multiple regression coefficients (p 

  Sleeve length Clearance Total length Offset Error at the apex − 0.1854 0.0037 0.0453   Error at the neck − 0.1041 0.0018   0.0461

Table 4 Error at the neck (mm)

Table 4 Error at the neck (mm) Sleeve length (mm) Clearance (μm) Offset (mm) 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 4 50 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 80 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 110 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.4 140 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.4...

Table 3 Error at the apex (mm) and deviation of im...

Table 3 Error at the apex (mm) and deviation of implant axis (degrees) for sleeve lengths 6 and 7 mm     Sleeve length (mm) Clearance (μm) Deviation (°) Total length (mm) 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 6 50 0.5 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 80 0.8 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3...

Table 2 Error at the apex (mm) and deviation of im...

Table 2 Error at the apex (mm) and deviation of implant axis (°) for sleeve lengths 4 and 5 mm   Sleeve length (mm) Clearance (μm) Deviation (degrees) Total length (mm) 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 4.00 50.00 0.72 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 80.00 1.15 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3...

Table 1 Range of various maximum permissible error...

Table 1 Range of various maximum permissible errors as calculated in the present study     Axis deviation (°) Error at the neck (mm) Error at the apex (mm) Vertical error at the apex (mm) Min 0.4 0.1 0.1 0.0 Max 5.9 1.5 2.8 0.1

Figure 2. The various errors in implant positionin...

  Figure 2. The various errors in implant positioning

Figure 1. The parameters used for the calculation ...

Figure 1. The parameters used for the calculation of the various errors and the deviation of implant axis Figure 1. The parameters used for the calculation of the various errors and the deviation of implant axis

References : CAD/CAM implant surgical guides

Abbreviations 3d: Three dimensional CAD: Computer-aided design CAM: Computer-aided manufacturing CBCT: Cone beam computed tomography CI: Confidence interval CT: Computed tomography Dicom: Digital imaging and communications in medicine FDM: Fused deposition modelling GIS: Guided implant surgery SLA: Stereolithography apparatus STL...

Discussion : CAD/CAM implant surgical guides

Discussion The purpose of a computer designed and computer manufactured (CAD/CAM) surgical guide is to provide the means for an accurate and reliable transfer of the computer-realised virtual treatment plan to the actual surgical field. The availability of the CBCT imaging modality should have led to an explosion of the usage of these guides, since they have been shown to be...

Results : CAD/CAM implant surgical guides

Results The range of the various maximum permissible errors due to the metal sleeve/osteotomy drill combination is presented in Table 1. Concerning the error at the apex, two reference tables were reported (Tables 2 and 3). In these tables, the deviation of the implant axis was also tabulated. A separate table (Table 4) tabulated the error at the neck. Multiple regression ...

Methods & Definition : CAD/CAM implant surgical gu...

Based on the geometric analysis of the problem in hand, an algorithm was developed and implemented in C programming language. The purpose of this program was to readily and accurately compute the following maximum positioning errors, permissible by the different sleeve/drill/guide properties (Fig. 2): 1. Deviation of the implant axis in degrees, 2. Error at the neck in mm, 2. Er...

Methods & Definition : CAD/CAM implant surgical gu...

Methods For the estimation of the errors in implant positioning due to the properties of the metal sleeve/osteotomy drill combination, four parameters are necessary: (1) sleeve length, (2) clearance (space between the bur and the sleeve), (3) implant length, and (4) offset (distance of the lip of the metal sleeve to the neck of the implant) (Figs. 1 and 2). Definitions Basic...

Background : CAD/CAM implant surgical guides

Background Computer-aided designed and computer-aided manufactured (CAD/CAM) implant surgical guides are long recommended to reliably transfer a virtual treatment plan to the surgical field. The 3d-printed guide stands a basic part of a process commonly referred to as guided implant surgery (GIS). The outcome of this process has been shown to be relatively accurate, even when th...

CAD/CAM implant surgical guides: maximum errors in...

CAD/CAM implant surgical guides: maximum errors in implant positioning attributable to the properties of the metal sleeve/osteotomy drill combination   Abstract Background The purpose of this study is to provide the relevant equations and the reference tables needed for calculating the maximum errors in implant positioning attributed to the properties of the mechanical parts of any CAD/CAM ...

Figure 5. Florescence microscopy

  Figure 5. a Florescence microscopy showing H33258-stained MC3T3-E1 cells on Ankylos® and 3M™ESPE™ MDI disks. Although equal numbers of cells were plated, after 12 days of culture, more cells were detected on the 3M™ESPE™ MDI disks. b Increased Alamar blue® reduction in MC3T3-E1 cells seeded on 3M™ESPE™ MDI disks when compared to cells cultured on Ankylos®. c Increase...

Figure 4. a C2C12 cells (control) and pBMP-2-tran...

  Figure 4. a C2C12 cells (control) and pBMP-2-transfected C2C12 cells were seeded on a 24-well plate (50,000 cell/well) and cultured in DMEM medium for 48 h. ALPL assay showing upregulated ALPL activity in the BMP-2-transfected C2C12 cells. b Cell extracts of C2C12 cells and pBMP-2-transfected cells were run on a 10% SDS-PAGE under non-denaturing conditions. The gel was then stained with ...

Figure 3. Increased proliferation of C2C12 cells g...

  Figure 3. Increased proliferation of C2C12 cells grown on 3M™ESPE™ MDI disks in comparison to the cells grown on the Ankylos® disks untreated and treated with bone morphogenetic protein-BMP-2

Figure 2. Implant surface characterization under S...

    Figure 2. Implant surface characterization under SEM. Increased surface roughness in the 3M™ESPE™ MDI dental implants when compared to Ankylos® implants

Figure 1. Preparation of specimens

  Figure 1. Preparation of specimens. Small disks represent 3M™ESPE™ MDI implants, and large disks represent Ankylos® implants. Note that the attachment of polystyrene rings ensures the area of culture remains constant regardless of the disk size

Discussion : Comparison of two titanium dental imp...

MacDonald et al. have shown that wettability, i.e., hydrophilic surfaces support cell interactions and biological fluids better than the hydrophobic surfaces. It has also been shown that roughening the titanium surface improves hydrophilicity. In addition, many authors have stated that rougher surfaces promote differentiation, growth and attachment of bone cells, and higher production of gro...

Discussion : Comparison of two titanium dental imp...

Because of their pluripotency, these cells have been considered as a type of mesenchymal stem cells. It has been shown that when treated with BMPs, these cells readily upregulate many key osteoblast markers including RUNX2, OSX, osteocalcin, and alkaline phosphatase (ALPL). In the current study, we used C2C12 cells that were treated with BMP-2 or stably transfected with a BMP-2 expression v...

Discussion : Comparison of two titanium dental imp...

Discussion In the current study, we used an in vitro cell culture system to evaluate the biocompatibility of two implant materials with different surface topography. Our objective was to establish the osseointegration potential of MDIs versus an established regular implant. Disks prepared from the implant material were coated with gelatin to grow cells, and proliferation and osteogenic diff...

Methods : Comparison of two titanium dental implan...

  Alkaline phosphatase immunostaining and assay BMP-2-transfected C2C12 cells were fixed in 4% PFA for 15 min, and then blocked with 5% bovine serum albumin (Fisher, Pittsburgh, PA, USA) in Tris buffered saline-0.025%Triton for 30 min at room temperature, followed by overnight incubation with an anti-mouse alkaline phosphatase antibody (R&D systems, Minneapolis, MN, USA). Detection was done by ...

Methods : Comparison of two titanium dental implan...

The reduction of Alamar blue was measured at 560 nm (reference wavelength 610 nm) after 5-h incubation at 37 °C using a microplate reader (Infinite 200, Tecan). Generation of BMP2 expressing C2C12 cells C2C12 cells were electroporated together with 0.4 μg of a BMP-2 expression vector (a kind gift from Dr. Katagiri) and 0.1 μg of pCMV-Tag, which expresses a neomycin-resistance gene. Culture...

Results : Comparison of two titanium dental implan...

Results Ring culture technique The variable sizes of the implant disks obtained from two different manufacturers demanded an innovative culture system to ensure equal surface areas on both disks for the cell culture experiments. We achieved this by attaching constant diameter (5 mm) plastic cylinders to the disk surface. Disks were sterilized with absolute alcohol, and polystyrene cloning cyli...

Methods : Comparison of two titanium dental implan...

Methods Implant disks Titanium disks made up with the same materials and surface characteristics as those with the original implants were obtained from the respective manufacturers. Two types of disks were used; the small disks represented 3M™ESPE™ MDI implants, while the large disks represented Ankylos®, Dentsply Friadent implants. A total of 10 disks of each brand were used for the stud...

Background : Comparison of two titanium dental imp...

Background Prosthetic devices are often used as surrogates for missing skeletal and dental elements. These devices are in close contact with the surrounding tissues, and their functionality and stability are critically dependent on the successful integration within the tissue’s extracellular matrix (ECM). The surface of the implanted device directly interacts with cell and extracellular milie...

In vitro comparison of two titanium dental implant...

In vitro comparison of two titanium dental implant surface treatments: 3M™ESPE™ MDIs versus Ankylos® Abstract Background An ideal implant should have a surface that is conducive to osseointegration. In vitro cell culture studies using disks made of same materials and surface as of implants may provide useful information on the events occurring at the implant-tissue interface. In the curr...

Table 1 Implant characteristics—insertion region...

Patient Implant region(FDI) Implant parameters Dimensions of implantDiameter [mm]/length [mm] Explantation[Days after placement] 1 3637 First placementStraumannRN SLactive®(TiZr) First placementØ: 4.1; L: 10Ø: 4.1; L: 8 3   3637 Second placementStraumannTissue level(TiZr) Second placementØ :4.1, L: 8Ø :4.1, L: 8 3   36 Third placementConelog ScrewLine(...

Figure 2. a Patient 2. Postoperative orthopantomo...

  Figure 2. a Patient 2. Postoperative orthopantomogram one day after implant placement. b Patient 2. Postoperative orthopantomogram after second Implant placement

Figure 1. a Patient 1. Post grafting orthopantomo...

  Figure 1. a Patient 1. Post grafting orthopantomogram. The bone block was secured with a single microscrew. b Patient 1. The radiograph demonstrates veritable inserted Straumann bone level implants after the first implant placement (1 day after implant placement). A peri-implant osteolysis is not visible. c Patient 1. Postoperative orthopantomogram (1 day after implant placement) afte...

References : Vitamin D deficiency in early implant...

References Esposito M, Thomsen P, Ericson LE, Lekholm U. Histopathologic observations on early oral implant failures. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 1999;14:798–810. Olmedo-Gaya MV, Manzano-Moreno FJ, Cañaveral-Cavero E, de Dios Luna-Del Castillo J, Vallecillo-Capilla M. Risk factors associated with early implant failure: a 5-year retrospective clinical study. J Prosthet Dent. 2016;115...

Discussion : Vitamin D deficiency in early implant...

However, a synergistic effect with other factors is conceivable. Some authors stated that implant osseointegration is not simply a wound healing phenomenon but rather complex foreign body reaction with activation of the immune system. Titanium and metal particle release is discussed as cause for implant failure as well as implant dentistry. It is assumed that metal particles influence the ma...

Discussion : Vitamin D deficiency in early implant...

However, a present human study cannot confirm an effect due to vitamin D supplementation on bone formation or graft resorption after maxillary sinus augmentation. Satue et al. found a positive influence of 7-dehydrocholesterol (7-DHC), the precursor of vitamin D, coated implants on osteoblast differentiation in vitro. But whether vitamin D-coated dental implants have an effect of osseo...

Discussion : Vitamin D deficiency in early implant...

Discussion This article demonstrated that implant placement was successful after vitamin D supplementation in patients with vitamin D deficiency and early failed implants. None of the patients showed systemic disease or did take regular medication, alcohol, nicotine, or drugs. The patients were not immunosuppressed, irradiated, or received chemotherapy. All implants were inserted with the s...

Case presentation : Vitamin D deficiency in early ...

After vitamin D supplementation and a healing period of 6 months, a third surgical intervention was planned and one implant (Conelog ScrewLine) was inserted in region 36 (see Table 1 and Fig. 1d). During implant placement, the former explantation site appeared clinically fully re-ossified. The patient received an intraoperative intravenous single-dose antibiotic therapy with Isocillin 1.2 mega. At...

Case presentation : Vitamin D deficiency in early ...

  Patient The medical history of this 48-year-old male patient showed a high blood pressure; otherwise, the patient was healthy. A successfully completed periodontal therapy was done before implant therapy. The patient demonstrated stable marginal bone levels. Autologous retromolar bone grafting using local anesthesia was performed in the left mandible (see Fig. 1a). This patient received a pos...

Case presentation : Vitamin D deficiency in early ...

Case presentation Patients and surgical procedure Patients treated consecutively in one center (Department of Oral- and Craniomaxillofacial Surgery, University Medical Center Freiburg). None of the patients showed systemic disease. Both patients did not take regular medication and were negative for alcohol, nicotine, and drug use. Bothe male patients (48 and 51 years of age) were not immunosu...

Background : Vitamin D deficiency in early implant...

Background Long-term stable osseointegrated implants are the primary goal in dental implantology. Although dental implants have proven clinical reliable in the long term, the failure of implants at a very early stage of osseointegration has been described. The pursuit to identify the mechanisms leading to early implant failure is ongoing to date and include the following: tobacco usage, diabete...

Vitamin D deficiency in early implant failure: two...

Abstract An association between vitamin D deficiency and early dental implant failure is not properly verified, but its role in osteoimmunology is discussed. This article illustrates two case reports with vitamin D deficiency and early implant failure. Prior to implant placement, the first patient received crestal bone grafting with autologous material. Both patients received dental implants fr...

Figure 5. Osteoblasts with an orientation tendency...

  Figure 5. Osteoblasts with an orientation tendency after 24 h of rotation (phallacidin fluorescence staining). On the left side with 200× and on the right side with 400× magnification. The yellow arrows show the orientation of the cells. The red arched arrow within the coloured circle shows the direction of rotation. The dashed white line oriented to the right stands for the r...

Figure 4. Randomly orientated osteoblasts without ...

  Figure 4. Randomly orientated osteoblasts without influence of rotation (phallacidin fluorescence staining). On the left side with 200× and on the right side with 400× magnification. The white X on the coloured circle marks the location upon the plate where the osteoblasts were located. The red X marks the centre of the plate

Figure 3. Diagram for visualisation of the calcula...

  Figure 3. Diagram for visualisation of the calculation of shear stress rates taking into account the centrifugal force and the glass plates’ dimensions. For example, at a distance of 25 mm from the centre of the upper plate, the shear forces’ value is 8.33 dyn/cm2, together with an additional centrifugal force that has a value of 0.55 dyn/cm2

Figure 2. Side view of a computerized simulation

  Figure 2. Side view of a computerized simulation, showing the flow chambers’ lower compartment and the flow profile in between the two plates; shearing gap and bottom plate are shown on the left side; rotation speed = 200 rpm; colour code bar (left edge) showing shear force values [Pa] [1 Pa = 10 dyn/cm2]; flow direction presented by arrows

Figure 1. Three-dimensional illustration and photo...

Figure 1. Three-dimensional illustration (a–e) and photography (f) of the experimental setup with the components marked numerical. a 1 Lower petri dish (s’ bottom serving as the lower plate); 2 Rotating glass panel [60 mm diameter (cell bearing)]; 3 Titanium axis. b 4 Liquid medium (red). c 5 Reversed upper petri dish. d 6 Gearwheel with set screw. e 7 Closing; 8 Electronic motor device and ...

References : Cellular fluid shear stress on implan...

References Ehrlich PJ, Lanyon LE. Mechanical strain and bone cell function: a review. Osteoporos Int. 2002;13(9):688–700. Vaughan TJ, Haugh MG, Mcnamara LM. A fluid-structure interaction model to characterize bone cell stimulation in parallel-plate flow chamber systems. J R Soc Interface. 2013;10(81):20120900. Weinbaum S, Cowin SC, Zeng Y. A model for the excitation of osteocytes by mec...

Discussion : Cellular fluid shear stress on implan...

Besides, in the model reported in this study, microscopic examinations are possible after completing the experiment only. Nevertheless, an advantage of the new flow chamber is the possibility of testing different cell colonies simultaneously in one single experiment by placing cells in different radial locations on the spinning disc. Due to the current flow gradient from the centre to the pe...

Discussion : Cellular fluid shear stress on implan...

Due to the fact that constant flows were generated within the parallel flow chamber only, the situations of in vitro experiments differ from in vivo setting where dynamic flow profiles are particular. As the constant laminar flow profile is not physiological in bones, vessels and other tissues, the informative value of the experimental setting is limited but it could be used for various cell...

Discussion : Cellular fluid shear stress on implan...

Further on, the simulations indicated that the flow profile in between the two plates was not influenced by peripheral turbulences alongside the peripheral regions. To verify a cellular realignment towards the shear direction, cells were microscopically examined prior and after exposure to shear forces for 24 h upon a spinning disc at a speed level of 200 rpm. Even if not sufficiently ...

Discussion : Cellular fluid shear stress on implan...

Discussion The aim of this study was to establish a new FSS model that is easy to use as well as simple to assemble in order to create reproducible fluid shear forces on cells close to implant material surfaces. Todays’ commonly used commercial flow devices differ in geometry and function, which makes comparisons between experiments difficult. The benefits of this novel testing device are...

Results : Cellular fluid shear stress on implant s...

Regarding the upper compartment, peripheral turbulent flow along the outer edges was similar to the fluid movements within the area in between the plates. At the top, the turbulent flow directed from the centre to the periphery whereas the turbulences at the bottom were orientated in reverse to that. Moreover, the effect of the shear forces on the osteoblast cells was also influenced by the centri...

Results : Cellular fluid shear stress on implant s...

Results Our analysis was focused on two main aspects: Simulation of the fluid flow characteristics as well as quantification of the arising shear forces at the plate/plate flow chamber with reliable reproducibility Assessment of the impact of fluid shear stress on osteoblast cells in terms of altered cell morphology and intracellular structural changes Evaluation of the f...

Methods : Cellular fluid shear stress on implant s...

  Test procedure The experimental process involved three steps. First, a count of n = 50.000 commercially available osteoblasts (PromoCell, Heidelberg, Germany) per millilitre of culture medium were cultured on the bottom of the cell-bearing surface (glass panel). Therefore, cells were seeded in a culture medium (cf. Appendix 2 for a detailed composition) at 37 °C. Prior to the test proce...

Methods : Cellular fluid shear stress on implant s...

  Analytical formula for evaluating the flow characteristics Frequently used flow chambers are characterised by an internal fluid flow along a stationary cell-bearing surface, whereas the osteoblast test cells of this newly developed model are circulating within a resting culture medium. For constant and fully developed laminar flow between the two parallel plates, the magnitude of the wall sh...

Methods : Cellular fluid shear stress on implant s...

Methods Experimental setup A three-dimensional illustration and photography of the plate/plate flow chamber model is shown in Fig. 1. A detailed list of used parts can be found in Appendix 1. The circulation within the flow chamber was generated by an externally attached electric motor, which rotates up to 500 rounds per minute (rpm). A commercial grade 4 pure medical titanium gear shaft (len...

Cellular fluid shear stress on implant surfaces

Abstract Background Mechanostimuli of different cells can affect a wide array of cellular and inter-cellular biological processes responsible for dental implant healing. The purpose of this in vitro study was to establish a new test model to create a reproducible flow-induced fluid shear stress (FSS) of osteoblast cells on implant surfaces. Methods As FSS effects on osteoblasts are detectabl...

Reference : Dental implants in patients treated wi...

Abbreviations BP: bisphosphonate BP-ONJ: bisphosphonate-associated osteonecrosis of the jaws CTX: C-terminal telopeptide of the type I collagen PICO: patients intervention control outcome PRISMA-P: preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses protocols QoL: quality of life ST: search term TMJ: temporomandibular joint ...

Discussion : Dental implants in patients treated w...

Next to this, the patients need to be compliant with an appropriate motivation for oral hygiene and the necessary skills to transfer this. Infectious foci should be treated before implant therapy to further reduce the risk of osteonecrosis development. The surgical sites should be followed up clinically (persisting sharp bone edges without any tendency to remodel) and radiologically (e...

Discussion : Dental implants in patients treated w...

Although there are only very few cases in the literature with augmentation of bone/sinus lift, these procedures are linked to a functioning vascular recipient site with working osteoclastic resorption and osteoblastic bone formation, and this is compromised in patients with antiresorptive therapy. Due to the denudation of the bone at the recipient site the vascular situation might be e...

Discussion : Dental implants in patients treated w...

Discussion Even latest guidelines and statements dealing with medication associated osteonecrosis of the jaws such as the American, Scottish, Swiss or German do not address implant therapy in these patients in detail. Due to this lack of data a systematic literature review was performed to fill this gap. Unfortunately the literature dealing with this topic is very sparse and consists mainl...

Results : Dental implants in patients treated with...

Nibbe analyzed 128 patients with IV BP or denosumab separated into 3 groups. In the first group 5 out of 60 patients with no denture had an osteonecrosis (8%), in the 2nd group 5 out of 34 patients with a fixed partial denture had an osteonecrosis 15%, and in the 3rd group 11 out of 34 patients with a removable denture had an osteonecrosis (32%). Kyrgidis determined that dentures increase the ris...

Results : Dental implants in patients treated with...

Results Out of 606 articles 556 articles were excluded because they were either duplicates, case reports, narrative reviews, case series with less than 5 cases or were not associated with the topic at all (Table 1 and Fig. 1). Some of the articles analyzed more than one outcome and are referred to several times. Since the available literature is very inhomogeneous with a low level of evidence a...

Introduction : Dental implants in patients treated...

Introduction Bisphosphonate-associated osteonecrosis of the jaws (BP-ONJ) is a well-known side effect in patients receiving bisphosphonates (BP) due to e.g. osteoporosis, multiple myeloma or malignant diseases with metastases to the bone; prevalences range between 0.1% for patients with primary osteoporosis to 1% in patients with secondary osteoporosis and up to about 20% for special high risk ...

Dental implants in patients treated with antiresor...

Dental implants in patients treated with antiresorptive medication – a systematic literature review Abstract Objective Bisphosphonate-associated osteonecrosis of the jaws (BP-ONJ) is triggered by inflammatory processes. Typical trigger factors are periodontal disease, denture pressure sores, and surgical interventions such as tooth extractions. Unfortunately there is only little data on how...

Figure 6. Cultivation and osteogenic differentiati...

Figure 6. Cultivation and osteogenic differentiation of DFCs on PA after modification with collagen I. (Left) Relative cell number and (Right) normalized ALP activity. Figure 6. Cultivation and osteogenic differentiation of DFCs on PA after modification with collagen I. (Left) Relative cell number and (Right) normalized ALP activity.

Figure 5. Evaluation of osteogenic differentiation

Figure 5. Evaluation of osteogenic differentiation. (A) Clustergram of PCR-array results; (B-C) histology of differentiated dental cells on AP (B) and SB (C). Representative results are shown for dNC-PCs. Figure 5. Evaluation of osteogenic differentiation. (A) Clustergram of PCR-array results; (B-C) histology of differentiated dental cells on AP (B) and SB (C). Representative result...

Figure 4. Osteogenic differentiation of dental ste...

Figure 4. Osteogenic differentiation of dental stem cells. Normalized ALP activity of dNC-PCs and DFCs on AP and SB (A) and on silicone (B). Cells were differentiated on standard cell culture dishes for control. Figure 4. Osteogenic differentiation of dental stem cells. Normalized ALP activity of dNC-PCs and DFCs on AP and SB (A) and on silicone (B). Cells were differentiated on standar...

Figure 3. Evaluation of programmed cell death (apo...

  Figure 3. Evaluation of programmed cell death (apoptosis) in dental stem cells. (A) Flow cytometry analyses (for details materials and methods) show percentage of vital cells (black number), apoptotic cells (blue number), and dead cells (red number). (B) Western blot analyses show the expression of the pro-apoptotic marker BAX and the anti-apoptotic marker BCL2.

Figure 2. Cell proliferation of dNC-PCs and DFCs o...

  Figure 2. Cell proliferation of dNC-PCs and DFCs on tested materials. (A) and (B) Relative cell numbers; (C) spheroid cell clusters on silicone (representative pictures for DFCs); Silicone (24 and 48 h).  

Figure 1. Cell attachment on tested materials.

  Figure 1. Cell attachment on tested materials. (A) Relative cell adherence of DFCs and dNC-PCs; (B) dental cells did little adhere on PA; representative pictures of DFCs.

Discussion : Evaluation of implant-materials as ce...

In a previous study, we showed that TCP induced the programmed cell death (apoptosis) in DFCs. Our new study investigated therefore the induction of apoptosis in dental cells. While SB and soft materials did not induce apoptosis or cell death, AP induced obviously cell death and apoptosis in dental cells. Here, the results for dNC-PCs and DFCs were almost the same. Interestingly, neither sil...

Discussion : Evaluation of implant-materials as ce...

Discussion Scaffolds play an important role in tissue engineering. However, little is known about the proliferation and differentiation of DFCs and dNC-PCs on different types of materials. As we have learned from previous studies mechanical properties such as surface stiffness are decisive for a successful osteogenic differentiation of dental stem cells. Moreover, we showed that bone substi...

Results : Evaluation of implant-materials as cell ...

Results Cell viability Dental cells were cultivated in standard cell culture media until passage 6. Cell adherence and cell proliferation/growth were measured for the estimation of cell viability on tested rigid and soft materials. In Figure 1, the cell adherence of dNC-PCs on bone substitute materials was better than that of DFCs. However, both dental cells types adhered very well on silicone...

Methods : Evaluation of implant-materials as cell ...

Cells positive for Caspase3/7 Green Detection Reagent were identified as apoptotic cells, while dead cells were positive for SYTOX® AADvanced dead cell stain. However, vital cells were negatively stained for both staining solutions. Western blotting For protein isolation, cells were treated with lysis buffer (250 μl phosphatase, 100 mM Na3VO4, 137 mM NaCl, 200 mM Tris, 480 mM NaF, 1% NP-4...

Methods : Evaluation of implant-materials as cell ...

This incubation step with the implant material was repeated twice with fresh cell culture media. Three eluates were pooled for cell culture experiments. DFCs were seeded onto cell culture plates and cultivated in standard cell culture media. After cell seeding (12 to 24 h), cell culture media were changed, and cells were cultivated in cell culture media with material eluates. After 24 h of cultiva...

Methods : Evaluation of implant-materials as cell ...

After washing with PBS, the gels were stored in PBS at 4°C. Before platting the cells, the gel was exposed to UV for 15 min for the sterilization and replace PBS with complete culture medium for 1 h at 37°C. Implant materials The bone substitutes Maxgraft® (AP) and Maxresorb® (SB) were obtained from the company Botiss (botiss dental GmbH, Berlin, Germany). Maxgraft® is a sterile, high-saf...

Methods : Evaluation of implant-materials as cell ...

Methods Cell culture The isolation and characterization of DFCs and dNC-PCs were described in previous studies. DFCs were routinely cultivated in DMEM (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO, USA) supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO, USA) and 100 μg/ml penicillin/streptomycin (standard cell culture medium). dNC-PCs were cultivated in DMEM (Sigma-Aldrich) supplemented ...

Background : Evaluation of implant-materials as ce...

Background While bone substitute materials are routinely used, especially vertical bone, augmentation of the jaws is still a problematic step. Dental stem cells in combination with bone substitute materials may accelerate the augmentation of alveolar bone and perhaps, stem cell-based therapies can become an alternative to autologous, allogenic, or synthetic bone transplants and substitutes. How...

Evaluation of implant-materials as cell carriers f...

Abstract Background Dental stem cells in combination with implant materials may become an alternative to autologous bone transplants. For tissue engineering different types of soft and rigid implant materials are available, but little is known about the viability and the osteogenic differentiation of dental stem cells on these different types of materials. According to previous s...

Ridge alterations: 4 week

Figure 48. Dimensional ridge alterations: 4 weeks At 4 weeks after tooth extraction, the socket is filled with woven bone. Osteoclasts are present on the outer surfaces at the margin of the buccal and lingual walls, signaling resorption of cortical plates. The resorption of the bundle bone is almost complete. Osteoclasts also line the trabeculae of woven bone present in the central and latera...

Ridge alterations: 2 week

Figure 47. Dimensional ridge alterations: 2 weeks At 2 weeks after tooth extraction, the apical and lateral parts of the socket are filled with woven bone, while the central and marginal portions of the socket are occupied by provisional connective tissue. On the inner and outer surfaces of the socket walls, numerous osteoclasts can be seen. In several areas of the socket wall, the bundle bon...

Day 7: Provisional matrix & osteoclasts

Figure 25. Day 7: Provisional matrix & osteoclasts After 1 week of healing, the wound in the extraction site has significantly changed. In the central and apical part of the socket, large areas of the coagulum have been replaced with a provisional connective tissue matrix, which is lightly stained in the histologic section. Regions of darker-staining granulation tissue can still be seen. This...


Semua orang tahu bahwa tulang itu keras. Tulang rahang juga keras. Walau begitu, Anda perlu tahu, sekeras apapun tulang, dia tidak kebal terhadap osteomyelitis. Ada risiko untuk itu. Tulang rahang yang jadi fondasi implan gigi juga tidak kebal terhadap osteomyelitis. Risiko ini perlu dikenal. Pengenalan risiko ini memungkinkan dokter melakukan upaya untuk pencegahan yang diperlukan.Osteomyelitis...

Osteoprotegerin (OPG)

Penemuan osteoprotegerin (OPG) terjadi tanpa sengaja ketika Boyle dan rekan di Amgen Inc. (Thousand Oaks, CA, AS) sedang meneliti molekul-molekul yang terkait dengan reseptor TNF dalam rangka untuk mendapatkan manfaat terapetik. Hewan percobaan yang mereka gunakan, mencit, mengekspresikan secara berlebihan cDNA. Mencit itu lalu mengembangkan osteopetrosis karena tidak punya osteoklas dalam tulang...

Osteopontin (OPN) dan sistem kekebalan tubuh

Osteopontin disekresi oleh makrofag, leukosit, dan limfosit T. Glikoprotein ini ada pada fluida ekstraseluler di situs-situs inflamasi dan pada matriks ekstraseluler. Sitokin OPN berperan sebagai jembatan yang berfungsi sebagai penghubung untuk terjadinya interaksi antara sel dengan matriks dan interaksi antara sel dengan sel.Osteopontin memfasilitasi perlekatan osteoklas ke matriks tulang melalu...

Osteopontin dan mineralisasi

Ekspresi, regulasi, sekresi, distribusi osteopontin konsisten dengan usulan bahwa protein ini berfungsi sebagai penghambat mineralisasi. Di samping itu, osteopontin berfungsi sebagai mediator adesi sel dengan matriks, matriks dengan matriks, dan matriks dengan mineral selama proses pembentukan, peremajaan, dan perbaikan jaringan normal dan patologis yang mengalami mineralisasi.Properti dan integri...

Fungsi dan peran osteopontin

Osteopontin merupakan sitokin utama yang meregulasi perbaikan jaringan. Fungsi putatif osteopontin meliputi mineralisasi tulang, regulasi fungsi sel kekebalan tubuh, penghambatan kalsifikasi, kontrol sel tumor, dan aktivasi sel.  Osteopontin meregulasi biomineralisasi dan penghambat pengapuran pembuluh darah yang kuat. Kadar plasma osteopontin meningkat pada kondisi kelebihan berat badan dan ...

Struktur osteopontin

Osteopontin adalah polipeptida berantai tunggal yang terdiri dari sekitar 300 asam amino. Substansi ini diekspresikan sebagai protein nasen dengan berat molekul 33 kDa. Osteopontin manusia punya berat molekul 35422. Meskipun osteopontin disintesis sebagai protein 32 kDa, tapi karena terjadi modifisikasi pasca translasi, maka massa molekulernya jadi berkisar dari 45 kDa hingga 75 kDa.Protein ini b...

Osteopontin (OPN)

Osteopontin atau OPN adalah protein matriks tulang non-kolagen yang kaya akan asam sialat terfosforilasi. Substansini ada adalah protein struktural ekstraseluler yang terdiri dari ~ 300 residu asam amino dan punya ~ 30 residu karbohidrat yang melekat termasuk 10 residu asam sialat. Protein ini memediasi aneka fungsi biologis.Osteopontin ditemukan pertama kali pada tahun 1986 dalam osteoblas. ...


Osteokalsin juga disebut BGP, singkatan dari Bone Gla Protein atau Protein Gla Tulang. Osteokalsin adalah peptida asam amino yang bergantung pada vitamin K dan punya bobot molekul ringan, yaitu 5800 Da. Peptida asam amino ini disintesa oleh osteoblas. Protein ini ditemukan dalam osteoblas dan dentin.Osteokalsin merupakan substansi pengikat kalsium. Dia berperan dalam mineralisasi  dan homeostasi...

Osteomak (Osteo makrofag)

Jaringan lining tulang mengandung banyak makrofag yang diistilahkan osteomak. Osteomak singkatan dari osteal makrofag atau makrofag tulang. Sel ini adalah subtipe khusus makrofag yang ada pada jaringan tulang. Sel osteomak berinteraksi dengan osteoblas dan mengontrol mineralisasi.Penelitian ilmiah menunjukkan bahwa osteomak punya peran besar dan substansial dalam biologi tulang. Osteomak punya f...


IstilahIstilah "Osteogenesis" berasal dari kata dalam bahasa Yunani, yaitu kata "ostō" (οστο) yang berarti tulang dan kata "genesē" (γενεση) yang berarti kejadian atau penciptaan.  Istilah ini merujuk pada proses pembentukan tulang. Istilah ini bersinonim dengan sebutan "Pembentukan Tulang."Istilah "osteogenesis" agak dekat dengan istilah "osifikasi" dan "mineralisasi". Istilah "os...


Osteosit adalah sel berbentuk seperti bintang yang berada dalam matriks tulang. Antara 90% hingga 95% kandungan tulang manusia dewasa terdiri dari osteosit. Sel ini tidak dapat membelah diri dan punya rentang hidup yang paling panjang, bisa lebih dari 25 tahun. Saat manusia dewasa jadi menua, sel osteosit mengalami kematian. Akibatnya, lakuna jadi kosong. Osteosit ada dalam lakuna di dalam ma...

Ekspresi gen dalam osteoblas

Kesuksesan implan gigi ditentukan oleh pembentukan tulang baru. Pembentukan tulang baru ditentukan oleh pembentukan osteoblas. Pembentukan osteoblas ditentukan oleh gen. Gen adalah salah satu faktor penentu apakah implan gigi akan jadi.Sel induk mesenkim atau sel prekursor dapat berdiferensiasi jadi osteoblas, kondrosit, mioblas, adiposit, dan sel tendon. Faktor-faktor transkripsi menentukan se...

Osteoklas, sel pemangsa tulang

Jenis sel lain dalam tulang selain osteoblas adalah sel osteoklas. Berbeda dengan osteoblas yang hanya punya 1 inti, osteoklas punya banyak inti dan berasal dari sel induk hematopoietik. Bagaimana proses pembentukan sel ini dan apa hubungannya dengan implant gigi? Simak saja ya.Pembentukan osteoklasSel stroma sumsum tulang dan osteoblas memproduksi protein-protein yang penting untuk meregulasi ...


Osteoblas adalah salah satu macem sel tulang yang bertanggungjawab atas pembentukan tulang baru. Kehadiran osteoblas itu penting karena osteoblas memungkinkan pembentukan tulang, pemodelan ulang tulang, dan perbaikan tulang. Osteoblas hanya mempunyai 1 nukleus dan berukuran lebih kecil daripada osteoklas. Satu osteoblas tidak menghasilkan tulang baru. Saat sedang aktif, badan Golgi (Golgi ap...

Peran osteoblas dalam implant gigi

Peran osteoblast tidak dapat diabaikan dalam perawatan implant gigi. Tanpa osteoblas, implant yang ditanam tidak akan berpadu dengan tulang karena osteoblas bertanggung jawab atas pembentukan tulang. Pembentukan tulang dipengaruhi oleh massa osteoblas. Penurunan massa osteoblas bisa dihasilkan dari defisiensi diferensiasi osteoblas, penurunan proliferasi, dan peningkatan kematian sel. Osteo...


Istilah "osteokonduksi" mempunyai 3 arti, yaitu:Benda, bahan, atau matriks 3 dimensi yang digunakan untuk memfasilitasi perbaikan tulang.Proses di mana tulang tumbuh pada permukaan benda, bahan, atau matriks yang disebut pada poin nomor 1 di atas.Pertumbuhan jaringan tulang ke dalam struktur implant atau graft.Pertumbuhan tulang pada permukaan tulang dan ke dalam struktur implant atau graft ber...


Istilah "osteoinduksi" berarti bahwa sel-sel pluripoten primitif yang belum berdiferensiasi mendapat rangsangan untuk berkembang menjadi keturunan sel (cell lineage) yang membentuk tulang. Osteoinduksi digunakan untuk menginduksi osteogenesis. Osteoinduksi berpengaruh besar pada oseointegrasi. Tanpa osteoinduksi, oseointegrasi tidak akan terjadi. Bagaimana osteokonduksi memengaruhi oseointegrasi?P...

Osteoporosis dan implant gigi

Penyakit tulang yang paling umum ditemui oleh dokter gigi implant adalah osteoporosis. Penyakit yang berkaitan dengan umur ini dicirikan dengan penurunan massa tulang, kondisi arsitektur mikro yang semakin merosot, dan kerentanan terhadap fraktur. Kondisi umum terjadi pada perempuan pasca-menopaus. Perubahan-perubahan yang dikarnakan oleh osteoporotis pada rahang manusia serupa pada tulang-tula...